Anyone over 65 , carers,care homes, clinical risk groups,can easily book their covid jab via NHS app/ NHS online or by calling 119 therefore many Gp surgeries are not sending reminders. Had mine yesterday got a next day appointment. Feeling a little rough today mind you, but happened the last time I had a Pfizer one .
covid jab: Anyone over 65 , carers,care... - Lung Conditions C...
covid jab

Hope you feel better soon Kristi. Pete and I having covid and flu jab on Sunday. Hoping it all goes ok. I’m fine with Pfizer. Xxx🩷
Many Elderly do not have access to mobile phones and PCs. This is the group that worries me. A quick sms to a landline phone and/or a letter woud be helpful.
Totally agree JJ. A lot of things now are being dominated by mobile phones. The oldest in our society may not wish to embrace the mobile phone revolution or maybe even younger ones come to that, but sadly it is becoming a must. Perhaps the state should issue them at birth 😂😂
One of my carers has a son who works on the 119 service. He wasn't aware of venues in my home town giving the vaccine! I found out by contacting my MP who, to his credit, responded very quickly and gave me 3 venues quite close to where I live.
I hope you feel better soon, Kristi. I had an SMS last week and booked an appointment at my local hospital on a day when I have another appointment. The yesterday I got an email and another SMS saying I can book an appointment. I’m having my flu jab on Friday this week. I had the Pfizer last time, my second Pfizer, but this time had had to take to my bed with flu like symptoms and sickness and diarrhoea. I’m are person who is never ill so it was a real shock.
I had mine both last wk aft sms frm dr.ive been OK,just usual sore arms for cpl days x
We both had our Covid jab 2 weeks ago, had text message from our Doctors Surgery. We then had our flu jab on Saturday. I had the usual temperature/chills with the covid jab for 2 days which I get with any of the vaccines. I do worry for people that don’t have mobile phones as everything seems to be done this way now. I hope everyone gets their Covid and Flu jabs soon.
Thank you! I didn't know I could book online. My husband had a phone notification but I've had nothing. Have now been able to book at the same place and close to his time so we can go together.
xx Moy
Hope you're feeling better soon Kristicats.After my doctor telling me just a couple of days ago that I'm not entitled to either a flu or covid jab despite being of 65 and in a high risk group, I got my husband to call 119 to book us both in. No problem with them and we've both got an appointment for tomorrow morning.
To be honest, I'm not looking forward to any after pains, but hopefully they'll be over and done with by Tuesday when I go to my next pulmory read class.