I am due at the hospital for breathing tests and to go on the treadmill this Thursday. At present I have had a cough for 4 weeks now, due to my worry about this I was given eventually a weeks course of antibiotics, I take the last one tomorrow and I am still coughing which leaves me breathless then I get anxious. I am still getting over double pnuemonia, pnuemothorax (twice) and a stay in hospital lasting 7 weeks, ICU twice, I am now experiencing post traumatic stress. I visited my GP 3 times with this cough, crackles on both lungs were detected but I was not given the antibiotics until last week. I am terrified I take a relapse. I have been given no aftercare or support from my GP. I have been off work since last August. I want to ask the respiratory doctor so many questions but what do I ask him for some peace of mind. Is it normal to still feel so weak and lethargic after this time, I feel in a way I'm not turning the corner, even little things like showering and drying my hair is an effort. My steroids have now been reduced to 7.5mg, I do try to do things and lead as normal a life as possible but this to is frightening. Please advise. x
Advice please.: I am due at the... - Lung Conditions C...
Advice please.

A feel for you ... But yes is normal to be breethless and find things hard .. After all it was a serious infection you had
It looks like you are recovering but you might be doing to much need to give you lungs chance to heal by taking things slower ... If your going to see gp no harm in asking him about anti inflamarty inhaler and resuce one
Esp as you have finished your steriod tabs ... A would ask him is there anything a need to know
Try not to worry there is a lot of surport from others here and BLF helpline
All the best and hope that helps

Many thanks for taking the time to reply to my question, I was at the respiratory clinic yesterday for nearly 2 hours for various breathing tests, I will get all the results on Monday then I will know what I'm dealing with, hopefully they will get to the bottom of this, I'm trying to stay positive. Take care x
Hi, you poor thing, you really have been having a rough time. The good news is that you are at the hospital on Thursday and hopefully you will get some answers. I think what you have said here is very telling and if it were me, I would print out a copy of what you have asked us above and take it with you to show your consultant. I think a lot of us have been sitting in front of our gp or consultant and can't think of what to say but what you have said above says it all and he/she won't mind you doing it this way one bit. All the very best on Thursday, let us know what happens won't you? Best wishes. Libby
Hi Libby, thank you for your reply to my question. I had my breathing tests yesterday at the hospital and I will get the results on Monday 18th. The nurse was lovely and she said whatever the outcome of these tests the consultant will have a plan for me so I hope and pray this is going to be the case. I am trying to remain positive and I have my list of questions for him. I sometimes feel the GP's just don't take the time to explain things in full so where do you turn, thank goodness for the BLF, and also the lovely people who are on this site too, we all have our stories to tell and it's good to share. I will keep you posted. Heartfelt thanks. Moyra x
Yes it can be very scary,,do not be afraid to question your gp that is what they are there for,,,,,.Dont let it grind you down.

Many thanks for your kind reply and I will try to be positive and ask more questions when I am feeling doubtful. Take care. Moyra x
It is normal to feel so weak and lethargic, I had double Pnuemonia last year and was off work 3 months but I was not as ill as you, I didn't think I was ever going to feel well again.
Do you have a Community Respiratory team in your area it was the nurses on there that got me through doing a PR course and all the people on here.
I know you feel really down at the moment but you will bounce back.
Kim xxxxxx
Hi Kim, thank you for your reply to my question, yes you will be able to relate to my fears about the weakness and lack of energy, it's very frightening especially when I had been used to taking the stairs two at a time and now nothing. If we have a CRT then I've not been told or offered the support. I was at the hospital yesterday for breathing tests so I will get my results back on Monday, I know there must be some damage left on the lungs but if it is permanent then time will tell, I hope not. I will try and stay positive. Many thanks again. Moyra x
Libby7827 gives good advice.
A lot of people are too shy or overawed to tell their GP everything, especially when they feel down, which most of us do when at the GP, or think that they are questioning someone with superior knowledge
I've had to write things down in advance once or twice and it really did help. You are really helping them to make best use of their time not making unjustified demands on them.
Reading what some people have experienced makes me realise what a succession of excellent GPs I've had and also excellent and speedy referrals or after-care.
Write it down and pass it on.
Hi John, your advice is very much appreciated and yes Libby7827 gives sound advice also. I have written down all my questions to take with me on Monday when I get the results of my breathing tests which was done at the hospital yesterday. As I've said before I feel some GP's just won't take the time to listen and you go away feeling worse than ever. I hate being a pest to them so I do. I will try to remain positive and see what Monday brings. Take care. Moyra x
Try ringing the BLF helpline. They can talk things through with you and you will get more idea of what you want to ask/discuss at your appointment. Good luck.

Hi auntymary, thank you for your reply and I am now going to put BLF to good use, I love the idea we are all able to share our experiences with illness and to support each other.Take care. Moyra x