Hello again to all my dear friends here on HU, I wish to thank each & every one of you who very kindly responded to my text message,it was indeed extremely thoughtful & helpful of you to give me your time & offer such really pleasant, knowledgeable & useful advice to me as always, all your kind thoughts & words have been greatly appreciated,I am just so happy to be with you all again, as you bring so much joy & happiness to so many with all your caring ways & very sound advice, we are all extremely fortunate to have this excellent forum with so many lovely patrons that are always so willing & welcoming to offer their wealth of experience to all of us in our time of need, our problems fall into insignificance when as always our dear friends on HU reassure us that all will be alright,& make us feel so much better..I again want to thank you all most sincerely,I had a very bad leg injury due to my fall, but thankfully that is much better now...I wish you all good health & much happiness for the future.. With much love 💘 & may God bless you all always!!!. Maria xx
Primrose 123: Hello again to all my... - Lung Conditions C...
Primrose 123

What a lovely post Maria and your kind words are appreciated. This is a wonderful forum with so many lovely people as members.
You take care,
Carole xxxx🩷💜💕
Great to have you back Maria . Wishing you good health for the future xx.Sheila 🙏 🤞💕💕
Thank you Sheila...xx
I haven't left my house for 10months. They put me on 24/7 oxygen and can't get out as cylinders too heavy for me. So depressing and I miss getting dressed up and out on my shopping trips. I feel I've nothing left ..so pleased you are up and about again treasure it and enjoy every moment xx.Sheila
Hi Sheila. So sorry to hear about not being able to leave your house....also feeling like there is nothing left. I hope your GP can help you with some of these feeelings and maybe an SSRI could help. I know its not a cure for the lungs but maybe make things tolerable. Thinking of you ❤️❤️❤️
I think this message was meant for Sheila JJ7..Primrose123..x
Yes thank you Primrose I replied to Sheila in her message to you. I hope your leg is on the mend and I am so pleased you recovered from your dreadful ordeal. BTW...I liked your post to Sheila. xxx
Hello Sheila,thank you for your kind words,I am so sorry that you have been unable to leave the house for 10 months,please try not to get too despondent Sheila, (I know that in saying that it is much easier said than done) You know Sheila sometimes when we least expect it things can take a turn for the better, & we can again look on the bright side, I am living proof of that Sheila,, a few years back I suddenly out of the blue took very unwell & was rushed to hospital, I was in a coma for 2 weeks & spent a further 6 weeks in hospital, my family were sent for & advised that I may not survive,but if I did possibly I would have brain damage, I was quite unwell when I came home from hospital as I had lost 2 stone in weight, I honestly did not think that I would ever be able to go out & about again as I once did, but I tried to stay positive at all times & look on the bright side, & do you know what Sheila? here I am, totally unscathed from that ordeal, to this very day many friends tell me that they are amazed that I survived as they did not hold much hope for me at that time,so please do not for one moment feel there is nothing left for you Sheila, God has strange ways of working for us,& most importantly stay POSITIVE Sheila, & like myself the tables can turn for you too when you least expect them to..Take care, & Lots of love,& may God Bless you always..Maria..xx
Thank you Maria. How wonderful to have survived such an ordeal .Unfortunately the oxygen cylinders are too heavy for me to carry. I tried the smaller cylinder as had dentist appointment. I struggled to get there and with the time it took to get there and the waiting before treatment. . When I got back to my car my oxygen cylinder was empty. I had a spare in boot but couldn't believe that was empty also. I panicked not able to breathe. My husband phoned 999 and they came quite fast. The paramedics were marvellous and they brought me home in the ambulance on their oxygen.
I won't go out again as the small cylinder only lasts less than 2hrs using 3L. That's ridiculous as can't even go for a meal in that time. The larger cylinder is far too heavy for me to carry so that's out. Baywater brought an Indesit which looked great but with the weight of the condenser and then the battery that was no lighter than cylinder.
So here I am imprisoned in my home and the thought of having the cannula on my face 24/7 is really annoying me. Somedays I just want to throw it away.
My whole World collapsed when I was prescribed 24/7 oxygen and I believe it was caused by my Oxygen nurse not checking on me. Long story but too late now.
I can't believe how fast my life has taken a turn for the worse .photo of me just before I went on oxygen 20 months ago. Take care Maria .lots of love Sheila xx❤️
So, so sorry Sheila, ,your photo is truly beautiful, is there not a middle size lighter cylinder to be got & perhaps you could have a spare one in your boot? Surely they don't expect people to be at home 24/7, I think I would make intensive enquiries into this problem, I do know that by listening to many people & that by my own experience the NHS do a great job,but can also be very laxed in many areas too..I wish you well Sheila, & hope that something better turns up for you that enables you to get out & about again...Lots of love, Maria..xx