Doxycycline - HELP!: Hello. This is my... - Lung Conditions C...

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Doxycycline - HELP!

sarah_3 profile image
41 Replies

Hello. This is my first time posting on this site. I have been sick with reoccurring infections about 7 times since the beginning of January. I would go to the doctor, get a steroid shot, antibiotics- it would go away for 3-4 days and then it would come back again. The same cycle has been occurring since then.

I went to my primary who did lots of blood work and I'm now seeing an immunologist and a pulmonologist. I had a CT scan that showed a nasty infection in my lungs. Fast forward, I'm now on day 6 of Doxycycline, 100 mg 2x a day.

I cannot even describe how awful this medication has made me feel. It's to the point where I cry before I take it. It makes me nauseous, out of it, exhausted, anxious, and overall makes me feel EXTREMELY sick. I am even having terrible joint and muscle pain.

I have a 1 year old and a job that I am getting behind on so am desperately trying to get better. I have pushed myself to take the medicine everyday in hopes that it will help. But I'm starting to wonder if the pros outweigh the cons. Has anyone else dealt with this? I'm still waiting on lots of other bloodwork to come back from Immunologist but just want to get better.

Thank you guys so much in advance!

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sarah_3 profile image
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41 Replies
Oshgosh profile image

Doxycycline never suited m, but the GP suggested I try taking Lanzanzaprol which does make me feel a bit better and best of all the nausea goes away. It does sound as though you need the Doxy to help you get rid of the infection. Take care

sassy59 profile image

Welcome to you Sarah. Just a question: have you read all the instructions on how to take Doxy? Nausea can be a big problem as my husband knows when he’s taken it in the past.

I hope you will feel better soon but do contact your doctor and explain how you’re feeling. It’s hard enough to look after a one year old and hold down a job without feeling ill.

Wishing you well. Xxx

Lol1944 profile image
Lol1944 in reply to sassy59

A change of antibiotics could be tried. Also after having four chest infections in 6 weeks I am now on azythromycin thrice weekly and so far so good. Hope this info helps. Sometimes you simply have to tactfully tell you doctor that things have to change. You should not be suffering as you are

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Lol1944

Pete takes azithromycin three times a week too Lol1944 and does well on it. Some don’t get along with azith though but worth a try. Xxxx

Isme profile image
Isme in reply to Lol1944

I too take Azithromycin x 3 weekly, I had been getting chest infections frequently plus the dreaded pseudomonas... turns out I have a functional antibody deficiency from previously having had chemo...I would push for more tests to make sure you are on the right antibiotics.

hypercat54 profile image

A nurse once told me taking natural yoghurt with ab's will stop the nausea.

Joy123 profile image
Joy123 in reply to hypercat54

I was told the opposite. Never take any antibiotic with dairy as it absorbs the drug before it reaches your stomach. I was told that years ago! Opinions have probably changed. Joy. x. I’ve just Googled it and they confirm. No dairy for 3 hours after taking antibiotics. I’d post my findings here but don’t know how to. Xx

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Joy123

That's interesting, Joy123. I've never heard that said before. It may be the case and yet I would have thought that any specific instructions about taking medication would be included on the lable attached by the pharmacist dispensing it and also included in the patient information leaflet from the drug manufacturer. I'd be interested to know who advised you about avoiding dairy with antibiotics. There is always something to learn.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to CDPO16

I’ve heard that you shouldn’t have dairy things at the time of taking certain antibiotics. One thing I have learned is to make sure you eat something before taking antibiotics.

santisuk profile image
santisuk in reply to Mavary

.... but not azithromycin.

Some brands (including a mainstream one, 'Zithromax') state that the drug should be taken at least one hour before meals or two hours after. Other generic websites like Web MD say you can take it with or without food!

Best to read the patient leaflet for the specific drug (you can usually download online), or talk to the pharmacist on prescription

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to santisuk

I think if you’ve got a stomach like I’ve got always eat something before taking antibiotics.

santisuk profile image
santisuk in reply to Mavary

I think, but a pharmacist or doctor would confirm, that taking an antibi with food is not dangerous. It might reduce the effectiveness of the antibi dose but if that's the only way you can comfortably consume the antibi and if you have explored all the alternative antibis (preferably with advice from a specialist) then maybe you just have to accept the trade-off.

