To night I waved my mum goodbye, got into the passengers side of my car and wondered where my steering wheel was!!!!!! is this part of copd or am I just a daft old bat having a senior moment???
Is this part of copd?: To night I waved... - Lung Conditions C...
Is this part of copd?
Hahahahaha ........... best laught I've had all day ! Thank you gillyj I think I'll start blaming my Senior Moments on the COPD too .......
as it could be due to lack of oxygen to the brain ?
A daft old bat I'd say !!
COPD or daft bat? Since coming on this site I have been convinced there is little difference for most of us! Hahahahahaha.
Ha ha ha. Oh Gillyj
I once came out of a shop sat in my side of the car (passenger) and began to read the paper. The chap in the car in front of us papped his horn! Yep it was my hubby.
I looked to my right and there was a man with a rather bemused look on his face as I nearly hung myself on the seat belt making a swift exit.
Gina x
Oh what a good laugh! Gina you made my day! Once I went to the bank, my daughter was waiting in the car , I came out and almost wrenched the handle off the car as I couldn't get in it, as I was desperately tring I looked around there was my daughter crying with laughter from my car which was parked a few cars away!will ever forget that! Kate
I tried to make a phone call today with the TV remote. So sad!
I have more than once tried to turn the TV over with my mobile 'phone!
Like most of us I get many of those moments too, no matter how many ginseng and ginkgo biloba tablets I take
Elian did have good point though that lack of oxygen can cause memory loss/lapses along with eye sight problems
I have done this aswell although I got into the backseat and it took me a few minutes to work out why I couldn't find the steering wheel!! Worst of all, I was in a busy carpark so had to try and pretend I was looking for something on the backseat! Red-faced or what? My brain-fog is down to all the meds I take for PN ........... Anti-epileptic drugs, tricyclics and sedatives ......... I sometimes forget who I am! lol
My memory loss is so bad I could organise my own surprise party.
A friend asked if I minded my daughter's laughing at me but no I don't I will mind if they stop.....
Gina x
So...when I get up from my chair, take four steps into the Kitchen....and then just stand there wondering why I went in there its COPD!! Thats a relief, I do the remote thing too.
Good to know I'm not alone!
Don't feel so bad now about my faux pas yesterday!! - was very disappointed when I made my cup of tea and remembered the mince pies I had bought. Only to be confronted by a box of MINI MEAT PIES that damn well needed cooking!!!!!!!!!!! TAD xx
I put my wallet into the freezer with my frozen food last Friday didn't miss it till Saturday then spent the morning in a fit of panic over my weeks money was in it. It was only at lunch time when hubby went to the freezer to get something out for his lunch was it found it was a reliefe I can tell you. So if if loose something check everywhere no matter how unlikely it may seem.
Oh it's great to know I am in good company
Hi gillyj, I can only assume it's lack of oxygen to the brain. I, too, have many "senior" moments and frequently wonder at the stupidity of some things I've done. I've done the opposite to you, gone to the driver's side and my son's said "you driving then?" - I've not driven for about 4 years now! Libby x
I nearly took the dogs tablets this morning and twice I have had to call my daughter back because of bad reception and realised I had the phone upside down.
polly xx
Keep them coming, it's good to have a laugh.
I enjoy playing the daft old bat. Kept a young man chatting for about 15 mins on the phone today, from a call centre. Wanted to know if I've had an accident in the past 2 years, I asked what sort of accident, went on for ages, said I couldn't remember and could he tell me more about it. Eventually when he said I could claim 2 to 4 thousand pounds I admitted to having dropped a crystal glass on the kitchen floor, did that count? Then I asked where he was calling from, he said Manchester (!) so I asked if it was raining, poor lad was confused, said it wasn't. I said it usually does in Manchester but that I can see the see and it is raining where I am. Felt quite sorry for him, he kept getting back to the accident, I said I couldn't remember the accident and he said maybe it was someone else in the house. I said I'd ask, laid the phone down and left him for about 5 mins, when I came back he started from the beginning..... I know, it's a job, and someone has to do it!
Ha ha ha x My nephew used to work in telesales and got really bored with it. So if he gets one of those calls now he will say something daft like 'oh the monkeys got loose and is eating a banana' or 'I have just seen 2 horses trotting by'. So I reckon your chat made the poor guys day.....
Bev x
Nice one Sylvsmum, I'll remember to try it myself
Oh dear ! - I know the feeling, I have a habit in Car Parks of forgetting where I PARKED THE DAM THING, and on a few occassions have PUT MY KEY IN ANOTHER CAR OF THE SAME MAKE AND COLOUR ETC, - very embarrising - on one occassion, the owner was coming towards the vehicle as I did it - that got me puffing and spluttering - especially with the LANGUAGE HE CAME OUT WITH !! - time to visit the Doc, IS THE MIND GOING AS WELL ?, I ask myself ........
Thanks all for a great chuckle - nearly spit my tea out laughing.
Oh that has made me laugh, and it takes alot to do that these days.
I got to work one day, and when i went into my handbag for my purse i had brought my Sky TV remote to work with me !!!
I just think we get a bit stressed at times trying to get things done while being breathless and daft things happen ha ha ha
I have read all of the comments..Brilliant... a good laugh was all it took to make me feel so much better today.
I don't know who coined the phrase but they were right 'Laughter really is the best medicine'.
I get my words mixed up at times and today I was telling my daughter about my leprosy! I am getting over a bout of pleurisy!
Gina x
Oh I love it, lets start another one tomorrow. I am sure we have all got plenty to tell yet!
Oh thank you all for a great deal of laughter between me and my hubby, he recently put the milk in the biscuit caddy and went to fill the coffee jar up with boiling water, and No, he hasn't got COPD, just a male moment, good to know they have them too. I once went shopping in my car, parked it, went into the shop, then out, and walked all the way home with bags of shopping, when I got home my son said "Mum whats happened to the car did it break down. I looked vacant, looked in the drive and realised I had left it where I parked it, had to go all the way to bring it home. This was before I was diagnosed with COPD. I really have had a great evening laughing and remembering all the silly things I too have done, the remote for the telephone I too have done, and swallowed the blue pill for the inhaler, my sister did that too. We are all daft old bats hahaha
Lol. One of the best things I did was try to put my bus pass in the bingo machine instead of my bingo card. Couldn't understand why it didn't work! I put it down to a senior moment though I am not there yet.
i think it might be the lack of oxygen too. my dad has COPD and OSA and he got too tired one day, was preparing dinner and brought my mum a plate filled with washing powder (remembered to include her knife and fork!), mum went to the kitchen and he'd poured whole box of washing powder all round the kitchen - in cups, on plates, on the sideboards literally everywhere! my brother helped him to bed and he was back to his old self the next morning but i do think the lack of oxygen must play havoc with routines and everyday things we all take for granted!
So happy to hear that I am a fully paid up member of the daft old bat club. I even make myself laugh at some of the things I do!