Hi actually seen the sun today for about 20minutes Ha Ha Even went out with no mack just a short coat and of course an umbrella. Went to Tai Chi this morning I would reccomend it. I have been doing it for just over 2yrs There are different forms I do Chen style 19 Form. The slow pace and breathing technique helps the COPD and the relaxation helps.It also helps balance. So if your up to it give it a go.
The Sun shone today!: Hi actually seen... - Lung Conditions C...
The Sun shone today!

Well done perusal and well done the weather !! Lol
I hope today's sunshine for you is a sign of a bit better weather for the rest of us. It's rained and rained and rained here (Bradford-ish) ALL day !
They are easy to do, perusal
If you want a smile you put a colon ( one of these : ) and then a close bracket like this ) together they make this
If you would rather have a wink, then use a semi-colone ; and a close bracket and you get this
If you fancy being a cheeky s*d you can stick your tongue out by using a colon and a small p like this ;p
lol ......... I think they're fun !
oooops ! the sticky out tongue one doesn't work on here
The tongue one does work - you use a colon a dash and a capital P, so it's : and - and P to make
There's also the sad face, which is colon dash and open bracket, : and - and ( to give
I've not found any others that work on here yet
Well here's all I can get
Sorry looked as if it didn't work until submit - thanks folks
Always wanted to know how to do these faces.Thankyou
Lee style Tai Chi - Started last Monday love love it love