Azithromycin long term: Hi I am... - Lung Conditions C...

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Azithromycin long term

organiclady profile image
57 Replies


I am interested in other people's experience in taking Azithromycin three times a week for a year. I have been prescribed it for Bronchiectasis and the results have been incredible, so I want to know if this is normal for this treatment or is it something else I have done to cause this result. Many thanks.

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organiclady profile image
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57 Replies
peege profile image

Personally I'd say it's normal. Azithromycin also seems to help in drying the mucus a bit. I only take it November to April which are my worst Asthma times. Its been a game changer for me too in that I've only had a couple of infections in the 5 winters I've been on it another aspect is that it also stays in the system hence onlyhaving it on 3 days per week. P

organiclady profile image
organiclady in reply to peege

Thank you

teddyd profile image

My experience is azithromycin made a big difference to the treatment for bronchietasis. Have been on it for 13 years ,it was a game changer for my treatment. I know some people only take it at specific times of the year ,but I am on it all year round. Only stop it if I am on another antibiotic for an infection .

organiclady profile image
organiclady in reply to teddyd

Thank you

suzy-lou profile image
suzy-lou in reply to teddyd

Hi teddyd. Before you started your Azithromycin, did you need to give sputum samples first? I was told recently that to avoid further infections this winter it would be a good idea for me to have prophylactic antibiotics. However, before I can start this regime, I need to give a sample of clear sputum and then when I get a chest infection another sample so that they can see my " sputum profile". Odd that I have to wait for yet another chest infection before going ahead?

teddyd profile image
teddyd in reply to suzy-lou

No I dont really remember . Was probably putting in a lot of samples for the 2 or 3 years before the diagnosis as I had constant chest infections and they were putting it down to my asthma .

suzy-lou profile image
suzy-lou in reply to teddyd

Thank you for yor reply, teddyd. Guess I'm at the beginning of my "journey" as they say. Keep well.

Swizzy profile image
Swizzy in reply to suzy-lou

Whover is demanding this of you does not understand the purpose of azithromycin.It chiefly acts against inflammation to prevent bacteria using the inflammation to breed. It helps against a lot of bacteria but not so well against pseudomonas. Saying that they need your sputum profile before they give it to you is silly talk and anyway sputum tests in bronch are notoriously unreliable. Do get yourself a proper bronch specialist and not somebody who pretends to be. There is no point in denying you this drug when it can do so much to prevent exacerbations ans further lung damage.

suzy-lou profile image
suzy-lou in reply to Swizzy

Thank you for your advice, Swizzy. To say that I was disappointed when the nurse specialist told me this is an understatement! After all, it was she who got my hopes up in the first place by saying prophylactic treatment would be a good idea. (I have had three chest infections in the past 12 months and two episodes of pneumonia in the last three years.) She then came back to me saying that she had spoken to the chest consultant and was given the advice to profile my mucus first. When I queried the rationale behind this, I was treated to a lecture on the harm of over-use of antibiotics.

What I can't get my head around is a. I can't just produce a 'clear' sputum specimen right away and b. why I need to suffer another chest infection again to produce the second specimen. Felt very put-down. Confused or what?

Acting on your very sound comments about Azithromycin, I'll make another appointment to see her in an attempt to discuss this again.

Swizzy profile image
Swizzy in reply to suzy-lou

The joke of this is that a clear sample wd not be showing anything to treat! Which happens all too often with bronch when symptoms show better that antibiotics are needed. It is obvious that the nurse and the so called specialist know nothing about bronch. Unlike the well population we need high doses of antibiotic as soon as we notice a deterioration for 2 weeks before it gets to a full blown exacerbation or pneumonia! If your samples are not coming back clear it is obvious that you are not being treated properly anyway.What a bunch of fools. It makes my blood boil.

It is a disgrace that you were lectured on ab use when the nurse and the doc she spoke to were both wrong. The idea of a prophylactic is to keep infection away.We HAVE to be very pro active in our own interests. PLEASE fimd a proper bronch specialist take the name to.your GP and INSIST on a referral. Don't take no for an answer.

