My husband is 42 yrs old 6ft tall, recovering from a SP. He will be due to go back to work on full duties in around 6-8wks. He has been trying to improve his fitness etc. His peak flow came up at 500 yesterday (I bought a peak flow kit for him) is that bad?? Worrying like something chronic lately 😔
Anyone know anything about peak flow - Lung Conditions C...
Anyone know anything about peak flow

Hi Tinkerbell801. I'm not sure what an SP is but I just wanted to let you know that Peak Flow is just a guide. Mine is only 250 at best but I can walk for miles each day and lead a normal lifestyle. I only use my peak flow meter periodically to check that things are stable. I also think that the PEF is of greatest value in managing asthma.
Well that’s pretty good mine is 140 but I do have asthma and copd hope he is soon back to good health
Could you ask you husbands health professional for the best type of exercise after his pneumothorax ?
Also could you ask if using a peak flow meter with forced expiration is suitable for him.
Sending best wishes .
Like knitter , I’m fairly sure you’re not supposed to do any form of forced expiration after an SP. There’s a risk of causing another one. Also, you can expect the peak flow to be reduced so it’s a bit meaningless, and anyway its main value is in diagnosing & managing asthma, which you say your husband hasn’t got.
Yes I will definitely get him to ask his occupational therapist at work however I am aware that they have already used this test on him 😱
Hello Tinkerbell
I wouldn’t overdo the fitness better see with a physiotherapist first.
His peakflow is have to take it am/pm over a period of time to get an idea..
If you google peakflow his age and height you will get the norm..
Wishing you both well x
Golly i would love to have a peak flow like that mine only ever was 250 before copd its now 150 xx
You’re not a 42yr old, 6’ male though 😊It’s impossible to compare because the lower limit of normality varies hugely between men & women & depending on age/height, and also, crucially, depends on what’s “normal” for the individual.

sorry but has most on this site could only dream of this result whether tall or small it wasnt meant to be a mean comment just wishful thinking ,I hope he gets back to work okay
I didn’t think that for a moment my dear, of course not. I’m so sorry if that’s how it came across! I know what you mean about wishful thinking, but comparing with others can just make us feel worse, though it’s natural to do so. Basically we’re all trying to stay afloat in our own leaky boats 😕It’s rubbish
Wish I could achieve 500. Most I manage is 350-375 in a . Tell him well done keep it up