Mum is getting worse and very depressed.
Hi my mum is suffering with pulmonary... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi my mum is suffering with pulmonary fibrosis and i would really like to speak to someone for help and advice.

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Hi Linda I think with it being Easter weekend you might not be able to contact BLF but it would be good if you could chat with someone there, you can also click on 'Popular tags in Questions ' just to your right of page, lots of the meantime. Hope that helps.
thanks Carol will do.
Hi Linda. Does your mum know what caused the pulmonary fibrosis? Is there anything the doctors can do to slow down the progression of the disease? Just stepping in and helping your mum "do battle" with the specialist could help her feel less depressed. I have pulmonary fibrosis caused by rheumatoid arthritis and so I know what your mum is going through. I am also on 3 prozac a day which helps. Good luck in finding out more from the BLF once the bank holiday is over. Regards Mandy.
Hi Mandy
they initially didn't know what had caused it but now say that it is a congenitial bronchial an appointment with the consultant beginning of May (didn't go to the last one with mum and she's not great at taking in all the information) so will learn more then.
How long i have you been dealing with this problem?
Hope you have a good easter
Linda x
Hi having tried hypnotherapy I can highly recommend it, better on a one to one basis, but if that is not possible you can download sessions from the internet or buy a cd.
Start here
Best wishes
Hi Maurice
mum will hardly go out so will look into the CDs, would be good if it would just help her to relax and think more positively.
thank you
Linda x
I have had pulmonary fibrosis for nearly 5 years. I managed to kick a football with my grandsons in the park today. So there can be some good times during this illness. Mind you my limited footballing skills required oxygen and previous attendance on an 8 week pulmonary rehab course. Has your mum thought about attending a pulmonary rehab course. All she has to do is ask her GP to put her name down and then wait to hear from the physios. Exercise may lift her mood. I myself am celebrating Passover but that does not stop me wishing you and your family a Happy Easter. Kind Regards Mandy.
Hi Linda, I have lived with Pulmonary Fibrosis for 2 and a half years now and have noticed some improvements which I can only put down to regular exercise and prednisolone (steroids). Exercise is the key though as it helps keep your lungs clear and therefore infection free.
A pulmonary rehab course helped me massively, so I thoroughly recommend it.
How old is your mum? and have they said how far the fibrosis in her lungs have spread? My dad is 83 and has this awful disease , my dad was only diagnosed at the beginning of this year but it is in its advanced stage, when he was in hospital he got very depressed, I told the doctors we were concerned as my dad is on meds for depression, they started giving him morphine drops 3 times a day, this along with the steroids has helped him with his breathing ( he s on oxygen 24/7) which had made him less depressed. But we do have him at home now, which is better for him and us! Exercise is no good for my dad as just getting up and trying to walk takes all his breathing skills. I feel for anyone going through this as it is heartbreaking to watch your loved ones suffer so much!
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