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to suzy-lou

I'd put Yr foot down.ok give a clear sample asap but ea exacerbation causes more lasting damage - u want to stay as well as possible, which will give azithromycin better chance to work.waiting till yr ill, taking its toll on lungs+ body, just doesn't make sense! You'd be starting it at a disadvantage as inflammation can ring or email consultant,listing reasons for starting NOW...covid,flu,coughs,colds will ramp up as kids go back to school x

suzy-lou profile image
suzy-lou in reply to Patk1

Thank you Patk1. I am heartened by your your advice and will try to get this across. xx

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to suzy-lou

I think we've all found in last cpl yrs,more than ever,we really have to be proactive in getting healthcare we need.listing gd reasons does help )). Gd luck suzy-lou x

suzy-lou profile image
suzy-lou in reply to Patk1

Many thanks again , Patk1.

I am making an appointment to see a consultant when, at the very least, I can discuss this in more detail. I feel that the person assigned to me by the GP surgery will continue not to listen.

suzy-lou x

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to suzy-lou

Good luck in getting what you need. Swizzy knows more about bronc than many of the professionals who have not had proper training and certainly have never experienced the joys of having the condition themselves.

suzy-lou profile image
suzy-lou in reply to Alberta56

Thank you for your encouragement, Alberta56 ( is that your gorgeous black cat?) - and THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the trouble to offer up their stories and advice. I feel so much better now about questioning the decisions of the resp. nurse. Maybe she will allow me to get a word in edgeways this time around!

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to suzy-lou

Take the deepest breath you can and talk louder than the nurse. It is discourteous of her not to listen. The gorgeous black cat is Sooty who came to live with us after being a stray for some years. Sadly she died a few years ago at the fairly ripe age of 18.

suzy-lou profile image
suzy-lou in reply to Alberta56

Thank you, Alberta56 . I'l take all the advice with me when I have the next appointment.

So sorry Sooty isn't still with you - 18 is an amazing age. She must have been blessed to have found you!

organiclady profile image
organiclady in reply to teddyd

Thank you

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to teddyd

I’m on Azithromycin for ILD. It keeps me well,which is good.

I had an infection last week,Doxycycline on the 7Th day my sputum went yellow.

I emailed surgery,I had to have a face to face,Amoxiclav prescribed,which seems to have worked

Hey said keep a close eye on things,ring if things go wrong.

I’m cautiously optimistic,the course ends tomorrow ?? Xx

Immy_6 profile image
Immy_6 in reply to teddyd

Hi teddy's,Do you still get serious bacterial infections?

I have also just been prescribed azithromycin 250 mg (Mon,Weds,Fri).

I had surgery (open lobectomy) removal of my right lower lobe a year ago as I had continuous bacterial infections (pseudomonas, klebsiella) which wouldn't go away with different iv and oral antibiotics. I've now got serratia, although I was told once surgery is done I shouldn't really get infections.

My first week on azithromycin has made a difference already as I had a really bad wheeze and inflamed air way which meant my breathing was very difficult.

My concern is being on long term azithromycin as some people say you start to develop other infections.

I would like to know other people's experience on short and long term use of azithromycin.

I just want to feel normal again so I can go back to running, playing football and cycling.

leo60 profile image

Hi OL, I don't have Bronchiectasis, I have severe COPD. Before I started on Azith, I was having chest infections all the time. I now take it all year round and seldom have any! I believe it also helps as an anti inflammatory, so win win for me.

Glad it's helping you too xx

organiclady profile image
organiclady in reply to leo60

Thank you

organiclady profile image

thank you

helenlw7 profile image

I was diagnosed with bronchiectstasis and asthma in 2012. I had frequent chest infections and a cough for 5 years. 8 years ago I was put on Azithromycin, initially for the winter months because ‘people don’t get chest infections in the summer’ according to my consultant. The first month without it I had the worst chest infection ever. Then, in 2023, one of my RA drugs was changed and it wasn’t compatible with Azithromycin. I got 2 chest infections and the pneumonia, ending up in hospital for 7 weeks with pneumonia!

