has anyone any experience with long term antibiotic treatment for bronchiectasis particularly Azithromycin.
Long term antibiotic treatment, Azith... - Lung Conditions C...
Long term antibiotic treatment, Azithromycin for bronchiectasis.

I’ve been on Azithromycin for more than 8 years. I haven’t had any side effects, or chest infections while on it, whereas before I was getting about 1 chest infection a month.
many thanks for your reply, that gives me much reassurance to continue with Azi.👍
I’ve recently been diagnosed with mild bronchiectasis after having 8-10 chest infections in 18 months with each taking quite a while to clear up. Also have asthma. Been put on Nacsys effervescent tablets for bronch and take seritide spiriva for asthma and dymista for sinus issues. Got my first meeting with respiratory consultant next week since being diagnosed. I have had 3 lots of antiobiotics since June so wondering if I should be discussing azithromicin with him as people on here seem to rate it. I find it hard to clear mucus so also wondering about something like aerobika.
I also have asthma, and am on 4 inhalers and Monica’s. My lung consultant changed my Azithromycin to 500mg from 250mg because it’s supposed to be heplful for people with asthma.
Been on it for about 13 years. With no issues.
I've been on them 3xweek for about 2 years & have no problems with them. I haven't had a chest infection since starting them which is amazing. I used to get at least 4 infections a year before starting them.
Hi I have been on azithromycin for 8yrs also ,I just get gut disturbance and less chest infections than previously
Been on it 13 years. Helped with significant reduction in infections/exacerbations.Initially on it daily but caused stomach pain so I reduced it to 1 tablet 3x weekly. Fine. 😊
I’ve been on azithromycin for 12 years taken 3 x weekly ( Monday , Wednesday, Friday). In that time I’ve had fewer chest infections, no side effects. This week my consultant and I have decided to stop it, but another antibiotic ( co -trimoxazole ) will be prescribed instead .
I know a lot of people get help with this antibiotic, but it didn't suit me as it gave me a terrible sore mouth. Anyway, since trying them, I do not get chest infections since eradicating black mould in our bathroom.
I'm about to begin my 5th winter (my worst time for exacerbations/ infections) on Azithromycin 250mgs three days per week. In that time I've had only three infections whereas previously they were endless. I always take them with food. If found unsuitable for some there are other prophylactic abs to use (ie if you have heart issues).
hi, I’ve been on Azithromycin for about a year and a half for bronchiectasis. Before I had really frequent chest infections, almost every month. Since starting Azithromycin I’ve had much less and no side effects
Ditto. Three times a week for several years, no chest infections.
Hi MozB, I have been taking Azithromycin for 13 years now and I call it my miracle pill. Any side effects will disappear with 6 weeks of starting the 3 day a week dosage. I had tummy troubles at first but by eating yoghurt twice daily and using pain relief it soon passed. It keeps me well. Good luck and I hope they work for you. Maximonkey
Been on azith for 5 years no adverse effects ,no chest infections for over 18 months amazing 👏
Hi Moz. I’ve been on Azithromycin for nearly two years. I still get chest infections but less severe I believe. I’ve lived with Bronchiectasis for 69 years. It’s part of my life. I count my blessings. Best wishes, Diane.
Many tanks for reply. I’m much the same as you… it’s a way of life for me… had whooping cough as a babe, then dble pneumonia, “too-late” antibiotics leading to bronchiectasis. Last few years been a battle. So I’ve been off & on with Azi lately but concerned about immunity to them but feedback to date indicates opposite so going to keep them going now & see how it goes.
I’m on carbocistein and Spireva but I’m having thoughts I should change. I’ve read Spiriva can cause sinus infections and carbo causes much more mucus… what’s your experience with these. Oh, I’m also refused a corticosteroid inhaler but a friend of mine swears by them… he’s using Trimbo & a respirator nurse suggests Fostair!
Best Regards… MozB
Yes Moz, like you I had Whooping Cough and Pneumonia at 5 years old. Left me with Bronchiectasis. I had a lobectomy - 2 lobes from my right lung. My parents were told I probably wouldn’t make 7 years old. At 7 they said I might make early teens. I’m 75 next month, and like I say, I count my blessings 😄
I’m nearly 20 weeks pregnant and my consultant wants me to move onto Aziththromycin now. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you
I've been on Azith for 4 years and the only infection I've had in that time was when I was still recovering from Covid. I have not found Carbocisteine increases the amount of mucus I produce.
Has anyone got Colonised haemophilus influenza