Was really hacked off until I came in... - Lung Conditions C...

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Was really hacked off until I came in here and read the lovely replies to my last blog.

32 Replies

Everything seems to be going wrong that could....the dog been misbehaving, everyone seems to have been grouchy with me, my computer a nightmare - took me 40 minutes to get in tonight. Im fed up with everything and everybody. To cap it all I got letter today from council - from april 2013 I have to pay some council tax even though I am on benefits. I think its disgraceful what this terrible government is doing. Its going to take around 6.00 a week off my benefits. Bang goes the gym hey? I feel I wont be able to afford any of the little things that make life worth living. I live on my own and have to get out sometimes or I might as well cut my throat and book my plot in the cemetary now!

I dont know what to do - I cant get a job i can physically do, cant get my pension til 65 even though I have paid 39 years stamps. I know this is stupid and I will get people shouting at me but it seems all I can do is hope I get bad enough to be on the sick. I would get an extra 24 pounds a week then. I only get 71.00 a week now but I do get lower rate dla care. Next they will be taking this off me and what happens then? I dont want to be illegal but feel I will have to try to get work on the qt - then I can worry about being caught and prosecuted.

I feel like going on twitter and trying to start a revolution!

Sorry to moan and groan its just how im feeling at the moment...Why is life so b.......awful???

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32 Replies
valm profile image

We all go through times when nothing goes right, writing it down here helps listen to what others go through you are not the only one.

I am thankful for what I can do and always think there is always someone worse off than me! I am sure others will be a long soon with their experiences, hope you are feeling a little better this morning Val x

interquest profile image

Please talk to your local authority about your couincil tax, they may be able to suggest a way around your problem , but don't let it lie and fester.

pollyjj profile image

Hi, I am sorry you are feeling so down at the moment, no one on here is going to shout at you, everyone has there own crosses to bear.

I can't really offer any advice except to say stay will us and blog anything whenever you wan't, it's always good being in touch with others.

I hope later today someone will be able to help.

Thinking of you


Hi Hypercat

So sorry for your troubles, do phone the BLF helpline about the situationn you are in, I am sure they will be able to advise you. If you are not well enough to work you need to talk this through with the local benefits agency and the council.

Hope things improve for you soon.

Take good care.

in reply to

Thanks Zoee. The trouble is although I am a bit limited in the work I can do and the hours, I am basically fit enough to work. I can only do sit down work like admin but those jobs in a seaside town like this are very limited. Most jobs are as carers, or hotel workers etc. and I do not have the stamina to do those jobs. There is huge competition for admin work and being nearly 60 and sacked from my last job through illness I realistically dont have much chance.

I did sign on sick for a couple of months for depression but they wanted me to go to ATOS for an assessment after 6 weeks. I dont live in a city so the ATOS office is a long way out in the wilds. It involves 2 buses and 2 trains, or getting a friend or sister to take me by car. Or I could have asked them to come out to me. I couldnt get my head together enough to cope with this so I went on JSA instead. The stress was all too much! I would rather work anyway. My thinking was if I wasnt fit for work i would get much more on ESA. So im having this debate with myself at the moment. I have always believed that the most important thing in life is good health, but is vying with lack of money at present. And if I dont take good care of myself my COPD and depression will worsen and I might be able to get sickness benefit instead. Thats bad thinking and my heads going round and round and getting nowhere. Sorry to be so stupid and negative but I cant see another way out of it. I know its wrong to think like that and on a website with so many people suffering much worse than me and I feel very guilty for that. x

Davybaby profile image

Times are tough hypercat; Council income is capped. Millionaires are ONLY given £40,000 each in tax cuts. The ill, old and disabled are being targeted again for cuts in spending. ATOS, A4E and Wonga payday loans are in the ascendant. Bankers are really struggling but... "We're all in it together"....take it you won't be abstaining or voting Whig or the Tory next time?

