An Arican silhouette - Lion, Rhino. Meercat and a Giraffe, as the sun goes down.
Africa as the sun goes down. - Lung Conditions C...
Africa as the sun goes down.

Very good Ern. The sky colour is lovely and the lion is magnificent. Xxx❤️
What a great scene, and I love your purple mountains. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful painting, one of your best Ern. Good colour choice, and lovely silhouette of the animals, the meerkat is my favourite. xx
Love this silhouettes scene Ern and yr amazing sky.i especially like the rhino x
Love the colours on this one, Ern, lovely job.
It’s been a while since I was last on here, I hope you are doing ok.
Nöthling beats our sunsets here in South Africa. Lovely painting !!!
Fantastic Ern, the lion reminds me of the film, The Lion King , the way he is standing on the ledge all refined. Thanks for sharing.
Take care
Wendy xx
Love this and the colours are wonderful. I have lost a stone in weight due to some health issues at the moment and feel cold all the time. Just the thing to warm me up. Hope you are coping ok .xx
Thank you Dottie - I have felt cold for a while, very disconserting , hope you are feeling better very soon xx
Thank you. Im in the sun watching Bees and Wasps on Lavender,Sedum and Honeysuckle. Take care Ern.xx
I have just planted a Honeysucle for Anne. not keen on wasps. bees yes they make honeyxxxx
I'm sure she will enjoy it. It smells wonderful. I am seeing more bees than wasps. I am more wary of wasps and so suits me fine. Last year we had a wasps nest in the attic. It was made up of tones of brown with blue and green. All the colours of the fences around us that they had happily munched on. Since had the roof relined and no visits this year. xx
When I worked at Garden Center - One of my jobs was to up a ladder and pick the fruit from plum trees - Every tree heaving with wasps but no aggression. I never got stung, they where more interested in the fruit than stinging me. for which I was very glad.
very good. Love the colours and the shading on the mountains.
I like the lion and the rhino best. Very atmospheric. xxxx
Thank youMavery.
Thank u so much Ern, your beautiful colourful painting brought back vivid memories of our family visit to the stage show of the Lion King. You have got it in one. Thanks again. BERNARDINE 😻
Ah lovely. I haven't seen The Lion King but he is magnificent and in his rightful place as king of the jungle 😊. Take care Ern ❤️xxx