that might help my dads cough? My mums just rang me and its so bad its constant at night :(its so chesty .Its really taking it out of him all this coughing hes on tablets to thin his mucus and a nebuliser 3 times a day .His nurse should be coming round tmw ,as well as getting sputum results .My mums really worried about him .Sorry for putting so many blogs and questions up on here .
Anyone know of anything: that might... - Lung Conditions C...
Anyone know of anything

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My dad has codeine linctus. It helps with the pain caused when he coughs and also acts as a suppressant to try and calm the coughing down. He has also switched to mucodyne syrup instead of the capsules to see if that makes a difference and he said in a few days of trying it he feels a bit better.
I take Zomorph for my cough and I can honestly say it made a huge difference to me. I couldn't manage a sentence without coughing, i couldn't sleep for the cough I couldn't eat because of it and the coughing brought on the breathlessness, It was a vicious circle but since i started takung th 20mgs of Zomorph morning and evening it has improved by 90%. Please tell your dad to mention it to hs consultant and see if he will prescribe it. I also take NAC which is an anti oxidant and most of the IPF/PF sufferers i know also take it, it helps thin down the mucous. Does you dad turn up his O2 when he gets uo to use the bathroom or walk?
Always phone for nurses to get any thing that is needed because they have my notes know what I have and what I am taking keeps things right then and saves mistakes with wrong thing given to you
there seem to be 2 types of cough mixture - one to suppress and one to decongest ... important to know which to use so ask medics or maybe local pharmacy.
Because I used Potters herbal remedy for gallstones (and they dissolved them to the astonishment of the surgeon) I have faith in their products so now use Potters chest mixture that seems to help loosen my musus to bring it up easier and so reduces the amount of coughing. Check first though with medics.
First question has to be - does your dad still smoke?. If so that is the reason. I used to have a hacking cough. I still smoked, with copd. Not wise. That was of course many years ago now. I quit, and the cough went. I still cough sometimes. But only when I am chesty. I am prescribed. Mucodyne to keep the rotten stuff coming up off my chest. Essential as I had pneumonia last year as a result of all the rubbish on my lungs. Not good with copd.
He smoked up until 5-6 weeks ago , when he felt to ill to even do that . He has always had a morning cough when he was smoking . But nothing like this , he says it feels different to his old cough more in his throat !
Hi Sam, has your dad been to rehab as they give you guidance on how best to loosen and cough up the mucus, it follows a pattern of breathing, (instead of the cupped hand method if no one else around to do that). If not, the nurses may be able to advise. Good luck.
When i was suffering from a bad cough my doctor gave me Jut-u-sin R. Its homeopathic and not all chemists stock it but as someone who didn't rate herbal stuff too much i was amazed by how well it worked.
I am lucky because i get it on prescription, and i don't know if your dads doctor will do the same, but i suggest you spealk to the doctor first because of the other medication he will be taking.
hope his cough eases soon.
Hi thanks everyone yes he has been to rehab before .His nurse wants him to go to rehab tmw even if he cant do alot so hopefully that will help
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