anyone been on doxycycline been given it for chest infection never had it before seems can upset stomach as I have stomach problems being celiac not sure about it Thankyou
Doxycycline : anyone been on... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi primrose, Pete has been on doxycycline before and doesn’t take it on an empty stomach. It’s a good ab generally but try and check with your doctor because you’re a coeliac.
Get well soon. Xxx🩷
Hello primrose71, I have had Doxyclycline for a sinus infection earlier this year. I took it in the evening after eating and it cleared the infection. I have a hiatus hernia, and reflex, plus allergies, and find it hard to take some medications, but was absolutely fine with the doxycline and no problems.
hope your chest infection soon clears up.
I also have a very sensitive stomach, have taken Doxy and been okay with it. Always take with food and
keep out of the sun whilst on Doxy!
I am just taking some too, I have had it before and been ok .
Take it after eating something ….Keep upright for at least 30 minute , sitting is ok , not lying down . I find it better to stand up and swallow it down with a good glass of water , then sit upright .
Keep out of the sun …typical now it’s sunny .
If you are worried about you being coeliac , could you ring your pharmacist to check .
Best wishes.
I've had Doxy several times and never had any trouble, but I'm not celiac. Hope you can get an answer from doctor or pharmacist. xxx
Yes I've had various courses of doxycycline at various dosages and length ... its my favourite antibiotic (I get a lot of chest infections)
Doxy has been my go-to AB for several years. I have not been aware of any stomach problems. Stay well and BREATHE…
Doxy never helped me, I am allergic to penicillin so was given this for a chest infectionI was then given clarythromysin, I thought it was the Holy Grail... Knocked my chest infection straight out the window!
I took after a meal and was fine.
Hi primrose 71 I have taken doxycycline a few times for a chest infection and it does make you go to the toilet a lot ,it definitely needs to be taken with food otherwise it does a number on your gut. I was recommended to take a probiotic with it. It does take a few days to feel better and get accustomed to it
I have used on several occasions and find it important to take with food then you should be ok
Hi Primrose
I have been on doxycycline
I only take it when I’ve eaten a good meal
I always have my main meal at 1 pm so I would take it after that
Hi, had this twice and upset my stomach a bit but not too much but the thought of my chest infection getting worse took it anyway. Didn't take it on an empty stomach. Oh and be careful if you go in the sun. It can make your skin go brown and patchy 👍
I am always given doxycicline as I am allergic to penicillin and claramythacin I'm sorry if I've not spelt it right I don't have any problems with it but like a lovely doctor I once had said if 1 tablet worked for everyone we wouldn't need a doctor 😊
Hi primerose71, sorry you are not well. I had this antibiotic on many occasions for chest infection and helped me every time. Pharmacy label should say how to take it also any precautions to take - for example don't drive or drink alcohol and so on. If it doesn't then read the label or ask the pharmacist who is your dispensing pharmacist. Get well soon.
Primrose71, had no problems with my stomach but did get sun burnt, apparently this is one of the side effects.
Hi Primrose, I had it several times and it has been great for a chest infection. Always take it with food and remain upright for 1/2 plus. After a few days of use it really irritates my gut, but I’ve no other option and I find all non penicillin based antibiotics eventually irritate the gut. That said, I’ve had no permanent after effects
Hi Primrose71. I've had Doxy several times for a chest infection and never had any trouble but I always took it after a meal and I'm not celiac. Hope you feel better soon.
It's the best antibiotic for chest inf. I have had loads no problem at all but you have to keep out of sun also take with full glass of water. My wife had it once and she was violently sick . We are all different. Colin.
Doctors love doxycycline. I had it years ago and it did upset my stomach so have refused it ever since. Good luck with it. Hopefully all the above advice will work for you and you get rid of your infection.
Was prescribed once following 3 lots of ammoxycillin failing to clear a chest infection, pharmacist emphasised NOT to take on an empty stomach, I was fine, I suffer from dysphagia and GERD and also have gallstones.
hi, I’ve had it recently after a chest infection refused to go away, I have diverticula’s disease and sphincter of oddi type 2 so always have irritable bowel but I wasn’t too bad on it. I would check though as you are totally different to me. Good luck.
Take care
Wendy x
Yes, Doxycycline gave me Oesophagitis. Quite painful. Took Gaviscon which helped a bit.
I have ulcerative colitis but I’m fine on doxycycline. I take it with food and stay off dairy till I’ve finished the course cx
Yes I had to stop taking it after 4 tablets I was violently sick. It reads you should take on an empty stomach which I did but reading other reviews I would be better taking after food.
Doxycycline for me is a last resort. Makes me quite unwell but it does for me at any rate clear the last dregs of an infection if I can't clear it with amoxicillin
I reacted badly to doxy, I was such as soon as I took it , heart was racing and I felt so unwell , I called 999 as I really felt so unwell , they sent a rapid response out , thankfully everything settled fine after around half an hour , it’s in my notes that I’m allergic to it .
I have - for the same. Really important to be sitting up and staying up - otherwise if lying down it causes sickness. I made this mistake when unwell and really wanted to go back to sleep !
Plenty of advice above and it’s a pretty safe drug if taken properly as it can be used for 2 years as a prophylaxis for malaria ( in fact, I believe it can be taken for life!).
However, the issue with coeliac is interesting because the undesirable gut effects of antibiotics aren’t related to those of gluten, so there may be no interaction (at least, not according to the BNF - So if your coeliac is under control, then the side effects from doxy should be no different from those who have no coeliac. Unfortunately, diarrhoea is extremely common with antibiotics because the broad-spectrum ones remove the bacteria from your gut which digest fibre, and that irritates the bowel (which is why people with constipation take high fibre products). Reducing dietary fibre and taking a probiotic in between doxy doses should help.
Hi. I have a regular stock at home for any chest infections (I have COPD). I've had to use it two or three times - no problems and it did the trick.
I've been on dox a few times. The longest was for a month. Avoid taking calcium or iron supplements, multivitamins, antacids or laxatives within 2 hours before or after taking your antibiotic and as others have said, don't lie down for at least 30 minutes after taking it. Hope it works fine for you.
Hi P, I have been on it often. I find it best after food and taken with lots of water.
I am constantly on this as a rescue antibiotics for my lungs infection I think body can react to anything new and as with alot of meds can cause tummy to play up but keep using and it should improve
My friend has these in his rescue pack along with steroids. He also had Crohn’s disease. He’s taken them 6 times this year already.