Hello everyone - I’m looking for some advice if anyone could help?
My mother is currently in hospital and is fighting another chest infection. She has been on gentamicin through IV and her chest infection is slowly clearing. However this is the normal pattern of things.
My mother also has bronchiectasis which the doctors on the ward state is the recurring reason for the constant chest infections (at least 10 2 week stays in hospital over the last 2 years due to this).
There has been haemophilius influenza present in previous sputum and blood tests however this has never been treated - the sequence of events seem to get the infection under control then Mum goes home however there is no plan to treat any under lying condition only the infection that is present. It is normally only a matter of a month or two before she is back in again with another infection and lungs full of gunk.
After reading on here from previous suffers of this condition my question is does the haemophilius influenza vaccination work? Mums condition and symptoms all point to H.I being present again now (although the doctors this morning have said it is not present currently - however trying to find out if it was present when she came in is another task entirely).
Mum also has had immunoglobulin treatment sporadically as she was diagnosed non Hodgkins 3 years ago and sees the haematology dept twice yearly (and finished her only cycle of chemo back in Sept 2014).
Given the bronchiectasis would the H.I vaccine help as it’s certainly been a factor in mums blood previously?