realy down .: i am realy down,and cant... - Lung Conditions C...

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realy down .

evo1510 profile image
32 Replies

i am realy down,and cant understand why.IS IT a part of haveing c.o.p.d.but i can be fine for a few days then all of a sudden i get up. realy down and could cry at the least thing.but whats happened a couple of times is-i just go completly drained from head to toe but not short of breath.then another day.get out of breath just walking from room to room..its realy getting me down.thank goodness ib have to see the c.o.p.d nurse on appointment has come at last...just hope she can explain whats happening..went to doctors friday after a drained attack and have to go for blood tests on monday.just hope somebody can sort me out bed now haveing a good cry.

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evo1510 profile image
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32 Replies
andreafm profile image

Hi evo

It really is rotton when you can't breathe properly as it does sap all of you energy. I don't think people who haven't got breathing problems realise just how difficult it is. I cry sometimes just to release the pressure of trying to carry on with it.

My breathing problem hasn't been diagnosed properly yet as I am still having tests under a Sleep and Respiratory clinic in London..I have to pace myself all of the time and if I haven't had a good nights sleep it really knocks me down. If I have a good day, I tend to try and enjoy it but then pay for it for the next few days after....does this sound like you?

I do hope that your doctors and the nurse can help you out with it. You never know it may just be something that can be dealt with, rather than a progression of your c.o.p.d.

Have you spoken with the Nurse on the BLF helpline...this might be helpful.

Otherwise I wish you luck at your appointments next week

Take Care


evo1510 profile image

no i havent spoke to a nurse on the blf site but if it keeps happening think i will.

and thanks.dose help to talk sometimes...kath..

Gordon57 profile image

Just talking to the BLF helpline people helps so many, and they have nurses on hand to go over symptoms and so on. Just a pity it's the weekend and they're not back until Monday.

We all go through these cycles of up and down. I've had this blooming cold or whatever it is, plus the computer playing up, so I'm feeling rather shattered, but can't sleep. I had tried and I was just getting off when the step-daughter came in, I'm sure she wears clogs. Clump, clump clump down the hallway, just behind where I was starting to drift off, opens the door, puts the light on, dog barked 'cos she was woken up too, clunk into the kitchen, clatter something about in there, then bangs the door as she goes upstairs. Dog comes to me to complain, then decides she wants to go out so I had to get up again. Great... It does not help.

Anyway, computer on, read email, check a few things on other sites and pop in here.My legs are aching yet again, I may have to go take something. Normally I don't use painkillers as I don't want to be in a situation where they just don't work any more. If you take them too often then they stop having an effect and you might get a toothache or something bad and then suffer with it.

The COPD nurse may try some different medication. Make sure you tell her the problems you've had. It may be side effects from something you already use, or it may be that you need a different type of inhaler. You get used to your limits eventually, you just know that even a few short steps to the kitchen is going to be too much, so you need a little break. Don't try pushing yourself when you're like that.

The problem with lung issues is that the medical profession don't seem to be in a hurry to tell you anything, you're waiting and waiting for appointments and even then you may get no further.

When everything seems to be at it's worst and you're feeling down, tea is the answer. Make a nice cuppa and smile. It's 3.15am as I write this and I'm tempted to put the kettle on myself. ;-)

evo1510 profile image
evo1510 in reply to Gordon57

thanks dont know how i''d cope without the help of you lot on here..