Cavmad profile image
Cavmad in reply to helenlw7

So sorry to hear about your trials. Good to know now though

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to Cavmad

The Azithromycin is definitely a good part of my life.

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to helenlw7

Tell your consultant it is perfectly possible to get a chest infection in the summer. I have.

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to Alberta56

I did tell him. He’s no longer at my hospital - he was a Colonel in the Army and has obviously go onto bigger and better things! The most scary part of my whole story is the rheumatology part. My rheumatologist was on a sabbatical in Oxford and it was a locum consultant who put me on Hydroxychloroquine. She had full access to my records and knew I was on Azithromycin. It was only when I got home and read the information booklet she gave me, and found that the two drugs together can cause heart and lung problems.

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to helenlw7

Cor blimey. You do seem to have met some right idiots. Thank goodness for this forum.

Karenanne61 profile image

I'm on year round, thrice weekly azithromycin. (Severe copd and bronchiectasis) no serious chest infections and lung function stable.

Patk1 profile image

It's gd to hear its been so gd for on a higher dose,every day.i didn't have dramatic results,prob because I've such a lot of probs with lungs+ Airways but I do think it helped to shorten exacerbations and now combined with biologics, it helps( except when I get a particularly nasty infection & inflammation, which I do periodically).I'd insist u stay on it xx

rosco59 profile image

I’ve been taking Azithromycin for 18 months following a year where I had back-to-back chest infections and eleven courses of antibiotics. I have not had an infection since. It has made a huge difference to my quality of life.

Chip_y2kuk profile image

I've been taking Azythromycin 3 times a week for over a year and it's made a massive difference

My feno has halved and I've gone from having chest infections every 2-3 months to 2 in the time I've been taking azythromycin (about 18 months) and one was at the start (6 weeks intk starting azythromycin) and one was a few weeks ago

But yes it's a game changer for a lot

Annierpan profile image

I have taken it for 2 years, I have been infection free for the first time in thirty years. I have put weight on, I feel so much better. I hope it stays like this. I am glad it's working for you too. I agree, it's amazing.

MoyB profile image

I also have Bronchiectasis. Azithromycin has been a game changer for me! Only two infections last year which were easily seen off! The first was related to COVID.

My health has generally been much better if you take aside my current issues which are not lung related (apart from the lung nodule that is under surveillance).

I honestly feel as though I've got my life back!

xx Moy

JJ_7 profile image
JJ_7 in reply to MoyB

The same for me Moy! So pleased that I am prescribed Azithromycin. xxx

B0xermad profile image

It's normal as it keeps germs at bay and less antibiotics on a yearly basis for me,been taking it for 6yrs

LissacFrance profile image

My wife has been on Azithro now for 4-5 years along with physio 3x per week. Made a big difference and the only side effect was when we had Covid she was less unwell than me. Seems like a bonus. Keep taking the tablets and plenty of exercise. Enjoy your Sunday, Chris.

Alberta56 profile image

I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis in Autumn 2019. The consultant suggested I should start on Azith, but I said no- don't want to overuse antibiotics. Next summer I went down with a mega chest infection. The respiratory nurse (part of the same team as the consultant ) got me a spacer, an AeroBika and Azith. Until this year I hadn't had another infection.( I was still suffering the aftermath of covid.) No side effects. I find that the better I feel the more I am able to look after myself.

Digger0 profile image

I have been on it Mon/Wed/Fri for 3 years now with great improvements! I used to get rip roaring fruity chest infections 6 or more times a year. Now I don't!

Grimsweeper63 profile image

hi, I have been on Azithromycin for 24 years as I have CVID has kept infections to a minimum but have recently been suffering with stomach problem, nutritionist says the permanent use of this antibiotics could have added to my problem,

Lutontown profile image

I know a lot of people who have bronchiectasis find it helps, but for me, they gave me a terrible sore mouth. I am prone to mouth ulcers and oral thrush, and all AB's can trigger these, as they kill the good bacteria as well as the bad. So, I didn't stay on Azithromycin long. I also use toothpaste without Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, which can also cause mouth ulcers.

