can’t thank you all for all the answers on my tumours too many to answer individual all you lovely people making me think positively when you all have your own health problems such a great site this is for help ..have bad COPD and other problems too so will let you all know after next CT scan wishing everyone well and take care of yourselves xxx
A BIG THANKYOU To All: can’t thank you... - Lung Conditions C...

Wishing you all the best primrose xxx❤️
Wishing you the best primrose
Take care of yourself. I think it helps us all to get our minds off our problems and support others in the group and also realise that people sometimes have more to worry about than at this present time. Nobody knows what is going to happen with our health from 1 day to the next. Brian
Good morning primrose71, you sound a bit more optimistic now following your chats with all the members so I will wish you good luck with the tests in 3months. I am sure it will be better news as a lapse of three months makes it easier for the consultant to more sure with less room for doubt. Enjoy your day and we are all here if you need to chat . I'm a great believer in tea & chat with the odd biscuit or cake thrown in. ☕🍰🍥xx
Thinking of you and sending big hugs 🥰
wishing you well primrose x