Tunnel Central Line, vs Port vs Picc ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Tunnel Central Line, vs Port vs Picc line

Lapis5 profile image
4 Replies

I have colonized Pseudomonas and Bronchiectasis and an auto immune disorder.., requiriing Gammagobulin,

I have been getting lung infections of Pseudo back to back now for about 3 yrs w only a month in between.

Picc line was too hard to shower with and sleep with.

Last month my PORT got infected w PSeudomonas and had to be surgically removed and hospitalized for 5 days w sepsis.

Went back last week for new PORT so I could have Ceftazine again but they refused to give it to me due to active infec tion, instead placed a Tunnel central line. Now after a month of Ceftazine if my culture shows infection is cleared and want to remove this thing as i have to cover it all the time for showering an d more and skin getting very irritated and peeling. Interventional Radiology placed it and told me it could be taken out after infection cleared. however my DR. wants to keep it in more long term as i keep gettting infections and says they can't keep putting it in and taking it out So now what.

I got Righors very bad when PORT was infected and this time was taken by ambulance from my car to ER and hospitalized. U can get Righors from any of these devices when u r infected.. so I need to decide this week and tell them what i want to do. AFraid if they take tunnel line out i will be infected shortly and then another procedure. After awhile there is no more room on my chest to place these things. GRanted removal of that vs a PORT would be easier.

Any advice appreciated.

I cannot stop these PSeudomonas infections back to back for 3 yrs now

Clear lungs twice a day w vest and saline and shower after to cough it out, otherwise I cant get it out without shower steam.

Thank u in advance for your help.

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Lapis5 profile image
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4 Replies
Patk1 profile image

Yr having a tough time.no wonder u had rigors, with sepsis.I'd go with consultants advice xx

Jack70 profile image

could the steamy shower not de causing the pseudomonas?

Mooka profile image

I’m sorry I don’t have any suggestions regarding the port. I can’t remember if you’re nebulising after the iv antibiotics. You do need something in between to keep it at bay. You can also pick up pseudomonas in hospital so they could be reinfecting you b

Blue58 profile image

Hi Lapis5. I really feel for you. I too have bronchiectasis with colonised pseudonomas and have had back to back infections over the last 3-4 years. I can't tolerate any of the nebulised antibiotics because they have a severe negative effect on my brittle asthma. I have a port fitted and just coming to the end of a three week course of meropenem but sadly feel I will be back in hospital again soon as I may be on the wrong antibiotic as I am no better. Would be interested to know how you and others manage their pseudonomas infections in-between hospital stays.

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