Thanks for replying folks. Surprisingly I got a phone call from doc ....yes the antibiotics can cause horrible taste,upset stomach and all the rest.I asked if the combination might cause increased breathlessness and was told that it was I'm told to start prednisolone in the morning. Next question....could I start it now at night time ? If I was heading into a flare up I'd want to get onto it asap You folk are wonderful..... You've been such a source of information.I do tend to get very anxious....having had 2 major scares with breathing problems and ending up in hospital I want to avoid at all costs!!!!
Update on the antibiotics : Thanks for... - Lung Conditions C...
Update on the antibiotics

As a long term steroid user, and now steroid dependent, I wouldn’t advise starting them at night, unless you’re a regular user. You could end up awake all night and dancing!
I agree with helenw7, steroids are generally a no no at night. Best wait until morning xxx
NO! It can seem like drinking 6 cups of caffinated coffee and keep you awake all night.
If I have to take it then I'll take it as early as possible in the morning with food (ie an oatcake) then by bedtime the worst of the side effects have worn off & I can get a decent night's sleep without palpitations.
NB Some lucky people can take it without getting the jitters
Ah pleased you got a call back re your symptoms.
Steroids are best taken at 8 ish in the morning to coincide with your natural output of corticosteroids. Do hope they help you to feel better. There can be a bit of a come down when you finish the course- feeling like symptoms have returned. Tricky to tell sometimes if it is steroid withdrawal or actual symptoms rebounding.
I take Famotidine no problems.
Go well
So glad the doctor got back to you. Fear my answer has come too late, but avoid taking Prednisolone in the evening! It give me terrible insomnia if I'm on it for more than a few days. Advise taking it in the morning, less likely to disrupt your sleep. Get well soon x
Don’t take them at night they’ll keep you awake. Nasty little sweeties! X
do the information sheets say that breathing problems may occur? When I suffer reactions to any medication it always affects my breathing
I agree with everyone else, always take them first thing on a morning as advised, I have never taken them any other time of the day.