I was awarded D.L.A last November and also my E.S.A went up as I transferred to the support group. Unfortunately somebody got wind of it and obviously became jealous as my income had doubled and I was reported for being a fraud. I was very hurt that somebody could be so cruel, I never asked to have lots of illnesses and become disabled through them. As I have all the documentation and a letter to back me up from my G.P. I shouldn't be worried, it still doesn't stop the stress of receiving a letter from the jobcentre plus asking me to go to an interview with a customer compliance officer. I have never had anything like this before. Would I hire a mobility scooter out of my mobility component over three years if I were a fraud?
Fraud!: I was awarded D.L.A last... - Lung Conditions C...

Did they tell you someone had accused you of this cuddles? or is that what a compliance officer deals with?
Either way, as you say, you have nothing to worry about
That part is the most important thing, but it still hurts that someone would do that for no reason.
Feel sorry for them instead though cuddles, you are muddling along, minding your own business, doing the best you can, not causing anyone any problems but being a decent person.
They clearly have nothing better in their life than to try and cause others harm
I would say that deserves your pity
Hi Kat, Many thanks for your support, yes I was told by the compliance officer that somebody had reported me. So it did come as quite a shock to me.
I would consider telling them that you are happy to be interviewed - in YOUR home.
It is outrageous that you can be dragged in for this on the say so of one miserable person
With you having such health and mobility problems, you do have the right to ask them to see you in your own home
Good luck
so sorry to hear that, my housing officer and community support officer told my job centre plus that i had a friend living with me, when they knew he only parked his work's vehicle at mine to keep it safe, then a neighbour started using my drive, but they reported him living here too, i have also been turned down for esa yet again my illness is not a disability they have said, i cant get anything
Don't let it worry you.Go to the interview,don't take any evidence with you though,tell them your Dr or Consultants name and let them do the finding.
Always amazes me when people get jealous because we have a lung disease,tell you summit though,they are welcome to it lol.
There's nowt like jealous folk,if only they could walk in our shoes for a month,(not a day), they don't see what we have actually lost, apart from our health,the outside working place would be a dream to me,having a rountine,and company,working the brain,(mostly my brain is taken up with ' have i took my meds,do i need a prescription etc).independance, i could go on. so please take little notice of this,you have every right for your benefits,and they have very small petty minds,x
Read your message - amazed that people can be so mean! I admired your scooter - a fine machine. I have one, a shoprider, too. Whilst I think about the days when I used to walk everywhere, this scooter does make it possible for me to get out and about --love Annie xx

Hi Annie, yes my scooter does help me to get out to the doctors and the shops a bit more often with less pain at the end of the journey but I would rather be able to go to work and still go dancing and cycling and walking my dog, the things I can no longer do. Having D.L.A will help me to lose the wight I need to lose by joining a leisure centre and go swimming, another activity that I can still do on a gentile basis. I am looking forward to doing that as I can now go there on my mobility scooter. I couldn't get there before as I wouldn't be able to make it there.
Hi Stitch, Thank you for your comment, I do have it all in writing as I said earlier but I didn't understand what you meant by your last sentence sorry.
Yep, agree, get the local MP involved. If you've been accepted for ESA and DLA and then some 'kind soul' has been nasty and reported you then let the MP earn their keep by supporting you and helping you with your case with the DWP.
Hi Gordon, it's not the D.W.P that is questioning my rights to the benefits I am on this time, it's the Job center. I can't see as to how my local MP could help with that.
The Jobcentre is part of the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) who make the decisions on the benefits. It's just making use of a local office to interview you really.
Want a bit of night-time reading ? - dwp.gov.uk/docs/fraud-guide...
There's a nice explanation at :- wiki.answers.com/Q/What_doe...
In a nutshell, your rights to these benefits are being interfered with by an outsider and if the compliance officer wants to, they can suspend them while you are being investigated, leaving you short.
By letting your MP know, they can let the DWP know they are involved and this can have a strange effect on how quickly matters are resolved
Thank you for the information Gordon, yes I am fully aware the jobcentre is a part of the D.W.P what I meant was as far as I am aware it's not the D.W.P who are investigating because my E.S.A is dealt with the Jobcentre and my D.L.A is dealt through the D.W.P. I have spoken to an officer on the phone and he assured me my benefit wouldn't stop at this moment as there isn't any evidence yet and the investigation hasn't even begun because the woman cancelled the appointment due to being off sick.
OK, fair enough. Just be aware that if someone has suggested fraud then it would apply to all your benefits being investigated.
Obviously, it's early stages and without any evidence, other than some snide report, they may not go very far with it.
Hi Gordon, I had my interview today with the customer compliance officer and it went very well. She was lovely and didn't even want to see any documents or my medication I brought along with me, even though I offered them to her. She just asked me a couple of questions which I answered honestly and she informed me that the cco team had a phone call from somebody claiming I was spotted running for a bus, I laughed and said I can barely walk up the stairs in my house let alone run!! She told me that was all and she'd be taking her information back to the office and she'll go ahead and close the case! That was such a relief to hear.
I am so sorry you are facing this cuddles. It will last longer too with the person being off sick. Gordon gives good advice though. Your MP can oversee what is happening and make sure you do not suffer unnecessarily. I hope it is all sorted out for you soon. Auntymary xx

