carnt belive it. im so upset. i can do very little for myself. i have emphysima, astma, fibromyalgia and ostio arthritus of my spine hip and hand. i dont want to go to appeal im frightend of faceing the appeal board

Reading your post and postman just delivered our mail, hubby brought it in only one BIG brown envelope and ditto likewise appeal been refused ... What makes me so mad is they have put a copy of the alleged medical examination by the so called medical proffesional, how he twisted my answers and he outright lied saying things I denied when asked!!! oh and I have callosites on my feet which are apparently consistent with being able to walk long distances..... I'm going to speak to the person who filled in my appeal form and see where to go next
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr - so sorry to hear about this. Annrotherham they seem to rely on folks not having the energy to appeal. I know a benefits expert used to be able to attend with you for tribunals, but I recall someone saying this is not the case anymore. Please don't give up. Contact BLF or another body of benefit experts. I have found Welfre Rights to be excellent, but equally I know of people who found CAB and DIAL really helpful. Please try to face this head on because I believe you are being short changed. Please do it before April 2013.
Oh Karen that is such a bummer. Glad you are going to speak to your benefit's advisor. Sounds like you were at completely different examinations or he had a quota to fill. (call me sceptical). Outrageous to misinterpret what was said. Good luck with this Karen and please let us know how you get on.
Love XXX
It is not the first time I have heard of the ATOS "medical" reports not being truthful. Anyone who believes they need this benefit should appeal and get as much help as possible with the paperwork. They often ask your GP for confirmation of your condition and not all GPs respond and those that do may not respond fully. If this is the case they automatically assume you are fit. Try including letters from consultants, respiratory nurses, etc. if you have them. Good luck to you both. xx
Maybe it would be wise to take a dictation machine to the examination or use your phone to record the meeting. I don't know if it's allowed though.
You can request a tape recording of a medical. However ATOS wont tell you until you turn up for the medical that they don't have one available and that you cant walk away from the medical as you will be classed as a non complier, basically you will lose your benefit. I would recommend that you take someone with you into the examination room, and If at all possible take your own recorder with you, I have a state of the art digital voice recorder that I used in my business, but a mobile phone should be OK. The only thing to remember is that any recording should used for the purpose of any appeal , to reveal the ATOS examiners name is not a good Idea.
I'm so sorry to read this, please go to the cab and they will help with your appeal,thats what I will do, I'm dreading the medical but if I dont pass I will be appealing! it is your right to be able to claim benefits for your illness, be strong and dont give up.big hug from Carol xxx
Here in Nottinghamshire ,the tory county council closed down the welfare rights section,local cab's are swamped out ,it's very difficult to get good advice
you must always fight your corner i was turned down at first but re applied and got it, DLA plus mobility never give up its you right
go for themax
We were turned down for Attendance Allowance five times, (my husband was too old for DLA), I appealed and appealed and appealed, I also wrote on the appeal, 'you can turn us down but I will keep on appealing 'til the day I die).
I sent in hospital reports (my husband has COPD and Bronchiectasis) and in and out of hospital with pneumonia, he has oxygen, nebulisers etc. all disability equipement in the house, I give him 24 hour care, but they still refused him, so I wrote to our local MP and told her all about it. The week after the Attendance Allowance staff rang me and went through all the documentation with me and we were awarded it the day after.
It is disgusting that non-medical staff can say yay or nay to your request, medical people should come to the house and see for themselves.
So sorry to hear this - please go to CAB or some other helpful organisation like BLF or Age Concern they can help. I have just been turned down for DLA reconsideration also so off to appeal with help of CAB - I too think the thought of appeal daunting - but somethings switched in my head - to if at first you dont succeed try try and try again. Good luck to you both.BBxx
I'm really sorry you are going through this - its not right. Please appeal and seek help with it. Did you know that nearly 40 per cent of appeals are won? Don't let them win...
Lots of luck with it.
Bev x