hufferpuffer profile image

Hi Evo, sorry you are feeling low,sometimes c.o.p.d. goes hand in hand with anxiety/depression and I hope you can get something that will help chase those blues away. Your diet and exercise can help lift that rotton feeling and if you could just get out for a short walk that can help a great deal.Everytime I have a 'negative' thought I try to replace it with two 'positive' thoughts,it seems to work for me,it's not always easy I know but worth a try.I hope you feel much brighter soon,sending a big hug,Carol :) x

evo1510 profile image
evo1510 in reply to hufferpuffer

Thanks will try a walk...xx

davidbryn profile image

yes that's COPD i have had it since 1984 and being depressed is one of the terrible sides of it sometimes you can breath realty well compared to other days,also remarks you get from other people like ; if you've had it that long you should be used to it ;i have never cried due to the disease, but my own children s attitude to my illness has bought me to tears many times as we struggle on,i am glad that i have very good friends and a absolutely brilliant wife otherwise i would have had a complete breakdown, that saying , children can be cruel is true even more so when they grow up. so have a quiet word with yourself look round at others that are worse than you and fight it. best of luck to you, i know what you are going through.kind regards brian

evo1510 profile image
evo1510 in reply to davidbryn

thanks a million

libbygood profile image

I have good breathing days and then I might get a bad breathing afternoon or morning, I do what I can when I can, I get very anxious and depressed comes and goes and have been like that for a few years, got a great husband, lovely home, good friends, the best two daughters in the world and gorgeous grandchildren, so why should I be depressed - because I have COPD. I was really depressed a few weeks ago to the point where I felt ill, so I have now gone onto anti-depressents, got over the side effects and now just waitng for them to kick in, should help my anxiety too, although I do have diazepem for when its really bad. If medication helps - why not.

evo1510 profile image
evo1510 in reply to libbygood

thanks i am going to ask doctor for some anti-depressents.ihad them when i lost my husband ,but came off them about 6 years ago.think i realy need something...thanks take care x

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

Rather than get depressed I get peed off. I find it annoying when some days are worse than others. When that happens I push myself a bit more. It may be the wrong thing do to but it makes me feel like I've done something positive. I wont let it rule me.

sassy59 profile image

Hi Evo, I know that Pete gets down sometimes. He gets angry when he wants to do things and just can't. In his mind he can do anything but his body, especially the lungs, won't play ball. I hope you get to speak to someone on blf website or the copd nurse when you have your appointment. Take care and keep in touch. Wishing you well. xxx

evo1510 profile image
evo1510 in reply to sassy59

thanks very much xx

pollyjj profile image

I was given an antidepressant a few weeks ago I was having loads of panic attacks, I took one and the next day I was dreadful, panick attacks all day one after the other. I know it takes time to kick in but decided not to take any more and I booked myself in for some cognative councilling, it worked very quickly possibly as I have had it before. I would recommend having a go many councillors give you a free half hour to see if you can work with them.

I still get days when I dont even get dressed but try to make as much as I can of the days where I am feeling better.

Take care

libbygood profile image

I had dreadful side effects Polly, panic attacks, sickness, dizzy spells, anxiety was worse, felt really ill some days, nearly gave in but I perservered and have come through, the ADs can be changed if the side effects are too bad, mine were changed once.


zube-UK profile image

sorry your down evo, hope it lifts soon.

When you have the bood test - does it check vit D as well ?.. little reminder that low vit D causes SAD and I learned on here that we need extra with our lung conditions.


evo1510 profile image
evo1510 in reply to zube-UK

Thanks will check..x

Can you find help here a personal choice actionondepression.healthun...

nellie15 profile image

alittle bit of everything for me. I guess we are all struggling in different areas, children and friends not really understanding, Not at times, fully understanding myself.just trying to take it day by day.we will all have our own coping methods which sometimes dont work, and thats scary. I've said before we need a big bandage to get some sympathy!!!of courseit gets us down, dont know what the answer is,wish I did, the furure frightens me, my reality check is login on here ,a lot of heroes, a lot further down the line than me, so I guess what i'm trying to convey to each and everyone is your strength and courage keeps me going.your honesty and openess inspires me

evo1510 profile image
evo1510 in reply to nellie15

i agree 101 %

evo1510 profile image

Must say everybody on here is great.done me the world of good dont know what i would have do e without you all..THANKS. TO YOU ALL. LOVE AND CUDDLES FROM. KATH.XXXX

