Just been diagnosed with COPD. Really don't know what to do.
Just been diagnosed: Just been... - Lung Conditions C...
Just been diagnosed

Hello buster and welcome to the clan !
First of all can I say I understand exactly how you're feeling at the moment, and I feel for you, but fear not all is not lost! Try to stay calm as stressing out will only make your breathing worse (I know from experience that this is easier said than done
Was your diagnosis from a GP or have you seen a respiratory specialist at the hospital ? If it's the former then ask for a referral to the latter. If it's the latter then they should be recommending treatment for you which, hopefully, will stabilise your condition and let you live a near-to-normal life.
Please follow your health professionals recommendations, and if they suggest a Pulmonary Rehab course, grab at it both hands - it will do you the power of good and you'll meet fellow COPD'ers there and get to know others who live with this condition.
There are several stages to COPD and lots of us here are at the severe stage but that doesn't mean we don't have a life I've lived with this now for 13 years and hope to go on living with it for the next 20 or more, God willing.
Just in case you're wondering.................... that means I'll be 84, coming up 85 !!
Take heart buster and keep on keeping on
Hello, Elian. Thank you so much for replying to me. My lung age is 72 and I am 42. My FEV1 is 71%. I recently packed in smoking and have manage to run 2 10k races this year - not great times - just over the hour. Did a spirometry test because I WAS a diver. Can't dive any more now. Just been told the bad news and feel very depressed. I hope you are okay. x J
Hello Elian, my name is Jane btw. Thanks so much for your reply. I have had lots of replies from people - totally gobsmacked by everyone's response, actually. You (and everyone else on this blog) have made me open my eyes and pull myself together. Thanks to you all. xx
Hello Jane I'm pleased to 'meet' you and I'm Elaine. You're very welcome and I'm glad we were all able to help you.
Your new life is just beginning enjoy !
Sorry, Elaine rather than 'Elian'. My spelling must be as bad as my asthma! I have really appreciate your help. I wish you all the best! xJ
Welcome read the site and call the helpline on 030000 030 555 for more information and support
Hi Buster. I was diagnosed in May. Fev1 of 55% and can still do jogging. I'm 57.
I too have given up smoking and that is the best thing you can do. Whatever you might read on some other sites, it is perfectly possible to live with COPD and prevent it getting worse. The main things are not smoking, aerobic exercising, keeping a healthy weight and not getting into a 'poor me' mindset.
Lots of help on here for when you need it and also comforting words.
Lynne x
hi lynne 1955 I know your post is a year old but may i ask how long or far you can jog on a treadmill
has i know this sounds silly but i sometimes likle to try and see if i can do the same has this makes it less boreing if you know what i mean
I don't run or jog. I do walk at 4 mph for about 40 minutes. Sometimes at an incline of up to 4% depending how good I feel.
Lynne xx
thanks and thats good has i can walk on flat for a few miles for about 40 mins but in that time i do 6% incline but only for 10 mins and just trot for 10 mins.
should have my spirometry test in jan, just hope it may go up a bit like yours did but i know we are all diferant.. good luck
Hi Buster yes me too what a lot of us ,as you can now see you really are not on your own .I'm 57 with 20% fev I cant run about but I do most things myself apart from gardening or hovering ,I try to eat well ,hate the gym so walk round the whole supermarket or go window shopping in shopping centre's for excersise keep moving and stopped smoking 4 years ago ,I'm very up beat as feeling down makes me feel horrid .I do had oxygen for getting about and hoping Papworth will give me a transplant will know later this month and there are lots of friends on here cope with more , take care Jackie
Hi Buster i was diagnosed two years ago and like you stopped smoking ,there are lots of people all ages in our situation i went to my local nurse who advised me to exercise and go to keep fit classes. You can also get advise from the british lung foundation and become a member.
Take care and remember you are not on your own with copd.
Hi Buster.
Try joining your local Breathe Easy group where you will find lots of friendship and understanding.They have monthly meetings,membership is free,talks on all kinds of subjects,trips out etc.Contactthe BLF for details
Hi buster im also 57 with a lung age of 92 (don't know what fev is). I was very bad and didn't stop smoking for a very long time after diagnosis so am now looking forward, NOT, to going onto oxygen very shortly which means your 're doing much better than me. However I still have a very active life chasing grandchildren, albeit just in the confines of the house, dancing and prancing (in short spurts) and working long hours in a job I love. I agree with everyone else eat healthily, exercise often, try to give up the fags (I know it's hard just do your best) and most of all try to be positive. Good luck. Oh and this site is full of the most amazing people, news and views.
Looking at your results you have very mild copd at the moment. Not smoking will ensure they do not rapidly get worse so you have done the right thing. Get plenty of exercise. Eat well, sleep well, and you will live years yet. And if you are still running then not a lot wrong so just relax and enjoy life - aware that you have to take care because you do have it.
Welcome buster so jealous of the running you are doing the best when you keep that up
Hi buster nice to mee you! I was diagnosed with COPD about 18 months ago - mild like you. You will find lots of great folk here and you can talk to us anytime.
My prescription? Keep active, look after yourself and keep happy.
Dr. Bev
PS Not really a doctor - just kerbside lol x

Hi Doc!! You're right, there are lots of friendly people on this site - yourself included! I feel much more positive today and have decided to look on the bright side and enjoy what's there to be taken. I wish you well and send you my best wishes.. xx Jane
Wow! Spoke to a nurse (her name was Jan) at the British Lung Foundation this morning. She was amazing and really put my worst fears to rest. Would strongly recommend anyone who is feeling stressed or cornered to contact them. 03000 030 555. No one knows what's around the corner...anyone can get sick out of the blue... so keep calm and carry on! I feel much more positive now - they got me back on track!