I like messing about in the kitchen. I will start following a recipe, then I think I can improve this. Sometimes it does, sometimes it is less than successful. Today I tried a soup. I like spicy. For those who like something like mulligatawny, this might work. It started for as carrot and ginger, then morphed. This the result.
Spicy Vegetable Soup.
1 1/2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Big pinch of Salt
Big pinch of Ground Black Pepper
Rounded teaspoon of Medium Curry powder
Rounded teaspoon of Ground Ginger (or equivalent of fresh, peeled and finely chopped)
1 Onion, finely chopped.
3 Garlic cloves, crushed or finely chopped
2 or 3 Large Carrots, Well washed, topped and tailed, skin on. Finely chopped.
1 Large Red Pepper, topped and chopped finely.
200 grams of dried split lentils.
1 pint of vegetable stock (2 stock cubes)
1 1/2 dessert spoons cornflour mixed in a little cold water.
1 teaspoon parsley
1 teaspoon basil
2 tablespoons of Tomato Ketchup.
Put the Olive Oil, Salt, Black Pepper, Curry Powder, and Ginger into a large saucepan and heat. Fry the spices gently for about 1 minute.
Add the Onion and Garlic, stir well to coat with the oil, cover and fry gently for a minute or two.
Add the Carrots, mix and fry for a further five minutes.
Next is the Red pepper, mix and fry for about a minute.
Now add the Lentils and stock, return to the boil an simmer for 30 minutes.
Still in the pan, use a blender until smooth.
Then add Ketchup, parsley and basil, and the cornflour. Stir until soup thickens a little.
Serve with a dallop of Philadephia Cheese, or cream or yoghurt, or be adventurous and try a lump of vanilla ice cream.
For those brave enough to try this, I hope you enjoy it.
It cleared my nose. Gently, I may add.
Breathe easy