hi all ive been told people with less than £16000 can applie for £130 apply to your supplier
it lasts for three years so £390 worth the phone call .
I already get it it may even pay the increaseses
hi all ive been told people with less than £16000 can applie for £130 apply to your supplier
it lasts for three years so £390 worth the phone call .
I already get it it may even pay the increaseses
This was mentioned some time ago - it only applies to those on specific benefits and above pensionable age.
here's what Jo posted at the time: blf.healthunlocked.com/blog...
no if youof income r fule bill is moore than 10 percent and you get than 16000 then applie you can only gaine
Thanks Gordon and Buny..just what i was looking for.
Yes I applied for it and got it. I also allowed the company ashadegreener,co.uk to put solar panel on my roof at absolutely no cost to me. Its halved my monthly direct debit for electricity and I have had £100 pounds out of my account and I am in credit again. I would recommend it
well done
ashadegreener.co.uk/ link for other that may experience problem finding site.
Paul Lewis was on BBC Breakfast this morning talking about warm home payments and he mentioned older people, those on benefits and those with very young children. I waited for him to state how much people could be earning per year but he didn't mention that. I hope all who apply get it. Good luck as worth having. xxxx
I applied but didn't get it because we are just above the pension credit rate and to get it a pensioner has to get pension credit. We get housing benefit and council tax benefit and I receive attendance allowance but none of this qualifies us!!
Interesting comments, seem to be varied information about this new government rebate. I thought pensioners had to be on pension credit too, but thats not so according to the information I found when applying. If you are not on pension credit, you have to fulfill the same criteria as anyone else and apply to your electricity supplier for assessment of right. If on pension credit you automatically receive it from the DWP.
well done katee im a sad old man and just wish people would get back what they are intitled to
because the government will be taking more an more away over the next year.
anyway its good that some peple are trying and hopefully getting all the best bob