Joy123 profile image
Joy123 in reply to CDPO16

I was told years ago by my GP. I’ll try and send my find but not very good at it! Xx

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Joy123

It arrived! Thanks for that. The reference does say 'may' need to wait for 3 hours but I wouldn't contradict your doctor except to say that I think it may only apply to certain antibiotics. A simple question from Sarah has lead to lots of replies and some debate which is always interesting. xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Joy123

I've had ab's a lot over the years and have never been told that by any dr or nurse. I have always been told not to take them on an empty stomach. I need to do some goggling methinks.

I'm not sure how we can help or suggest anything other than speak again with your pulmonologist or Immunologist regarding your reaction to the doxycycline.

I personally don't have any problem on doxy when I need to take it.

Have you checked the information leaflet that comes with the medicine which will indicate when you should speak with your doctor if getting severe side affects.

Reading what you have said above sarah it sounds like you are living in the USA, if this is the case I wonder if a US based group may better be able to advise you regarding your situation. There is a group on FB where you may get more appropriate advice and help. The group is called Ultimate Pulmonary Wellness Foundation, its run by Noah Greenspan who I believe is a US medical professional you may get further help there.

I hope you will soon be feeling much better.

Best wishes to you.

CDPO16 profile image

Hi Sarah, I think that you should inform your doctor about how the doxycycline is affecting you. A change of antibiotic may be indicated.

TomTitTot profile image

Sarah, Like you I have experienced the awful nausea of doxycycline. One thing has helped me a bit is to make sure that I receive it in tablet form rather than capsule form.

For some reason tablets cause much less nausea. Also, drinking plenty of water and a meal helps as well.


MELNEL profile image

Welcome Sarah, I am sorry that you feeling this sick.

Doxycycline sitting not always well with me either. But I know that it will definitely clear my infection when having one.

When I taking them I have to make sure that I have plenty to eat before taking them and lots of fluids.

I would definitely talk to your GP about it when you feel so sick taking them, their might give you a different one. Best of luck that you getting well again. Stay safe and warm 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Pannazaman profile image

Hi Sarah , same to me here . My Gp prescribed me Theophylline tablets 200 a day and Montelukast 10 mg a day and I am feeling better and better every day. Thank you and keep well.

ElsaC profile image

I found doxy effects were worse on an empty stomach so I took it with or after food.

Gma61 profile image

Hi i have to haave half a biscuit take doxocycline eat the o5yer half then im fine without eating this does the same to me. Give it ago.

_9carole profile image

Hi yes I am on Azithromycin three days a week. It has helped keep infections away. Please contact your doctor he must change it to another antibiotic. Hope this helps.

gingermusic profile image

If any medication is having that bad an effect on you then you should report back to your doctor and it can be changed to one that suits you. You should never have to continue with an antibiotic that you are not suited to

Izb1 profile image

Hi Sarah, and welcome to the site. I cant take any medication without having food first, otherwise I feel really sick, but if in doubt go back to your doctor. It must be really hard for coping with a little one and a job without being poorly as well. I hope you get better soon x

garshe profile image

You should take Doxycycline with or after a meal. Never on an empty stomach. I prefer Amoxillin but different antibiotics for different complaints. Just remember to eat when taking it .hope you feel better soon. xxSheila 💕

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to garshe

I have taken doxy on an empty stomach with no problem at all. As with all meds we all seem to react differently and know what is best for ourselves when taking something x

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to CDPO16

It does state not to take on an empty stomach . But then as you say we are all different but you are the first person I have heard can do this. xxSheila

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to garshe

The patient information leaflet I have read when prescribed it says that it can be taken with or without food but to take it with food if nausea is a problem. Usually if a medication needs to be taken with food it will be stipulated on the lable the pharmacist attaches to the packet, i.e prednisolone.Hope that you are doing ok Sheila. Carole xx

carolandjessica profile image

Hi sarah_3. I feel your pain with Doxyxycline, I had a nasty experience with it a few years ago. I was rushed into hospital with suspected Sepsis, which turned out not to be in the end thank goodness. The next morning after breakfast I was given 1 Doxycycline tablet, a big Green torpedo thing, I'll never forget it! Within 10 mins I brought up my lovely breakfast & within the hour I broke out in big raised Red blotches from head to toe, they were everywhere! None of the nurses would help me with Antihistamines. They just shrugged their shoulders & said 'it happens'. I was very cross & upset! It was very obvious that I'd had a reaction but nobody would help. After couple of days I was moved upstairs to a different ward & immediately given Antihistamines & cream as the blotches had got worse. I was also put into an Isolation room as my immune system was very low. I asked was it because of my blotches & was I infectious but they laughed & said no. Due to my low immune system it was to protect me from everyone else. So that was my experience with the dreaded Doxycycline. It's now on my notes that I'm allergic to it, plus I always mention it when asked about any allergies. I don't want to go through that again. sarah_3 if it makes you feel ill, then speak to your Dr to change to something more agreeable. Hope you get it sorted out x

