my brother now needs hand rail in the bath and help with getting upstairs .
could any one tell me what financial help is available and where do we apply
thank you all
my brother now needs hand rail in the bath and help with getting upstairs .
could any one tell me what financial help is available and where do we apply
thank you all
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Your brother's GP or respiratory nurse should be able to put him in touch with the relevant groups brujapatsy. They will have all the information he needs.
My own Local Authority Social Services department are very good at arranging for ramps, shower chairs, handrails etc. on free loan but I'm not sure whether that service is available where you are.
yes kirklees has a very good out reach, try the local cab or age uk if over 50
Hi brujapatsy - you could ask you doc to access the occupational therapy team who will come and assess your brother in his own home and advise what help may be available. Also the BLF helpline may well be able to help you with this.
Contact Social Services (Sometimes known as Adult Services) depending on the local authority in question. All have budgets for supplying essential equipment, although this is subject to how much of their budget they have unspent and maybe subject to means testing. If your brother has been assessed as needing what is termed as continuing care - then such items may be supplied free of charge by his local health authority. Other options, if he has no financial resources to purchase equipment, would be local charities. Many towns and cities have old obscure charities that can be tapped into. Good luck.
Your local council should have an adaptations dept. or as Lydor suggested Social Services.
I would say social services but I have found them to be very unhelpful in my situation (I can't even get a little help from them as a full time CARER with arthritis and copd)
I had to buy my own, I suppose I was lucky as my partner knew someone who knew someone (he use to work for EuroCare) and was able to get handrails and such and we dropped lucky on a stairlift.
Everyone has different experiences with social services, I for one is not so lucky..
I hope you get what you need x
We bought my dad a stairlift purely because we wanted it quickly but everything else - up abd down bathseat, raised loo seat, perching stool, wheelchair, frame, hospital bed, rails all over the place have all been supplied FREE by occupational therapy department. They have been invaluable. Contact social services....i must say i was surprised how helpful they were as i have had negative experiences with them before in my job.
I have just purchased a Stairlift from Companion Stairlifts xx I am very pleased with it as it was getting impossible to do the stairs, in fact if I had had to do one more stairs to bed, I think I would have to get a bed somewhere downstairs !! It cost me Β£1400.00 - yes an expense that I did not want but it was essential, and I could not have been bothered with the red tape and personal questions. So I think they are a great idea xx π€πππππ
Hi Brujapatsy
I'm sorry to read of your brothers difficulties.
As other members have suggested, social services would probably be a good place to start, but wilol depend on funding etc.
Age UK have a stair lift service - you can access this information by going to:
As a charity we do not promote, recommend or endorse but they may be able to guide you.
Age UK also ahve information about appealing social service/local authority decisions:
Best Wishes
thanks to all for answering my query .
My brother is only 59 on his birthday this week
he is advanced pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension
i am 62 and a half lol I have emphysema and a heart prob .
I live in spain and my brother lives in london
I hope you are all living well with our illness
keep fit
regards pat x
Hi Pat, Happy Birthday to your brother, hope you get something sorted for him soon, it will be a great birthday present for him
All good wishes Zoe
i will pass on the birthday wishes , thank you x
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