If I am boring you let me know
Another view of my garden: If I am... - Lung Conditions C...
Another view of my garden

Oh no, Jan, you could never be described as boring, and neither could your garden. It looks so peaceful and relaxing .... x x x
It' looks great.
Nice !
Would love a garden like yours x
Looks very peaceful
No certainly not boring me I just wish I could call in for a cuppa and sit in your garden.
Fab garden.
Beautiful garden - we have just come in from our back garden. We have had to let it go a little wild, but quite successful - loads of saxifrage - with cut lawns it doesn't look too bad at all.

Mine is quite wild too a lot of what you see is perennial or self seeded stuff when I moved in it was just a patch of mud with a huge concrete slab at one end and a falling down shed and I decided I was not going to become a slave to my garden but was going to enjoy it - and I do
Agree with that Jandan. I used to love gardening but cant do it now. 5 mins and I have had enough. I have a white rose bush which cost me 2/6d from Woolworths. There is a big nut tree - young plant came from mother in laws garden. Loads of nuts if the squirrels dont get there first. I have spent the afternoon sitting out in it. Thankfully, no BBQs either side.
Would you like to come and stay? You would cry if you could see my garden. Too embarrassed to put picture on. If you came you could give me some advice, cos I'm jealous.
Tina x
Jandan, that view of the garden is as nice as the last one, glad to hear I'm not the only one who has a perennial garden. Most of mine is from self seed or cuttings, used to do a lot of growing from seed but now I can't manage all the lifting ect, even stopped making my own hanging baskets. Call it my self sufficient garden now only needs a little care during the summer and autumn to keep it looking tidy.
lovely garden jan wish i could show you mine ,but i am not as savvy on the computer as you .i love my garden my late husband and myself always did it together then when he died i could manage it myself until about 5 years ago ..Take care love Dorothy
Have you downloaded any photos to your computer?
This garden is all my own work (well with a bit of help) The garden I had when my husband was alive was about 5 times as large and boy did I miss it at first didn't think I would ever like a small garden but I am damn glad now
It looks absolutely gorgeous Janet. Do you do all the work yourself?
Hi Annec
I am afraid I no longer do it all. Nature does a lot and I have a young man called Steve who mows my lawn for me and does any heavy work like digging. But until 2 years ago I did do it all, that is the main thing that gets me down about the COPD the amount I can't do because the things I can do are not necessarily the things I want to do
Its lovely. I wish mine was like that.
Jan, my first job on leaving school was at Bedford's Parks and Cemeteries department. I worked in the greenhouses for £2,19,6 a week, £1.50 to mum, 50p to the taxman and a whole £1 for me. One week we had to sift the soil and pot up 50,000 geraniums. I have hated anything to do with gardening ever since. My wife does ours now. I do have to admit though, yours is absolutely gorgeous. Well done.
Love from Bobby xxxx
Lovely, lovely garden and the bonus of a young man called Steve. I'm struggling with my balcony pots............ does he have relatives down my way
It's lovely Jan, I havent seen the other pictures yet,I will go and find them now! I've been in the garden for the last two days,I love being outside on my hands and knees! x
Wow it looks great - is that a perfect circle?

Yes when I had it done I made them redo it twice They were well paid to get it right
Lovely Jan, never boring! xx
Your garden is gorgeous, keep the photos coming can we all call in for a cuppa....

Anyone is welcome
Beautiful garden jandan and definitely not boring. Put up as many photos as you want. Makes me feel weary just thinking about all the work that must go into your lovely garden. Nice to see. Hope you are doing ok. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx