hello there. New to this forum but found it when googling my symptoms.
late last year I suffered a pneumothorax along with three broken ribs following a very bad fall. Otherwise fit, healthy and strong mentally. Furthermore have had a number of pretty bad injuries before through sport and accidents.
However this one from the very start has hit me for six. From the outset was terrified about making a full recovery and was convinced I’d end up with permanent damage or pain. Which probably didn’t help. Through the process was trying to heal as quickly as I could without trusting the process. Seeking multiple opinions and acting irrationally throughout the healing process.
The pain from the fractures lasted much longer than the 6- 10 weeks the doctors suggested. Although the lung self healed a week in!
However since the injury I have been disproportionally obsessed over it. To the point I think about it all day every day. It’s constantly at the front of mine irrespective of what I’m doing. (Not great when I like to be present and have a small family and a taxing job!)
The pain has improved a lot in the last four weeks. Where it’s now purely discomfort and even that’s improved. But I get twinges when making certain movements overhead. Despite that I am reacting how I was a week in when it was fresh and much more painful.
Has anyone else gone through a similar experience and reacted in a similar way? I feel like I’m going mad and it’s totally irrational given the context of the pain I now feel. ( granted the twinges are an irritating reminder of the injury).
Thanks in advance.