feeling a bit scared. I am here alone, would love to be able to have a shoulder to lean on at this moment .. All shoulders welcome
Someone is standing on my chest .... ... - Lung Conditions C...
Someone is standing on my chest .... not really .. but it feels like that

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Well mine are a bit boney and the cat has eyes on the left one, but the right shoulder free if you need it
Rotten when you feel like that - have you got meds to help or inhalers or ..............
Know that feeling all to well. Just try to stay calm.
Ah, that feeling... Know it well. As Scrobbitty says, have you used your inhalers or other medications?
Hi susand, first thing is try to relax - a conscious effort to relax shoulders, arms, legs.
Pursed lip breathing - in breath to a count of say two, slight pause, out breath to a count of four through pursed lips, repeat. Try to think of calming things.
My wife is preparing me for bed, this is quite an exercise. Some one else will be along soon I'm sure maintain pursed lip breathing to you feel your back under control.
Good luck come and let us know how you get on

Night Chris Sleep well xxx
Always in there when a lady is in distress, eh, Chris , you old dawg
Night Chris, and a good rest, my friend
Sandra x x x
Woof woof - in bed pillow slope in primary position, control unit within reach. Olbas oil inhaler in left nostril...........then right.
Good night all, first call all passengers for nod boarding now.

Need photographic proof of the Olbas in left nostril ........ can wait until tomorrow
Night - sleep tight !

Excuse ignorance but what is the pillow slope primary position please.
Love all your shoulders x x .. my lips are pursed Homebreeze hugs
Mine available as a one time special offer for the next ten minutes, as I need to beat the cat to my pillow; he was advancing towards that general area two seconds ago. The battle is not pretty I can tell you - its the cat 37 and me 0 and I have the scars to prove it
I am smiling ear to ear scrobbitty
I hope you have a good night and sleep well susand, Tomorrow may well be a better day.
Sending good thoughts your way.
Dont panic we all feel scared at times you will be fine. I have spent all day feeling like the back of my left lung is ten times heavier than the right, (if that makes any sense) its pretty painful at the moment too I have no idea why though. You can still have a shoulder to lean on though my little dog likes to curl up on one of them for a cuddle now and again I think she believes she is a parrot puts a whole new meaning on the phrase bird dog ) Hope your feeling better tomorrow Julie x x x
Carers rarely get a mention .. my husband died in December 2009 after 10 year of illness ... I know about how neglected the carer can be .. so a special mention to your wife Homebreeze xx
Have to wish you a very good night, susand, have to gib out - the eyes are now complaining bitterly and the computer screen blurry ! Take care and keep smiling Night x
Do hope you are feeling better by now Susan,if in doubt,ring a ambulance,better safe than sorry,take care,
Love Wendells xx
Hello Susand
Like you, I am on my own for the next week or so. Last night I convinced myself that I was having a heart attack (most unlikely because I am on a high dose of Warfarin). My chest was tight and I had a pain just on the right of my sternum.
It's now gone midday on Monday and I'm still here so I think that my heart attach was a non-event.
When it's night time and one is alone I think that everything is heightened. Fear can make us believe a lot of things that we shouldn't believe.
You are most welcome to my shoulder (the left one is best - I managed to break the right one a few years ago).
You are always welcome to message me - I'm quite often still awake until late at night (well, usually until about three o'clock in the morning.
My Peter is away in Jersey until the 29th of this month and although he rings me every day I still feel afraid. Fear is an awful thing.
There is nothing quite so awful a adrenalin pumping through your body.
I hope that you feel better today.
Lots of love and hugs
Hope you feel much better this morning and breathing is easier. If it isn't call the Doctor - just check you are not starting with a chest infection. The air pressure has been causing my husband all sorts of troubles. With much love and kind thoughts TAD xx

Hi There
I hope you are feeling better - If you would like to chat give us a call on 03000 030 555 - Mon - Fri - 10am -6pm.
If you are feeling panicky or anxious you can also call No Panic - 0800 138 8889 - 10am - 10pm everyday.
Thank you all, I have been a lot better today. I have busied myself in the garden, aches, pains and ant bites to prove it . I have just sat down to check my email and found more supportive and friendly messages . Big hugs to each and everyone of you
x x x Susan
Only just read your post - so pleased you are feeling so much better today - was going to offer you a shoulder but what with caring for my elderly (and slightly infirm) Mother (84) and my equally infirm darling dog not much shoulder space left I'm afraid and I'm still coming to terms with my recent diagnosis but could have managed a hug or two or three .. xx
Sorry to use your post to ask this but Homebreeze mentioned pillow slope in the primary position and as before I was rushed into hospital for dangerously low oxygen levels I had been sleeping with no pillow which I have since understood was not a good idea so ((I do use one now) would be grateful to know what 'pillow slope in primary position' means - thank you.
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