All the girls had ugly gym slips.
It took five minutes for the TV to warm up.
Nearly everyones Mum was home when the kids got home from school.
Nobody owned a pure bred dog.
You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny.
When a Ford Zepyr was everyone's dream car.............
And people went steady.
No one ever asked where the car keys were because they were always in the car,in the ignition,and the doors were never locked.
Spinning around,getting dizzy and falling down was a cause for giggles?
You mother wore nylons that came in two pieces.
All male teachers wore ties and female teachers had their hair done every day and wore high heels.
You got your windscreen cleaned,oil checked and petrol served,without asking ,all for free,every time..
It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents.
They threatened to keep children back a year if they failed the school year...And the did!
When being sent to the headmasters office was nothing compared to the fate thatawaited you at home
The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was@chicken pox'?
Don't spin around getting dizzy,go straight to your local Brreathe Easy group.
Join BLF Join Breathe Easy details 03000 030 555 Mon - Fri 10am-6pm