hi all. Well I’m on day 5 from my blood clots in lung diagnosis and medication, my question is how long does the breathlessness last, I must say I’ve done quite a lot today but I’m feeling the effect now, I’m still finding that if I overdo things I get breathless and a bit fuzzy headed. Am I wanting to much to soon?. Just want to feel well and normal. Plus my anxiety doesn’t help all I seem to do is ponder on it all the time. Just want so peace. Thank you for reading
Day 5 and still breathless - Lung Conditions C...
Day 5 and still breathless

I think you need to give your body time to react to treatment . Your mind has taken a body blow and also needs time to recover. You can always call your GP for reassurance and advice.
Hi, methinks you might be wanting to run before you can walk 🤔?The helpline could probably put your mind at rest Climmy - 0300 555 2800, 9-5, Mon - Fri.
For example, I know it took approximately 3 months to completely recover from pneumonia and I'm still breathless on exertion after a nasty virus in January.......... and I think blood clots would be more serious than a nasty virus. Do call helpline, or your GP or look at the NHS website for recovery from Pulmonary blood clots. Good luck ××
It can take months to recover. The clots have to disappear and that can take time. The medication can make you feel tired. The shock of it all will have knocked you for six. Be kind to yourself, take things easy and don’t over do it. Your lungs have got to recover and heal and that takes time.
Good luck.
The fuzzy head is because you've used more oxygen than you can take in, so your brain hasn't had enough to do more than tick over. So, as others have said, do stop and take a rest when feeling fuzzy, and take things easy. Try not to push yourself too hard as that can lead to further problems down the road. Wishing you all the best.
Hi Cimmy, it may be that your body is telling you that you are doing too much. Anxiety will also cause breathlessness. It will help if you can practice relaxation and controlled breathing. You tube have videos on both of these. Asthma+lung UK also have information leaflets that are helpful. In the meantime I hope that you soon begin to feel better.
I agree with everyone else. You can't do too much too soon. You sound like one of the overdoing things brigade. (Takes one to know one.) Good luck in slowing down and letting your body tell you what it feels capable of. xxx
Hi Climmy had a blood clot diagnosed 3 months ago on blood thinners now only downside is coughing blood first thing in morning and getting chest infection in my case ,breathlessness will go but don’t do too much at a time ,the blood clot will take a while to go ,hope you feel better soon
I hope you've noted all these replies Cimmy - my view too is that you are definitely doing too much. Take a break, lie on the sofa, watch a favourite tv series, or read a favourite book. You are being too hard on yourself, and overdoing it risks making you ill again. Slowly does it