Started to reduce steroids and each time a 5mg has been reduced my sats have plummeted urgh. Struggling today on 51/2 L sats went down to 85/86 so upped 02 to 61/2 L sats now at 94. Has anyone else found this? Nurses are saying no reducing steroids won't affect breathing?/sats Val x
Steroids: Started to reduce steroids... - Lung Conditions C...

Still not out of he woods yet Val, hope you can find a balance with the meds soon. Xxx
Oh Val it must be so frustraiting for you. I hope your sats and breathing becomes stable soon.
By now I wouldn't be listening to those nurse I would just be requesting some time with the consultant about what is going on and an explanation about your sats dropping and breathing worsening when steroids are reduced.
Thinking of you. Hugs x

Well it's what I think zoe, will hang fire till I see him
Well they won't really make any decisions until Tue Wed when the consultant is back it 1 step forward 2 back Val
I am writing down when the sats drop and what I increase 02 to
Want to get home now, breathing still a problem at time but there is no place like home, keep your fingers crossed x
Totally agree Val. Home is the best place for low anxiety and proper rest (not to mention edible, nutritious food). However, you know as well as I do that that will depend on stable sats. So try not to worry too much, ignore the bloody nurses, see the consultant when he deigns to do rounds and get well soon. xx

Thank you I know your right just want out of here asap
Will be lovely
Hiya Val,
Still no sexy docs?????? My dads stats plummet when his steroids reduce. His breathing gets more laboured and he starts to feel even worse than he already does. Hopefully he will see a new consultant swn and will discuss what dose to be on daily. When he is on a low maintenance dose, his quality of life is crap and so far we reckon it is a case of be on high dose so he has good quality and not worry so much about the possible side effects. The doc has agreed there so we will see. Plus he is on oramorph to help the breathing, are you on that? If not maybe its worth a try, Dad does find it helps.
Roll on till Tues/Wed.........hope you get good news to go home xx
So it's not just me crackin up they look at you as if to say shut up daft bat!
And no sexy doc's must be at the wrong hospital ha ha
I am on 15mg prednisolone now and sats ok when sitting as soon as I move thats it bang they drop like a ton of bricks..
What does the oramorph do to help it was mentioned when I first came in as breathing was that bad but nothing came of it thanks tanyamarie x
Oramorph has mainly been used in the past and currently to help with pain relief as it is morphine based but lately it is coming into its own for helping with breathing and has been proved as such. Sounds like it could help you, ask the hospital staff about it. 15mg prednisolone, its a low maintenance dose that. When dad goes down to 10 or 15mg a day he gets alot worse than when he is on double that or even treble.
Sorry to hear you re still not well Valm. I don't often get chance to come on this site but you are often in my thoughts. Get well soon x
better soon, I hope, Val. xJulie

Taking a long time this time round
it's so rotten for you. You got books to read that make you smile as well as distract you ?
If I have an exerbation am on steroids and reducing them too early makes me more SOB.
Right now am lots better and even gardened for 2 full days - after recovering from an exacerbation/ infection recently when I thought I may not even potter in garden again. Ups and downs eh for us all.
the three Rs : Rest, recover, Remind yourself there's better ahead.
x Looking forward to hearing your progress

Hi hopefully home this week, oxygen will need reassessing again on 6L resting 91/92 as soon as I move they drop so will see 02 nurse tomorrow or Wednesday - watch this space Val
don't know if this will be of help to you,but i have been on 40mg prednisolone daily for years,and last year i begged my consulant to let me try to reduce the dose by 1 tablet as the side affects are now causing me additional probelms,after 3 months of struggling,my breathing was all to pot,and the hospital tests proved my condition could not cope without the tablet i had dropped (i have had severe asthma since 17 ),got told now have moderate copd earlier this year,so yes it does interfer which your sats,hope you get sorted soon,always question the nurses if you are in any doubt ,take care x