Blue badge, are rules changing ? I ha... - Lung Conditions C...
Blue badge, are rules changing ? I have seen signs at our local hospital to say blue badge holders will need to pay for parking soon????

I've have had to do that in my local town for years.
As hospital like supermarkets and shopping centres, are operated by a private company the normal Blue Badge rules do not apply. It is at their discretion whether to charge or not.
You find at many resort parking not run by local councils will apply a charge.
We always have to pay for parking at Worthing Hospital and always have done. Blue Badge Holders are treated no differently. St. Richards in Chichester is ok but not Worthing. xx
I wonder how long before St. Richards will charge ? I used to live down that way and still visit the area every two or three months. St. Richards diagnosed my angina 3 years ago and Worthing put the stent in. It was then that I gave up smoking as I blamed that for the angina. 6 to 8 weeks later I found I was gasping for breathe and thought it was because my lungs were clearing the gunk. It was then that I was diagnosed as very severe emphysema. It's all odd because I was breathing normally before that.
Didn't realise we are all so close - St Richards is my second home
Hi Bryju124, my local Malvern community hospital is free for blue badge holders, Worcester Royal was free but now blue badge holders pay the same, except have to pay at separate machines and also have to somehow know how long they are staying for and pay upfront. I always pay the minimum amount and no more even if I'm over the time. I think they expect us to run in and out of the hospital every time the time runs out seeing as were so mobile an all'. Who dreams up these ways to make an extra £ out of anyone they can and how did we let them get away with it without a fight?
Now Birmingham QE where I go for Transplant 3 monthly checks are still free for Blue badge holders so it seems there is no consistency.
At least Malvern, Worcester and Hereford Town car parks give us free parking for 3 hours so it could be worse, it seems the places where you would expect a more caring approach to the blue badge (hospitals) are the ones that just want our money.
Thanks for the info Tony - last time I went to Worcester hospital it was free - greedy b*****ds.
Yes Jude, it was free but then the greedy so & so's decided to start charging on a pay and display system so take plenty of pound coins next time you have to visit. .
At least in the town most of the car parks are still 3 hours free parking except for Crowngate
It's very tempting to park as near to the entrance as possible and reverse out!! I shouldn't think like that but honestly you'd think there could be some compassion for disabled. There aren't that many spaces to make that much difference financially. As you said greedy.
It seems very odd that the disabled now have to walk to the machine to purchase a ticket and then have to walk back to the car to display the ticket in the vehicle and then walk back up the hill to the hospital entrance.
Where's the sense in that!!
Then the minimum fee is £3.00 but if your time runs out you then have to return to the car to purchase another ticket. Able bodied only pay when they leave???
I'm struggling to see any compassion in this crazy system.
Wwhhaattt??? How utterly outrageous. Is disabled parking at least cheaper than ordinary spaces?
So, what happens if you park and leave it? Do they tow you away or fine you some ludicrous amount? I feel very tempted to do that just to find out!
Headlines "disabled grandmother dependent on oxygen and mobility scooter has car towed away for nonpayment .."
Lol - what do you think?
The last time I went it was only for 3/4 of an hour so I just parked without paying and got away with it. . I did display my blue badge though, it a shame the tow trucks didn't turn up that day as I was up for a fight.
I have to say I was surprised how easy the blue badge holders let this happen without a major uprising..
I'm not sure if it costs less for disabled to park and will check next time I'm there. If there is a difference then its very little.
I'll keep my eye on the papers Jude and look out for you on the front page behind bars. although I'll probably be in the cell next to you.
I wonder what happened to the time when disabled were treated with a little more compassion, have people forgotten that one day it could happen to them and they would be left struggling on less income and mobility?
At the moment I don't have any hospital appointments (pity!) but I look forward to shouting through the bars at you lol!
No point parking in disabled space if same price and a load of stupid aggro walking back and forth to pay.
It was free two years ago - I would have squawked loudly if I'd known it was changing ...
Do you think we can do anything about it, Tony?
I guess all we can do is up our blood pressure tablets and turn the oxygen to Max, Ha Ha.
Perhaps it was done very quietly so we all found out separately so less fuss was made.
I'm at the QE on Tuesday where its still free for us.
Many thanks everyone, hopefully just going to get blue badge so wasn't sure
If you do have to pay at the hospital, most have disabled parking spaces nearer to the entrance than normal spaces. Seaside resorts that charge....I just park on double yellow lines and then come back before my three hours is up.
Nevill Hall in Abergavenny is free ........... they did introduce charges, but dropped the idea after a while.
If you are on means tested benefits. You can claim back for your traveling and car parking expenses.
Dont expect them to make it easy for you though.
The office at Wythenshaw Hospital is rarely open when we have an appointment,so have to save all the appointment letters and make multiple claims when we manage to catch them open.
Telford and Shrewsbury charge whether you are disabled or not. The only time I have had free parking was at QE hospital in Birmingham.