Lynne1955 profile image
Lynne1955 in reply to Davybaby

The new benefit rules were actually introduced by Labour. Having said that the changes coming in next year were introduced by the Coalition. So, you can't win with any of them.

in reply to Lynne1955

:) but we can carry on regardless :)

in reply to Lynne1955

Very true Lnne they are all a waste of space! x

in reply to Davybaby

Being a good socialist I have never voted any but labour in my life. Lol x

pollyjj profile image

Yes Zoee we willlllllllll :)

in reply to pollyjj

thumbs up :)

Marriane profile image

It might be worth going to a welfare rights worker don't know what's in your area Age Concern might help but a legal advisor is better

I've got a disabled bus pass on the grounds of being unfit to drive because of mental health

don't know if people can get it for CPOD

in reply to Marriane

I have a bus pass already Marriane for the same reasons you have. Age concern wouldnt help as Im not an OAP. My retirement age is 65 now. Thanks for your advice though. x

SusanneH profile image

It is disgusting what this goverment is doing, i can understand they have to weedle out those people who really are fit to work, but what i would like to say to them is, they should try living for a week in our shoes !!! I still work, but have faced disciplinary action lately by my employers due to my absenteeism, you just can't win, you try to work, and not claim benefits

and then when you can't do it anymore you face further discrimination from the benefits system.I too have paid into the system for over 30 years, and i don't expect i will get any help

when i need it.Oh dear sorry to moan, it is one of those days, going to buy a big bag of sweets,to cheer myself up,

in reply to SusanneH

Yeah I faced displinary action in my last job - was only allowed 6 days a year off sick. I was sacked for illness.

I feel the same as you. I have worked full time from the age of 15 and now I feel I have been thrown on the scrapheap. Worn out with work and now discarded! Oh dear I think I need chocolate to cheer myself up!

maureenv profile image

I worked all my adult life as did my husband and we instilled in our kids the need to work and be independant. I didn't want to retire but had to because of ill health and because we have worked hard and saved when we could for our retirement we cant claim any benefits. Some of you might say "bully for you" but we feel just as agreived at not being able to get any benefits because of our strong work ethic. We will never be rich or even well off, we are eating into our savings on a weekly basis just to pay council taxes and energy bills. Thank God we paid off our mortgage within the time period. I feel so sorry for young people these days having to pay huge mortgages, we babysit for our grandson twice a week because his mum and dad have to work to keep their heads above water. They dont have any luxuries and just manage their bills, how does anyone manage to save these days? Who if anyone will be better off under any government?

in reply to maureenv

my biggest fear - if i lose my job no one will pay the mortgage - i lose my home........

in reply to maureenv

Ditto Maureenv. I was always brought upwith a strong work ethic. What I have I have always worked for - no one ever gave me anything and I wouldnt want it. I own my home thank goodness like you do - couldnt manage otherwise. I wouldnt want to be young these days. x

Bev - lets start a revolution - you, me, val, stitch, gordon and Zoee - we can do a naked hunger strike ( but you are allowed to eat chocolate and drink the ole vino) , at home og course.

Think about it - me naked , drunk with chocolate round my chops - people will pay me to stop!!!!

:) :) :) :)

Carol3 profile image
Carol3 in reply to

Lol like your sense of humor!

in reply to Carol3

you can join in if you want Carol xx :)

in reply to

lmao kerry and rolling on floor! Really cheered me up thank you - revolution here we come xx

in reply to

We are all in it together......lol x

maureenv profile image

same here! They'd pay me to cover up or use me to make the kids get out of their beds in the mornings hahaha xx

in reply to maureenv

my photo is sold by JML- if you put it above the fireplace the kids stay away !!!! :)

Carol3 profile image

Just to say that we have been in the same situation as yourself until my husband turned 60 plus. Didn't realize that council tax was taking £6 off us. Just hang on in there, We are ! ::)

blackbird profile image

HI Hypercat - Viva- la - Revolution ! Do understand where you coming from though in simular circumstances myself. Hope your feeling more positive today and feel generally more up lifted by peoples comments.

in reply to blackbird

Yeah am laughing now instead of crying and that must be good xx

Thank you all so much for your replies and understanding. I dont feel so alone now and Im sorry I whinged like a twat.

PS cant wait for Revolution xx

nobilee profile image

what a lovely sincere understanding bunch of people u all are, came on today feeling fed up now I am ready for anything totally cheered up. Thankyou so much, Hope things improve hypercat, have u tried talking to CAB.X

Good Nobilee i usually feel cheered up to when i come in here lol x

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