I have recently been diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency, I am now on hydrocortisone medication,I am wondering if anyone with this condition is receiving alternative treatment for this condition, I am currently awaiting results of blood tests from the Endocrinologist & also have to have bone density scan next month..All replies much appreciated...Thank you, Musiclover46...
Adrenal Insufficiency : I have recently... - Lung Conditions C...
Adrenal Insufficiency

Was this caused by steroid use?
Thank you mrblue12 for your kind reply, yes, this problem has occurred due to long term prednisolone use, I have been advised that if I develop a chest infection I have to double up on my hydrocortisone dose, I am at currently taking 10 mg in the morning and 5 mg at lunch time, I am just wondering if in the event of an attack do I still take my rescue pack as I have always done before ( 40 prednisolone + 2 week course of doxycycline) as well as doubling up on hydrocortisone ? Thank you again mrblue12 ,your reply has been much appreciated.. Musiclover 46...
I too was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency a few years ago, caused by long term steroid use. When I was first started on prednisolone many years ago, I was never warned about the risks of long term use. The endocrinologist decided I should stay on steroids, rather than hydrocortis one, because I have a lung condition as well as RA. I can’t help you with your rescue pack because I don’t have one - I’m on an antibiotic as a prophylactic so rarely get chest infections. The doubling up of steroids/hydrocortisone is called the sick bed rule.
Many thanks helenlw7 for your most kind & helpful reply,like yourself I was totally unaware of the long term health issues caused by steroids, I am now attending an Endocrinologist Consultant who advised me that I now have adrenal insufficiency due to long term prednisolone use, I am currently awaiting results of various tests, the Consultant will be lettering me in due course with all results & I have an appointment next month for a bone density scan, once all test results come through, the Endocrinologist Consultant will decide the best course of treatment available for my problem.. I don't know as yet if I will still require to have a rescue pack in the event of a crisis, I was again advised by the Endocrinologist to double up on Hydrocortisone should I feel unwell with bad flu like symptoms,but if doubling up does not help, that is an emergency & will require hospital treatment the Consultant told me, I did forget to ask about the rescue pack, do I take that as well as doubling up on the Hydrocortisone..? I sincerely hope that all is well with you helenlw7 & that your treatment is working out well for you.. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my text message, your sound advice has been greatly appreciated..Take care,& kind regards, Musiclover46..x
One thing I was told by the endocrinologist was that if I was injured in an accident and had to go to hospital by ambulance, the paramedics should be told because you have to have an emergency steroid injection. The ambulance service used to keep a register of people with adrenal insufficiency. They don’t do it any more, so I keep my medical issues on my phone, and my children know about it.
Yes, helenlw7, my Consultant Endocrinologist has given me an emergency steroid card which I carry with me at all times & also a card for my family in event of any crisis arising,I usually just took my rescue pack before if I felt really unwell,but once I have all the test results highly probable my medication will be all changed...Thanks again helenlw7 ,your helpful & kind advice & has made me feel much better.. I wish you good health and much happiness for the future.. Musiclover46...x
hello. I had the same diagnosis for the same reason about 15 years ago and take 10mg hydrocortisone daily for life. I too am told to double up if I’m unwell and that works well for me. I also wear a medicalert bracelet for that and my asthma. I insist on seeing an endocrinologist annually. I still learn things after all these years! If I take my rescue prednisolone and doxycycline I don’t also double on hydrocortisone as don’t feel I need that too. He recently told me that prednisolone is several times stronger than hydrocortisone. My bone density scans have always been fine thankfully. I’m a 71 year old woman. In case of any major crisis the endocrinologist has now given me a hydrocortisone injection kit. I’m sure you’ll be fine once you get sorted out. I’ve just learnt to live with it all and haven’t come across any alternatives.
Thank you so much Stanjory for your most welcome & kind reply, I very much appreciate your advice regarding taking hydrocortisone + rescue pack together in event of a crisis, I was advised by the Endocrinologist to double up with the hydrocortisone if I feel really unwell with flu like symptoms, I currently take 10mg in the morning & 5 mg at lunchtime, since starting the hydrocortisone a few months ago I have been feeling ok, apart from a cough first thing in the morning, I have to have a bone density scan in August & I will be notified by the Endocrinologist regarding all previous test results that I recently had..You seem to be coping very well Stanjory which is excellent,I hope that I can follow in your footsteps once I receive my test results, you have indeed been an inspiration to me, & your most helpful advice regarding the rescue pack has made me feel so much better,I thank you most sincerely for your kind thoughts & words. I wish you good health & much happiness for the future..x