I was a weider for many years, nos i stuck in house 24/7 i have a mobility scooter. The pronlem is in two high steps and cant get my scootet out. The council tefude to build me a ramp for axcese with scootet so im stuck in house 24/7 please help the council is renfrewshire council plx help.
Difficulty accessingy house with mobi... - Lung Conditions C...
Difficulty accessingy house with mobilty scooter
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You need to tell council via mp that council are puting your life at risk AS you need easy acess in out of your house.
Also get mp to go on about The Equality Act 2010 as this says landords have a the duty to make reasonable adjustments.
Mobility i would call resnoble as under human rights law you are intitled to live your life with out fear of discrimination.
You NEED mp to say it

Well said JAS. X
Thank after saying all you said to me to my local council they are sending an occupational therapists out now. I will let you know the out come thank again.
Hi Connors is there no one who can support you to get a ramp? Can you afford to pay in part or can anyone help with that.
It's terrible that the Council won't help but that seems to be the way things are these days. The citizens advice bureau may be able to advise. Xxxxx
I bought one from.eBay but very difficult getting it out then back in
You could try discussing this with your MP.
Excellent suggestion. Also try your local councillor - I have had good results with this when at odds with the council.
Well I will wait see out come from local occupational therapists and hopefully I don't need too take it no further after I spk with therapist. I will keep you all informed of my progress as I can't thank yous enough.
What an awful situation for you Connors. The only things I can suggest is phoning people who might be able to pull the right strings for you - perhaps Citizens Advice, or your local councillor.
Where I live there is a Good Neighbours scheme that helps out those who are housebound, taking them to appointments and so on, but they also have people on their books who will help with more physical things like gardening, or even building the sort of ramp you need. If you don't have anything like that, is there a Lions Club or Round Table in your area or even the local Freemasons? All these groups will often help with issues like yours and you shouldn't need to be a member to ask for their help.
I'm sorry I can't offer any more concrete suggestions. I'm sure someone will be along who is more useful. I do hope this situation can be resolved for you, so you can get out and about again.
Very best wishes, Jan
Thank for your time anf i will be finding out about these groups as im stuck in house 24/7 thangs again means alot cheerd.
I got a phone call from council saying they are sending an occupational therapists out too visit me thank for your help.
They are sending a occupational therapists out but can't give me one for a mobility scooter but my gp has says he will give me a wheel chair thank very much too the whole group but I can't take stuck in this house no more. My Dr is brilliant so promise as soon as I know anything I will take time too keep use all up to date as I can't thank yous all enough from my heart thank.
Have you any outside space that you can use for storage.
Ramps at front of properties may be impractical on safety grounds.
Is there room at rear of property to construct level access.
You may find some answer

Ask the council if they will put ramps in for you. Please lat us know how you get on xxx
I will my dear said in Fri if they can't build a ramp they will need roo find me a sitabile house for a disabled person. Thanks for your help

Thats the idea Connors, don't give up cause they said no at first Good Luck.
Go to siocal serveses and ask them for one and tell them that the council said no and is there anything they can do .as you are in your rights to have one done for you if you are disable
The council contacted me today saying they will be sending an occupational therapists out thank for your help.
Ask to see occupational therapist via council he or she will view your home and suggest and provide ways in your home to help you live safely with your condition or you can ask for disability social worker who can help you to be provided with whatever you need with your disability.
Thank I can't thank yous enough with your help I will be getting onto it 1st thing in morn thank again iv been stuck in this house for 4 year now. It's hard and sole destroying lad's and girls.

Well here's to new freedom for you connors, we all get downhearted and stressed it's enough being ill then we get able bodied people who have no idea at all just what it's like to be living with long term dissibilitating illness and sadly they can't begin to imagine how for some people every waking day is a difficult challenge, on this forum we are able to support understand and help our fellow sufferers, we all care for each other and even if we can't provide the answer we are willing to help each other find it, 4years is a long time to be stuck indoors and am sure you will get the help you need and bring free to get outside will help you thru the bad times, we may live alone but together we will never feel isolated if we just remember help is one click away in health unlocked,I am looking forward to reading your posts telling us of your new freedom into the outside world take care. I wish you well x
Yes, in my area ,Surrey, we have to go via Occupational Therapy, Social Services to get a visit,then a report,then a decision and then a financial check to see if you are able to contribute to any costs etc and finally........wait for work to be started. I'm now 2 years 1month,waiting for a shower/wet room(which was a condition of me accepting my property!!!)
Good luck and tell us of your progress won't you?
Yes I will keep you upto date with my progress with the occupationAl therapists thank for your help
Thank for your great help the council are now sending a occupational therapists out too see me. Thanksgiving again

No thanks needed,we are all here for each orherxxx😊
It has several. Steps
hi Connor I agree with the others you are entitled to that ramp don't give up the fight for your rights jane
The council are obliged by law to provide you with scooter access for your safety and wellbeing, however scooter companies do provide other options where you have limited access because of steps so might be worth asking a mobility company or Age UK for advice. Not much point in having a scooter if you still remain housebound. Best Wishes. Oh appreciate your dilemma, my house has steps front and back and I was refused a ramp to the rear just like you. Have a rail to front . Fortunately I can manage sloly without a scooter to date.
Make sure when occupational therapists comes out YOU don't make it easy for them to take advantage IS shame but given cuts austirty the taking advantge of weakest in society.
So don't let it happen
Best of luck
Thank I will do mate
the council by law must help you, do not give up keep on at them, all the best.
Thank's for your help they are saying there sending an occupational therapists out but can't give me 1 for a mobility scooter. My local gp that's been the best says he will give me a wheel chair I will let yous know the out come ASAP thank to the whole group I'd have been stuck in this house for another 4 years. Thanksgiving again mate
hope alls well Connors have they done anything to help you you cant stay shut in like it you need to be able to get out keep asking they will get fed up and supply I wonder if they would like to be in your position don't give up I will 😊 keep you in my prayers jane
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