my peak flow is never above 150,sometimes 120.what is a normal mine low or mild or what.? my oxy level is normally 92-94.what do sats & fevs mean.?
peak flow reading: my peak flow is... - Lung Conditions C...
peak flow reading

Sats refers to oxygen saturation. This is usually measured by using a finger pulse oxymeter though there is also an arterial blood test.
FEV refers to a forced expelation of air measured by volume and what people usually quote is the FEV 1 reading which refers to the air forcibly exhaled in the first minute of a spirometry test (as opposed to peak flow).
Sorry, can't help with peak flow readings.
Oops! Sorry, that should read
FEV 1 refers to the air forcibly exhaled in the first SECOND
Hi fishtail
The FEV1 is the amount of air forcibly exhaled in the first second during spirometry. Your predicted values are dependent on your age, weight and sex. So if your predicted values for example are 50% then you are forcibly exhaling 50% of the air of someone the same age, sex and weight as you. Peak flows are also dependent on age, sex and weight.
If my FEVs are the norm for me (or just after a birthday) slightly higher I think great, if they're not so good I just think of them as a number.
Your sats are different in that they are what they are 02 saturation levels.
Love XXX
thanks everyone for your help,I do agree with stitch I also use my readings as indicators.(oxy. levels & spiro.levels) didnt know what FEVS or SATS meant,understand now.(i think).
thanks Dwayne,Have asked my nurse about my peak flow,she reckons its pretty low but due to the nature of my illness its whats expected.(not good).kind regards.
Taking a peak flow at the same time each day is a routine that goes along with the meds as a treatment, the readings are not as important as managing to stay at the same point and not deteriorate.
My peak flow is never above 100. It`s some years since I asked anyone what to look out for(usually get carted off in ambulance with high temp, pain in lung and unable to breathe). But years ago when my PF was 240 my doc said if PF read two thirds less than my normal ie 80 in this case I needed to go to hospital. If I apply that to my present regular PF I`d have to get to 28 before ringing doc or out of hours. Wish I could get some definite idea of what to watch for. Sheila
thank you zammo,best advice yet.x
I have copd lung problems
Asthma too
So my peak flow is about 150 think that is half capacity
Should be lot higher