I was diagnosed with emphasema a good few years ago and it's been a struggle,Hoping the forum may help with new ideas etc plus it's maybe me but I find it difficult to talk about it.
New to forum : I was diagnosed with... - Lung Conditions C...
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Welcome to the forum Dogtag345. This is a brilliant place to speak openly about your lung issues. People here are kind and caring ready with sound advice if required. Xxx
hi Dogtag I too have emphysema, diagnosed this year but must have had it for a few years without knowing. I too find it difficult to talk about it, I hate admitting I have it as I feel ashamed. But this group is lovely and will always help if they can. I exercise on a treadmill I have in a spare bedroom and have just restarted yoga for oldies like me! Exercise is very important
Welcome Dogtag345 there are so many people who have a wealth of knowledge on this site. Very friendly too. Take care.
hi welcome to the group people are very friendly on this site and will help you as much as they can from reassurance , medication ,breathing exercises and a lot more I didn’t no anything about copd emphysema until my daughter told me to look on here as I was told at first I was to young to have it 🤷♀️and I got diagnosed with it three years ago we are all age ranges and most the time someone will help pick you up and get you smiling 😊 any questions I find is just to ask and someone will help or point you in the right direction take care xx
Hi, welcome to our forum. x
Hi dogtag345 ,welcome to the forum and it's a scary thing being newly diagnosed with emphysema and it does take some changes to your life .keep as healthy and do as much as you can manage on good days and rest when you need to .I am 10yrs in now and in a much better place I go on holidays, walks and live as best I can when I feel well . The winter months can be quite challenging for breathing but embrace spring and summer sunny days too.
Hi Dogtag345 and welcome to the site. You may find that talking about your problems on here will help as there are many people with emphysema that maybe able to help x
Consider doing diaphragm exercises in some form or another - plenty of videos on YouTube; or you could play a wind instrument or join a singing for lung health group. It will help you get the best out of what you have left.
hi, if you haven’t had pulmonary rehab get a referral can take a while but I have heard it helps, I was referred took three years and when I walked in they told me it would be to dangerous because of my neurological problems (and I was looking forward to it) . Good that you found this site can be a great comfort just finding out what others are going through. Good luck. Kevin
Welcome dogtag345, you'll find lots of useful advice on here and the people are lovely. Feel free to post as much as you want, someone will answer you. X
Hi, I don't have emphysema, I have CF. But i also find it very difficult to talk about it. When I was diagnosed I was all over the place, and when I looked online, I just got lost and overwhelmed. The lovely people on this forum offered lots of help, practical advice and information. The shared knowledge here is immense. X
Hello and welcome. I have found this site amazing! Everyone is lovely and we are all in the same boat (ish!), which, for me, makes it so much easier to talk and learn about our ailments. xx
Welcome to this friendly, funny and informative forum!
welcome to the forum. No question or concern is too little to share. We’re not doctors but we can listen, read and share our experiences 🐞🐞
Welcome to the forum
Welcome indeed....this site is really helpful....you will get so much information and help from the lovely people on here
Welcome to the forum, Dogtag. This forum shows you how to make the most of what you can do, such as going for a walk and ignoring the housework- all in the name of keeping yourself as fit as possible. 😊
You have found a friendly and supportive forum, Dogtag. You’ll fee more empowered living with a lung condition. Welcome .🤗