I have alredy left something similar to this on another IPF blog. But need to know fast from all your experiences on how to deal with this. I have been told that I need oxygen assesment to prescribe what level I need. and I have been practising breathing techniques (from the internet) which has helped quite a bit and I understand it will be months before I will hear about classes on this front.
I am not worried about departing after all something has got to get me and I lost my lifelong love and partner in May last year not realising why I was getting so breathless. as her carer she would have been devastated to see me get like this as she thought that I was the only fit one in the family and was planning what we could do in the future, but she was on palliative care and very frail but indomitably never gave up because nobody told her, After a wonderful Life this period was the most rewarding for both of us and we were very ,very close I miss her teribbly but am content now as she is safe now, falling asleep comforabtly in my arms.
Now after hearing all the trials and tribulations you wonderful people are putting up with, that I do not need to curl up and must try to make the most of what is left. I hope it all makes sense
I feel very chastened after hearing all of your problems and wish you all the very best