Tinker26 profile image

Hi Sarah ,can I ask what infection he saw and have you had your sputum tested ,you need to ask as different bugs react to different antibiotics.Insist on the results of their findings .Good luck x

It can be quite an unpleasant antibiotic to take, but totally necessary in so many cases of lung infection. If you are getting nausea it's best taken with your food so I always take my first one with breakfast. The second one is more problematic unless you have supper 12 hours later, so I usually have a biscuit or some bread. Always make sure you remain upright for at least half an hour after taking never take it just before bed. Hope this works for you. Also the manufacturers suggest taking it with a glass of milk if there is nausea. Milk is contraindicated with the other 'cyclines, but apparently not with doxycycline.

Lfcpremier profile image

Hi SarahWith broncheictasis & continual infections I was put on 1 azithromycin daily.I managed nearly 3 weeks but as it was affecting my stomach reduced it to 1 three times weekly.

As a prophylactic it helps considerably & don’t have nearly as many infections.You need to have your medication changed:too problematic by the sound of it.Good luck.Linda x

Blackcat99 profile image

Hi, Sarah, I have bronchiectasis, usually with multiple recurring infections (although I have to say that more or less continual isolation for the past year has really suited me, chest-wise - one of the few benefits!)Don't think any antibiotic has ever left me feeling terrific - always some degree of nausea and upset tummy - but I had a bad experience with Doxycycline a couple of years ago when I had just finished a course of it, and was in south of Spain in February. Sunny, but not really hot. I'd read up about possible photosensitivity, so kept well covered up, despite which I ended up with a very badly blistered hand and lower lip which must have escaped from protection! Also, my whole face felt as if it had rain blowing onto it all the time (quite weird sensation) and I was very stiff and sore all over. Spanish doctor changed me to ciprofloxacin 500mg, and also prescribed probiotics to take alongside it. That seemed to work well.

Having said that, GP recently prescribed Doxycylin again for sinus infection and, apart from inevitable tummy upset, I seemed to be OK with it.

I suppose it's unrealistic to expect no possibility of adverse side effects, when we want the meds to be strong enough to knock out the nasties?

Mavary profile image

I had doxycycline for an infection in my hand a few weeks ago. Unbeknown to me I also had a water infection. I certainly felt better after taking them. I’m usually very sensitive to antibiotics. My tummy doesn’t like them at all but I was fine with the doxycycline.I think we all react differently to different things.

Alberta56 profile image

Hello Sarah. Some good advice here. I agree that you should talk to your doctor about a change of medication. Like some of the others I am on azithromycin 3 times a week and, touch wood, it seems to be keeping infections at bay. Good luck.

Maximonkey profile image

Hi Sarah, so sorry you are feeling so ill. Doxycyline does not suit everyone so you should ring your GP and ask for another antibiotic. Have you had a CT scan? only I am thinkiing if you are having recurring infections your Consultant should be testing you for lung disorders and a CT scan should show him how to proceed with your medication. I have Bronchiectasis and before diagnosis I had recurring pnuemonias and infections for over 1 year and I was very ill indeed before the Bronch diagnosis. If you do not have a Consultant ask your GP to refer you immediately. I know with Covid happening we are all tiptoeing around the GP's but really if you need help you should ask. Take care and let us know how you get on. Maximonkey

Darceydoo profile image

Look at the label it says you can take Doxycycline with milk! I do it helps the nausea.

Suzie42 profile image

I cannot take this antibiotic it made me ill and drs changed it to 2 different antibiotics. Dont suffer there are other ones you can take.

Kristicats profile image

Sounds like the doxy is not working for you. Could you ask to try a different ab? Amoxicillin seems to work for me as doxy really does . My rescue pack has been changed to amoxicillin .

Patk1 profile image

Iv not had prob be with doxycline before,but on 9th day yesterday,stomach was burning + painful last night for hrs,again day 10 today,vomited too. I really feel for to yr dr as plenty of alternatives.personally I wonder whether u haven't had 9 infections but 1 that hasn't been eradicated,perhaps by wrong antibiitic/ not adequate dose/ course not long enough.

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