Well, I would if we had some!
Some of you may remember that I've had some concern that COPD seems to have been dropped from my diagnosis without my knowledge.
Finally, I have received a letter from my consultant clarifying the situation.
I was first diagnosed with Asthma, then a few years later with Asthma and COPD and eventually, with COPD/Asthma Overlap and Bronchiectasis. As far as I was concerned, this remained my diagnosis.
However, the nurse allocated to undertake my COPD review a few months ago said, 'I don't really know why I'm doing this review as you don't have COPD.' Really?
Since then 'Fixed Airway Disease' has been mentioned, but also another medical person (can't remember which one) mentioned, 'Restricted Lung Disease'. Google leads me to believe that these two conditions are quite different from each other in terms of life expectancy, so, as you can imagine, I wanted things cleared up.
My consultant has written a long letter to me, in which he goes through all of the conditions mentioned and how they do or don't relate to me.
He said that, I have mild Fixed Airway Disease which is sometimes referred to as COPD, but concludes that my diagnosis is 'Chronic asthma and Bronchiectasis.'
So there we have it! I'm a fraud! I don't have COPD at all.
Frankly, it makes no difference at all on a daily basis, but at least I can give people a correct diagnosis now eg if I end up in A & E, which has happened on quite a few occasions in the past few years.
What I find surprising is that my Asthma has always been 'on the back burner' as far as the medics are concerned. It's been brushed aside, in terms of any discussion, and my 'annual' reviews have been far less regular than they were meant to be. They have never been particularly helpful either.
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced an unexpected change of diagnosis. Is there a general trend now to re-classify some conditions, I wonder?
Ah, well, I can put it to bed now, and worry about the state of the country instead! Or not!!!
xx Moy