Seaside and garden impression style - along with a grassy headland on A3 canvas.
Seaside Garden with Headland View. - Lung Conditions C...
Seaside Garden with Headland View.
Thank you Ern, what a very tranquilising & serene view to look at &, so uplifting too, Ern,you certainly put a lot of hard work into your most beautiful workmanship..Hope that you are keeping better.. With love,💘 & may God bless you always Ern..xx Primrose 123...( Maria.)
Ern, I could lick the paint off this lovely painting - the colours are absolutely spot on. My highlights are the trees of differing hues, the slant of the garden and the diverging slant of the beach, the pretty flowers in the foreground, the aquamarine blue of the sea and such a beautiful sky and smear of clouds. This one is special Ern, not forgetting the seagulls!
Unreal how quickly you crank these out! How long does it take typically to do a painting ?
This is a very beautiful painting. It feels to me like a breeze is catching the trees. The whole thing is just lovely.
Very pretty view Ern. So peaceful just gazing out to sea. Love the beautiful colours. Xxx❤️
This one is fascinating Ern , I can usually relate your paintings to places I’ve been to but this one is different . I’ve been gazing at it for some time and it’s made me think - as paintings should I like it , it’s a lovely picture but very interesting too 😊
Hope you’re keeping well Val. Xxx🩷❤️
I’m well Sassy thanks , the treatments isn’t a cure but it is still working with minimal side affects and I can lead a relatively normal life 🙏 I hope you’re doing well too , I have odd days when I’m very tired and I’ve thought of you then because you have more to do than I have . I hope you're coping , I know you’ll have good support from your family xxxx
So pleased you’re doing well Val and your treatment is working for you. I get tired but l cope with it and have my regular check ups. The next one is on the 13th so fingers crossed. Thank you for thinking of me and l am coping but it’s not easy as Pete needs lots of care. Family are supportive so I’m very lucky.
You take care,
Love Carole xxx❤️🤗
Beautiful Ern, love it. Another uplifting yet tranquil scene. How do you manage to accomplish so much every day? I wish I could be as productive! Sally xxx
Absolutely beautiful, definitely a garden I would love, looking out to the sea, my garden looks out over fields but I do get sheep for neighbours occasionally. Thanks for sharing your art Ern , it really cheers me up on these dreary winter mornings.
Take care
Wendy xx
This is lovely Ern,very peaceful.i love the garden & it's view,and the ripple of the sea on the sand x
That’s beautiful , thank you for sharing. Your pictures always brighten the days.