Warm enough here I bet,
Pyramids and a Palm.: Warm enough here... - Lung Conditions C...
Pyramids and a Palm.

A simple but effective composition. Love the camels!
l really like that a lot Ern. Thank you xxx❤️👍😘
I love this Ern.it looks very warm , love the sky x
I am really liking these silhouette paintings!!!
Hi Ern, bit too warm for me🤪! Love the sky colouring. Thank you for sharing 👍😊xxx
Thank you Nula2 xx I sweated painting it.
It brings back my time in Egypt. I took a photo near the pyramids of a policeman on a camel. He must have been shy about appearing in a painting. 😊😊😊 Love the colours. xxx
I would not approach an Egypt policeman ask ask could I paint him lol. I liked that region and in Turkey last time their, was 44c . Good memory's xx
My policeman was very young and had a lovely smile. He was not offended by a small gratuity. The police (and the army) seemed very laid back when we were there- not imagining that there could possibly be a terrorist attack. A week later came the massacre at Queen Hatshepsut's temple. 😢
It's good when the authorities are laid back - Was the terrorist attack in 2005? I remember in 2017 I was at music concert with youngest daughter at the 02 in Manchester, - One week later the was a suicide terror attack at the Ariana Grande concert at the same venue. Horrible all the young people. xx
This attack was in the 1990ies. Many of the victims were young Japanese. It's a sobering thought that there are people in the world who will do such things. xxx
lovely ern, when did ya pull that one out lol. Can’t keep up with you. What do you do with them all? X
Thank You 50shadesofgrey - I have a problem with canvases they are chunky, I tried canvas board, but realised I could do nothing with or give away, so back to canvas - Going to keep only the best. x
Awwww you don’t throw them away, that’s such ashame if you do x
I am trying to find a place to store, but there is quite a few x
I too have wondered where you keep all your paintings. Canvasses are big! Please don’t throw them away though, the paintings you’ve shown us are great, though maybe those are the ones that you would keep. They’re too good to throw away.