I hope all of us will be able to get a good nights sleep. This weather is not so easy to deal with I’m seriously thinking of buying a decent air con unit. Does anyone have any tips on how to get to sleep Please share I know we all moan about the weather But 31 degrees in London is very tiring
breathing difficulty : I hope all of... - Lung Conditions C...
breathing difficulty

hi, I have a mini fan beside my bed which helps at night 😊
I've read that in hot weather during the day keep blinds drawn and windows shut of any room you want to keep cool. At night let some air in if you prefer but it might be hotter than inside. I've just returned from Yorkshire where it was 26 yesterday. Scotland was 22 and bearable .
I wear very light pajamas and sleep under a candlewick bedspread with the window fanlight slightly open and locked. The candlewick weave is of quite coarse cotton, allowing the body to breathe easily, and for movement of air through the spaces in the weave whenever we move.
Curiously, I slept longer last night than previous nights, but had very little deep sleep, according to my soon to be redundant Fitbit.
Hope this helps.
Good cooler morning Osha. I've been struggling to breathe too in the heat. Was up at 3.40 am as lying down was distressing me. Gonna be a long day for everyone. It's not even cooling down as much as they 1st said meh.My fan made no difference. Chased hot air. I'm sure you get fans with water spray .
I hope you get ur AC unit.
Hoping we breathe better over the weekend.
Hugs Dawn 🤗
Being on high steroids makes sleeping really difficult as I am finding out. I was at the hospital yesterday from 12 -7 having a arterial biopsy that took an hour. The house was like a greenhouse after being shut up all day it was 27 here in Manchester. I am not sure if my nerves finally gave up on me or the Amitripyline took over but I slept quite well and didn't get up until 8.30 so a big bonus for me. I have lightweight summer bedding which really helps x
I have summer pyjamas , or one of those beach dresses which are quite cool in bed. I manages to sleep till 5.30 am but I went to bed art 9pm because it was so warm, I felt exhausted. Its much cooler this morning but still highish temperatures. Not sure whether the breathing is due to the treatment (radiotherapy) or just the weather, or maybe a bit of both. Stay as cool as you can no matter what my small fan is working overtime.
I’ve got a Dyson hot/ cold fan.
If it’s a really sultry night it makes it easier for me to breathe.
It wasn’t cheap,but it has been good during extremes of temperatures.
I’ve got a Dyson hot/ cold fan it’s amazing , helps me get some sleep, unlike my little dog who struggles in the heat, she can be up around 3 times a night!!
I lived near the Sahara for a few years, we kept shutters, windows and doors firmly shut and only opened them once the air outside was cooler than the air inside. We had a fan we put in the children's room. We all slept starkers with just a sheet on top
hi Osha, apparently the grass pollen is high so that may affect you. The humidity is also high. If you’re on steroids they can cause insomnia.I’m on the them at the moment and I’ve only had about 3 hours broken sleep. I usually give up at about 3am and have a cuppa and take my nebs. It’s also affecting my skin and I find myself scratching round my throat in particular even though I put itch relief cream on it. I have a small Silent night con unit and a Dyson Air, they help a bit but the heat has beaten them this time. I hope you get better sleep soon.
take care i bought one when it was lhot some time ago but have never used it as it does fit myup and over windows . lets more air in at the spaces all way round . designed for side opwning windows with foam supplied to blockthe one side that is open/ i cannot give it away as nobody wants it .
it is free aslong as it is collected from my bedroom up stairs
you can have this one if you can collect it from cheshire
forgot to say i now use a desk fan under open window . it is perched on a box to bring it level with my face, and it rotates s from side to side.
I have a cold, damp facecloth which I put over my shoulder and chest and it always cools me down. I’ve also filled a hot water bottle with cold water, left it in the fridge for an hour or two then had it next to me in bed, really does help. I also have a large fan on all night if it’s exceptionally hot. Good luck and the heat will soon disappear and we’ll be back to rain!

Hi Osha
It is very humid at the moment, I have added some information below that might help.
Take care
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