I have had to blow my nose and had a sore throat since yesterday and this morning I coughed up a lump of phlegm and it had blood in it
Anybody else had this??
I have had to blow my nose and had a sore throat since yesterday and this morning I coughed up a lump of phlegm and it had blood in it
Anybody else had this??
Obviously I’m not a doctor but I would say that amount of blood isn’t too much to worry about. Sounds like you’ve caught one of the many cold bugs around and you coughed up some phlegm. When we do that forcefully the numerous little veins can break this causing this blood to appear. A greater amount of blood or continually coughing or vomiting blood could be potentially serious and needs urgent (ie a&e) attention. But I don’t believe this is serious.
One good thing is that at the moment the phlegm is clear which means you don’t need antibiotics. Hope you feel better soon.
Hi, I have had a cough since yesterday, worse during the night. This morning I coughed up phlegm with a small amount of blood. I'm thinking it could be a chest infection as my phlegm wasn't clear but not too dark. So I may start on my rescue pack, but as I haven't coughed up any more phlegm, in fact not coughing at all now, I'm waiting to see if I cough up any more.
As Bevvy said, it could be that you damaged some veins, so not to worry unless it gets worse. Hope you get better soon, and have no more blood in your phlegm. 🤗🤗🤗
Yes it can be worrying. If you still feel anxious about it, then try to see or speak to your GP on Monday, or if it gets worse go to A&E.
Hi Yumz199725.
Yes, I’ve had this and, as others have said, it can easily arise from a bout of hard coughing which has broken (very temporarily) some of the veins in your airways; dark red blood coming up with coughing mucus.
Don’t worry; just keep an eye on it. Quite probably it won’t happen again, rather like those minor nose bleeds that sometimes occur with frequent blowing.
But, in my case one year ago, it suddenly erupted alongside heavy coughing as bright red blood, in quantity. The colour and amount is what signals a difference. If that happens, alert your doctor straight away. I can tell you more of my somewhat lengthy experience of tests and successful intervention but, meanwhile, just be aware. Fingers crossed
Yes, it was because I was coughing so much. Sometimes your throat get irritated and the blood is from that. Or from your nose. Because it is bright red, it is new , so I would say it is probably from all the coughing you are doing with this cold/ allergy/sinus thing you are going through. If you are really concerned, go see your doctor. They are the experts.
It does make you think OMG What next!, but if you’ve been blowing your nose a lot (and maybe using nasal sprays?), then that can cause bleeding from fragile capillaries in the very back of the nose, leading to the throat. That then travels down into your throat, which you say is already irritated, making you cough to get rid of the pleghm.
Then, what you might think is pleghm from the lungs, is what’s travelled from your nose to throat and back up again! It can all be a bit scary, but your pleghm does not look thick or an infective colour. Broken capillaries in nose or throat looks like the best option just now.
Phone GP surgery if it happens again, and if pleghm changes colour, thickness, or more than just a spotting of blood, save a sample in a small sterilised container and ask surgery if you can take it there to be sent away, but normally GP has to order and approve that! Call NHS, 111 number if it was an active bleed and wasn’t stopping.
Pharmacists now, are able to help with very many things, so that’s also a good place to seek help and advice if it’s difficult with GP and if you can’t get through to NHS, 111 number for advice.
Also, many nasal treat sprays and inhaled medications will “dry up” nasal passages and throat, causing sensitive skin or membranes, which are more prone to bleeding, when coughing or nose blowing.
Nobody but those of us who struggle with “just breathing” can really appreciate all the other crap we have to deal with!
Hope all the good advice from others has made you feel less anxious and you can enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take care, best wishes and good luck! 🤗.
Ps Do a Covid Test!
Hi Yumz199725
Some great advice here, do speak to your GP if this persists. comes back or gets worse.
You are also very welcome to give us a call at the helpline to talk through your symptoms with our Clinical Team.
We look forward to speaking to you.
Take care
Helpline Team
Hi, I had this last week 2 mornings in a row, was worried because I had pneumonia in the past but then it went on for longer than 2 days and was 100% dark red blood then. This time it stopped after 2 days and was not dark red - bit like yours. BUT if you're worried check with your GP, because we're all different😊xxx
It's impossible really for anyone who isn't a doctor to tell you the cause. People go off their own experience, but we aren't experts and can't examine you.I have had similar and it was staphylococcus aureus and I needed antibiotics.
I would call your GP, then you will know if it needs treatment.