I was put on Azithromycin as I used to get loads of chest infections; various bugs, but after eradicating Black Mould in our home in April 2018, I've had none, apart from a bout of pneumonia and pleurisy. Bronchiectasis under control with the help of medication.

Cavmad profile image

I was given long term azithromycin but upset my stomach and gave me short term cramps. Ideas? I would like to be able to take it again.

Trishe profile image

I have been taking Azithromycin for around 8/9 years +, but only take it over the winter months, then give my body a break from it in the summer months, but it does do wonders for not having chest infections.

Exflex profile image

I’m new here but finding the site a gold mine of resources. I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis in 2021 which a consultant suggested developed after Covid. Advised at the time to take antibiotics at the first sign of infection. Of course GPs only prescribed when they could hear cracking. Fast forward: 17W ago caught a chest virus and cough persisted ever since. Prescribed 2 courses of ABs, but 2 weeks ago I was hospitalised with Covid, pneumonia and they discovered by CT scan I have Pulmonary Fibrosis. Really struggling now to get enough oxygen, on a 7 day course of 40mg steroids (day 4 today). Breathing test on 20th September then consultant at out patients on 10th October when they may consider me for pirfenidone or nintedanib to help but not cure PF. Any thoughts and guidance I’d be grateful.

jacic64 profile image

I've been taking it 3x per week for about 2 years now without a break. I have emphysema, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis & asthma. I've been diagnosed with lung cancer as well, luckily found quite early due to a clinical trial for chronic bronchitis. Before the azithromycin I would have at least 5 chest infections throughout the year, including the summer. Good luck getting it sorted it's a game changer for me.

Numptybrain profile image

Hi I’ve been taking this for 2 years now, I still have unfortunately had 2 lung infections which I’ve taken antibiotics for and now on prednisone and immunosuppressant due to autoimmune disease I also have bronchiastasis. I used to get a lot more infections before I started taking azithromycil trust me so for me it’s saved me a few trips to hospital. You’ll find it helps especially with flu season right around the corner.

Take care

Wendy xx

Germantara profile image

Sorry can't help I've never had that

Maximonkey profile image

Hi, so pleased that Azithromycin has been such a good experience foryou. I have been taking Azithromycin for 12 years and I call it my miracle pill. Take care Maximonkey

Redrum46 profile image

azithromycin is important it will help you from getting a lot of infections iv been on it for approximately 40 years im nearly 80 I’m shur that’s been a help

Heaven20 profile image

I discussed this with my respiratory consult, he seems quite concerned about side effects and said the best thing is to keep doing regular exercise and clearance. Have any of you had bad side effects?

organiclady profile image

Wow what a response, thank you everyone for posting your experiences most of which were positive. I will keep my fingers crossed that the improvement I have experienced will last.

Feeder profile image

Hi there.

I have several chest conditions, and was started on Azithromycin three times a week since 2018. Prior to that I was suffering around 10 chest infections every 6 months.

I was put on Azithromycin due to a low white cell count (the white cells deal with infections).

I now only get one per year and feel that I can do anything I wish, gardening, hill walking etc.

I am so pleased you find Azithromycin helpful.


PW_R profile image

is it your consultant or doctor who puts you on it?

JJ_7 profile image
JJ_7 in reply to PW_R

It's your consultant who prescribes this. This is because prophlactic Azithromycin for COPD is outside the clinical guidelines for usage.

Maximonkey profile image

Hi, organiclady, I take Azithromycin and have done so for the past 12 years. They are wonderful little miracle workers and I recommend them for anyone like me who suffers with multiple infections. I take them 3 times weekly, I did have a summer break 5 years ago and to my surprise I was well and did not return to infections every month, however, my consultant said as there is no evidence stopping taking Azithromycin has any benefits I take them all the year round now. I hope this helps. Take care, Maximonkey

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