It can't just be me, I'm sure others have had a less than useful comment from their GP. To date these two come to mind.
At the beginning of investigations of my breathlessness, ECG and Spirometry done at the surgery and GP says she will refer me to hospital for further tests. I'm giving her as much information as I can, she's asking how far can I walk before getting breathless, what sort of pace, etc. I live in a small town where we have the sea one side, mountains the other and there lots of little roads up hills leading to lots of houses built on the hillsides. I tell her that I struggle with any inclines and her comment?
"Well, just walk on the flat then".
The other one happened a few years ago and I now realise this was probably a big clue and should possibly have nudged my GP into investigating a lot earlier than she did.
I was at the surgery getting the results of my annual thyroid function test. I mentioned that I seemed to be getting a lot of mucous and needing to cough to move it or clear my throat frequently. She gave me a little pot and said to bring a sample of mucous in and she would get it tested for infection to start with. I told her that might be difficult as I had great difficulty in coughing it up, probably something to do with growing up with a grandfather whose whole life revolved around coughing up mucous, spitting it into little squares of newspaper and throwing them onto the open fire to the sound of "sssssssssssss....................". It's just an abiding memory which to this very day I can still picture and gives me the heebie jeebies. It's the only thng I remember about my grandfather. She said to do my best and bring a sample in.
Well, I tried for 2 years but never managed it and at another appointment for thyroid test results I mentioned that here we were, 2 years down the line and I still couldn't manage to cough up a mucous sample. Her words...............
"What are you like!"
I'll save the inadequacies of my particular surgery for another post, another day.
So, what useless pearls of wisdom has your GP come out with?