just recently been diagnosed with, copd , i live in a council house , but find it lots better to breath , away from here, [we are surounded by farms] , is there any support available , to get the council to relocate us please
advice please: just recently been... - Lung Conditions C...
advice please

With the present pressure on social housing moving to property more suited to your needs is proving difficult for some. You could explain your difficulties with your local housing officer, but I would imagine they would require proof that your local environment is impacting on your health, hence needing support from your GP or specialist. The easier way of moving is signing up to your local council house exchange register. This way you can look at a register of properties and people wishing to exchange, and see if your property meets someone else's requirements. It is also worth seeing whether local housing associations also have a similar register and see if you can access that. There are also online swapping council house websites, but these tend to be for people who want to move right out of the area.
there is a website called homeswapper - a lot of people down here in the london area do a swap that way - i think if you find somewhere you like you have to pay a fee to get more info but i'm not positive.
its a site for all social housing so its both council and housing association properties.
Hope that helps