Thank u all for your well wishes n the knowledge u share. I really feel less alone when I read your stories n also know that someone is listening to me . no judgement just kindness . it means so my h to me since i recently lost my mom n friends don't come by out of site out of mind bit the few people I have in my life are terrific. This photo was taken today....if it goes thru!! Well photo didn't go thru . but I got my hair pinker today. Been pink for 11 yrs!! Oh it went thru . hi everyone . they are asking me to remove photo don't know why keep trying
Thank u this community is my life line - Lung Conditions C...
Thank u this community is my life line

Oh wow. Love the pink. Now I know why you are Pinky2017 . 😃😘
Hi Pinky, you look well. Try to keep your spirit up, it is so hard when you are grieving to see anything in a positive light. Then again your pink hair must bring a smile to a lot of people, how can you be sad when your hair is pink, itvis sad that friends seem to have forgotten you but have you reached out to them? A lot of people feel arkward where a death is concerned. They may feel that you want to be alone to deal with your loss, unless you reach out and talk to them, how can they know how you are feeling.
Stay strong Pinky,
Christmas is difficult when you have a loss in the family, try to get through it day by day, it does get easier.
Hi Pinky. The 'Remove image' tag is not telling you to remove it but is giving you the choice to remove it if you want to.
Oh ok I learned something new. You all are my family. And I want everyone to know that When I was in the hospital the nutriona list told me something I think u all should share with people who don't understand copd. She has family members breath in n put thru a very thin straw n tells them. That is how hard it is to breath with copd. Interesting
Take good care Pinky!! La vie en rose 🌹
Xx Fran

ooo I love that. I play Edith full blast in my car & singalong (well, sort of sing) at the top of voice!
Hello Pinky 🌸🌺🌸


Keep listening to it over n over

I was recently on my terrace listening to Edith n Josephine baker . lovely French singers
Great ,really great being my favourite colour too!!! I totally agree with you Pinky2017 ,that this site is a real "life saver"- so glad we've been able to find it and make so many friends too!
You have a beautiful smile, Pinky 😃

Thank u all for such nice things that u are saying . I live alone nn sometimes feel alone but not lonely . would love all of u to come to Fla n visit . that ish wish
You look great pinky keep photo in and great to welcome you to hu you lot of support here
Great hair! Best to you
Lovely photo, love the hair 😊😊
I have had my hair pink for about 11 yrs . it does make people smile n that is what I like most. And also people don't forget me easily cause how many woman 67 have pink hair? Lol glad I made u smile
Love the pink hair! Cheered me up this morning!
That's my goal to put a smile on peoples faces . children love it n they smile n think I'm a Disney character!!
Hi Pinky 2017, love the hair!!.....hang in there and keep well 😊
My cataract surgery went ok until I went into Afib. 1st time ever. It was so bad they rushed me im an ambulance to my local hospital. Got home today n glad to be home. Still can't see clearer but I'll wait it out.