Hi Auntymary, I had my interview today with the customer compliance officer and it went very well. She was lovely and didn't even want to see any documents or my medication I brought along with me, even though I offered them to her. She just asked me a couple of questions which I answered honestly and she informed me that the cco team had a phone call from somebody claiming I was spotted running for a bus, I laughed and said I can barely walk up the stairs in my house let alone run!! She told me that was all and she'd be taking her information back to the office and she'll go ahead and close the case! That was such a relief to hear.
i have copd, my last xray was clearly showing emphasemia on my lungs, i do struggle alot, get out of breathe going up the stairs, carrying anything, talking on the phone, i'm on antibiotics about once a month or more.
It does male you wonder whether some people really have nothing betterto do with their time, doesn't it? I agree that they deserve only your pity. Hope the wole process runs smoothly for you and that it doesn't leave you with the belief that most people are that petty. One thing I have discovered after recently being diagnosed myself is how much people I don't even know that well care about me so much more than I realised. It's sites like this one that restore your faith in people.
Hi Mozzarella, many thanks for your kind message and yes I agree with you totally. Anyway, I had my interview today with the customer compliance officer and it went very well. She was lovely and didn't even want to see any documents or my medication I brought along with me, even though I offered them to her. She just asked me a couple of questions which I answered honestly and she informed me that the cco team had a phone call from somebody claiming I was spotted running for a bus, I laughed and said I can barely walk up the stairs in my house let alone run!! She told me that was all and she'd be taking her information back to the office and she'll go ahead and close the case! That was such a relief to hear.
This is terrible ,the same thing happened to me some years ago,I was called for interview ,be prepared it's quite intimidating ,it feels like being interviewed by the police,with the interview being recorded and verbal warnings about evidence being used in court.
I just told them the truth,they certainly try to catch you out ,they had been following me for quite some time,and had clearly sat watching me outside my house.
The next problem I had was getting to know the outcome of their investigation ,I heard nothing for months ,when I rang them all I was told was it's still under investigation.
Finally I got my MP involved and he got a result in less than an hour,they had decided there was no case to answer.
I certainly had the impression that the people who interviewed me needed a great deal more training in disability awareness,I thought they were of the impression that if you were not a wheelchair user,you were not entitled to DLA.
I would advise that you take medical evidence with you,consultants letters etc,and even consider starting a diary now about how your illness impacts on your daily living.
You are allowed or at least I was to take some-one with you ,but they are not allowed to speak on your behalf,unless you are wealthy then you can take a solicitor ,which I think is extremely unfair.
Try not to worry about it,I tried to look at it this way ,I am receiving a lot of money from the government because of my disability its only right that they ensure it,s going to those people who deserve it.
Best of luck with it.
Hi Timber, thank you for your message and this is the update.
I had my interview today with the customer compliance officer and it went very well. She was lovely and didn't even want to see any documents or my medication I brought along with me, even though I offered them to her. She just asked me a couple of questions which I answered honestly and she informed me that the cco team had a phone call from somebody claiming I was spotted running for a bus, I laughed and said I can barely walk up the stairs in my house let alone run!! She told me that was all and she'd be taking her information back to the office and she'll go ahead and close the case! That was such a relief to hear.
Sorry to hear about these jelious people it happened to me they are just sad and dont understand what we have to go through. I have IPF and its really bad some days and I get DLA mobility allowance but had ESA stopped due to the 365 day rule,so can I ask you how didi you get transferred into the support group did you have to apply or were you automatically transferred as I am having problems to regain my ESA your coments would be appreciated!I also wish you well for the future, many regards
Hi ashford, well the people who grassed me up with false accusations about me do or must have some idea as they are on sickness and D.L.A benefits themselves, it's just I get double what they get and they were jealous obviously because it was after we fell out that the phone call happened. Anyway, here is my update.
I had my interview today with the customer compliance officer and it went very well. She was lovely and didn't even want to see any documents or my medication I brought along with me, even though I offered them to her. She just asked me a couple of questions which I answered honestly and she informed me that the cco team had a phone call from somebody claiming I was spotted running for a bus, I laughed and said I can barely walk up the stairs in my house let alone run!! She told me that was all and she'd be taking her information back to the office and she'll go ahead and close the case! That was such a relief to hear.
Don't worry about it honey, I have been through the same thing it is so unpleasant. The funny thing for me during my visit was that when I was accused I was having chemo and hadn't told DWP about the worsening of my health problems, during this interview mentioned it and got offered money money. These interviews do make you stressed, they shouldn't when you know your innocent. Just try and think it is those sad and horrible people who have the issue and not you. Jealously is not a nice thing and so many think it is a doddle living on benefits with a health problem.
Hi Daxiemad, many thanks for your kind message. Here is my update.
I had my interview today with the customer compliance officer and it went very well. She was lovely and didn't even want to see any documents or my medication I brought along with me, even though I offered them to her. She just asked me a couple of questions which I answered honestly and she informed me that the cco team had a phone call from somebody claiming I was spotted running for a bus, I laughed and said I can barely walk up the stairs in my house let alone run!! She told me that was all and she'd be taking her information back to the office and she'll go ahead and close the case! That was such a relief to hear.
May I offer one piece of practical advice,the people who interview you will certainly have in front of them your application for DLA,they will be looking for any discrepancy between your application and what has been alleged and what they will have witnessed in their discreet observations of you .
If you have a copy of your application ,read through it again ,best way I can think of for preparing for the interview.
I am confident that if you tell the truth you have nothing to fear.
best wishes
keep smiling cuddles!you know your right thats the main thing,I wish you all the very best and take no notice of these nasty people