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to evo1510

Kath - you're most welcome. WE are all here to help each other, that's the idea :-D

evo1510 profile image
evo1510 in reply to Gordon57

thanks and take care xxx

evo1510 profile image

it s lousey aint it .thank god for this site xx

Hello love, I have no idea why you can be OK one day and dreadful the next. It is so depressing! No-one seems to have an answer. My husband can go to bed fine (well fine for him!), have a good nights sleep (well he hasn't woken me up!) and get up in the morning as if he has run a marathon. He gets very peed off with it all and very anxious about why. Today he is talking about going back on antibiotics and steroids but I am not sure at all. Mind you he knows his body better than me! All I can offer you is that tomorrow or even today now, might be better. Take good care of yourself. TAD xx

junegirl profile image

Hi think everyone with copd feels like that i knw i do, if i by chance have a gd day i spend wk drained making up for it, the worse thing is getting others in my family to understand even though they have been through this with my mum before me! Im not gd with early mornings as usually wake up every hr during night then by 2-3 pm im drained and have to sleep. Recently thought id done well as attended family wedding from 3pm and had to give up at 9pm as very cold where the door to the hall was left open (people going in n out) and i was drained, obv i wasnt drinking so they that were merry by then didnt understand why i had to leave, go home get warm n go to bed with a hot cuppa! XX

junegirl profile image

Hi think everyone with copd feels like that i knw i do, if i by chance have a gd day i spend wk drained making up for it, the worse thing is getting others in my family to understand even though they have been through this with my mum before me! Im not gd with early mornings as usually wake up every hr during night then by 2-3 pm im drained and have to sleep. Recently thought id done well as attended family wedding from 3pm and had to give up at 9pm as very cold where the door to the hall was left open (people going in n out) and i was drained, obv i wasnt drinking so they that were merry by then didnt understand why i had to leave, go home get warm n go to bed with a hot cuppa! XX

Hi Evo

Can't be said I'm not on the ball (haha honest!) just a little slow but I'm catching up. We are here at the BLF helpline if you would like to chat either to a nurse or to me (on the emotional health side) in confidence about how you feel... crying is also fine in fact it can be beneficial so please give us a call.

Take care,

Heych (or Helen if you prefer the full title).

PS Thanks to Gordon for the recommendation too much appreciated.

evo1510 profile image

HI Heych and gordon,hope you dont mind shareing the blog.Have been to doctors this morning, my daughter in law came with me as we went for a meal for my son,s birthday saturday night.and my grandaughter came up to me(bless her)and said can we have a cuddle thing i was crying my eyes out,felt terrable there were people my daughter in law said I AM COMEING TO DOCTORS with you.and she did.she told him how i have been,and he wrote it all down and gave me some antidepresants and checked all my medication,and is getting in touch with the c o p d nurse who i have got to see on thursday,he got a picture out and explained everything to us.So now hopeing things will get better in time. also going to the easy breath thing on wednesday at once again would like to say A BIG THANKYOU TO GORDON AND YOURSELF AND ALL THE people on here who have helped me ...Thanks all Kath xxxxx


Thank you for the update its lovely to hear from you and I'm so glad you have support and clarification.

Take care of yourself, and please don't be hesitant in asking for a little help, advice or a shoulder to cry on if you ever need it. Its what we are here for.

Take care


evo1510 profile image

Thank you very much..

Catel profile image

My sympathies, I know exactly how you feel. Having people to talk to, people who care and understand is the answer.

I dont know if you are from the UK, but with the dreary weather, cold and grey, I also have been feeling very very low the past few days. I do find having a chat to, or even just a chat on facebook makes me feel a little less down.

I know it is so easy to say dont worry, how you can feel there is no light up there , but there is, get a good understanding support group of people and talk about it.

In fact a similar post here which I made in the past few weeks, and the kind words I had here helped me so much.

My best wishes


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