Don't think I've wrote about the pain I've been in this past 12 months ,started the year with hip and surpost to be siatica pain ,couldn't put my foot on floor for two months as to painful ,just getting a bit better from that when I fractured my spine in three places ,iwas diagnosed with severe osteoporosis, and rheaumatiod athritis , laterly i have had awful pain pain in hips back and down front of thighs can hardly walk, saw specialist yesterday, he sent me for exray while i was there ,exray showed i severe osteoarthritis in both hips,I couldn't help it I burst out crying I've been in so much pain ,specialist has refered me on to as an emergency to another specialist, he did tell me I needed two new hips ,but warned me it is doughtful that an op for hip replacement could not be done because I have copd ,after this long tale I am asking has anyone had hip replacement when having copd
Hip replacements with copd: Don't think... - Lung Conditions C...
Hip replacements with copd

I haven’t had hip operation but have had a number of operations with COPD/asthma overlap. Having looked at your bio it seems you have mild COPD. I would be surprised if you are deemed inoperable on that basis. Ultimately I imagine the concern will be about the anaesthetic, and really it is up to that consultant who will make the decision. If you can’t have a general anaesthetic maybe operation could be done with spinal anaesthetic and some medication to help you sleep but not as deeply as a general.
Do you have any one to help you speak up for you? That could be helpful. But overall I think you still have reason to hope and if operation really is not viable then what can they put into place for giving you an acceptable quality of life?
Thank you for reply Bevvy, I was diagnosed with mild emphysema, but that was nine years ago now it is severe, last test for breathing at GP surgery was 29 per sent ,and this is what worries me ,as you said my husband had knee replacement with epidural and light sedative, so maybe there's hope9
I fell and broke mine when I was in hospital in May. I can't have general anaesthetic because I have bronchiectais and I had a pneumothorax at the time.They did the op with local anaesthetic (epidural) and sedation. I was fine.

Thanks little pom that's give me some hope
Hi Alice. I have severe COPD and bronchiectasis. I had a replacement hip operation with a spinal anaesthetic and a sedative. For me this was so much better than a general anaesthetic. Best wishes.
I have COPD and had major surgery a year ago and was in the hospital for 9 days. The anesthesiologist went through everything with me and I mentioned my concern about COPD and going under an anesthetic . He advised me there are concerns having a general anesthetic with COPD but assured me they know how to deal with them so found that very comforting.
I hope these answers are reassuring. Good luck.
They should be able to do you hip op under a spinal anaesthetic, so you are not asleep but no feeling and a sedative to make you spaced out
I think they come up with excuses to not do things nowadays. My husband had his knee replaced under what was supposed to be sedation. He was out cold as soon as they gave it to him. Good luck I hope you get some relief from the pain soon.
Modern surgery has come along way and procedures such as joint replacements can be done without deep anaesthetics. Don’t give up you shouldn’t have to live in constant pain
I personally haven't but I know peaple who has had that done and other fairly major operations with copd
rubbish! Yes I have had been hips replaced, first one in 2019 second one July this year. Severe COPD…….hospital were cautious and required an up to respiratory review and echocardiogram ( I have pulmonary hypertension as well, a secondary condition caused by COPD)
Both hips replacement wonderful, no problems. I had a senior anaesthetist and apparently my breathing was “perfectly fine” during operation. First hip replacement in 2019 I was put on HDU, 24 hour monitoring, no issues whatsoever, this July I wasn’t placed on HDU, and no problems
Push your consultant for hip replacement, having COPD not a barrier for hip replacement, it’s performed by spinal block, a lot less risky than a GA. Good luck, I so felt your pain! X
hi Alice. I have bronchecstasis and had a hip replacement about 7 years ago. Anaesthetic was by epidural. All went well except that I thought I had to sleep on my back which compromised my lung condition. Should have had regular visits from the Respiratory Physiotherapists. Good recovery.
Wishing u all the best Alice say get yrself just as fit as Yr able,to aid recovery post op x