I am on the fourth day of Doxycycline after always having Amoxycillin and have found that after the first (double) dose I immediately vomited all the water back but kept the capsules down. Although I have not done it again I have felt sick immediately after taking the dose and find that this is apparently a common side effect. Has anyone tried taking it with milk instead of water? x
Doxy side effects.: I am on the fourth... - Lung Conditions C...
Doxy side effects.

Pete has tried milk and found it helped and I ate breakfast first which helped. Wishing you well. Xxx👍❤️
Ask your doctor or pharmacist first! Milk sounds like bad advice! Per Google: "You shouldn't take doxycycline (or other tetracycline antibiotics) with dairy products because dairy can interfere with how your body absorbs the medication—ultimately reducing how effective it is." Sheesh!
You should never take Doxycycline on an empty stomach. Take with food or just after. xx💕⚘Sheila
Thanks, I'll try that tomorrow, x
Great advice, makes me horribly sick on an empty stomach but if I take it just after breakfast I’m fine
yes my husband took them on an empty stomach once was really unwell. Sick and dizzy. Ok taking with food . I prefer Amoxicillin when I have an exacerbation. xxSheila 💕⚘
Amoxycillin has always done it for me before so I don't know why they changed it. xx
Ah! That's what made me feel so sick! I am useless at putting these things together, but now you mention it .......... 😂😂 Silly moo!! xx
The medication is a nightmare as so many rules to abide by. Doxycycline (which I dont Take ) has to be taken with meals .
I have a new medication Levothyroxine for a newly diagnosed under active Thyroid Has to be taken first thing on empty stomach and must not be taken with any other medication, so that holds me up for breakfast and my COPD meds
Amoxicillin which I take 3 times a week has to be taken 1 hour before food or 2 hours after.
I have it all worked out now as take the Levothyroxine as soon as I wake around 6 .30am. I wait an hour have breakfast then take COPD meds.
The Amoxicillin has to wait until later lol.
Have a good day xxSheila 😱🙈💕⚘
People just don't seem to understand how complicated and time consuming having COPD can be!!
You have a great day too Sheila xx
Oh I never knew you shouldn't take amoxicillin with food. I always do. Oh dear
I've been taking Levothyroxine for about 45 years & just chuck it down before breakfast with anything else! My "anything else" is mainly supplements though.
I've only been prescribed it 2 weeks ago after blood test results. On low dose 25mg but will get correct dose after regular blood tests every 4 weeks. Apparently have to start on low dose because over 70 and adjust if required. My Doctor phoned me with results and told me to take first thing before breakfast and not with any other medication. I also take supplements but take them throughout the day. Whenever convenient. xxSheila 👍💕⚘
I started on 250 mg because of extreme depletion but it was over 20 years ago when I was a slip of a girl, well 60. I've been on 100mg for almost 15 years now with blood tests every 6 months. I'm sure you'll be balanced up soon xx Dorothy
Yes , I do feel I' m not quite there yet . Still have symptoms but have to wait until next blood test.. Great you are all sorted . Take care xxSheila ⚘💕👍
That sounds complicated. Leo is right.
Once you get used to it , all goes Ok. I have a routine now. xxSheila 👍⚘💕
I’ve toyed with the idea of a spreadsheet, but it seems a bit OTT 🤣
I take the Thyroid tablet 6.30am then the other meds inhalers about an hour later, that's me done for the day. Only take a Amoxicillin and steroids if I have an infection. xxSheila ⚘💕
if a spreadsheet helps,go for it.
I’ve just about used to managing y meds.
Now I’m on Nintendanib and blood pressure tablets,I had to concentrate a bit more,it’s getting easier
The only medical person,who has ever asked how I manage my medication is the Interstitial Lung Disease pharmacist .
I don’t know how people cope with it all,particularly when medication is changed or dose altered.
Enjoy the afternoon x
That did happen to me. Like yourself it did settle down I had amoxicillin as well. Taking something else now which suits me better
Thanks for all the advice reassurance. I suppose I've been very lucky in that I have only had moderate infections till I got this one. A lovely sunny day in the Lakes today and the Doxycycline leaflet tells me to avoid bright sunlight. that's life. x
Take great care. I take doxy all year round & sunshine is a no-no for me. Not everyone is badly affected but I have to either stay in the shade or wear long sleeves, trousers, sunhat, & then sunblock on my hands! It’s such a pain. Some people seem to have a 3 month break in the sunniest months so I’m thinking of doing that, but a bit nervous. Otherwise I think doxy is a really useful one.
Eleanordigby azithromycin is anti inflammatory too,maybe summer alternative to consider x
yes, thanks Pat for the suggestion. I used to do very well on azithromycin but unfortunately no longer allowed it because of a history of non-tuberculous mycobacteria. It’s one of the 3 abs used to treat NTMs, so essential it doesn’t develop resistance. Why is life so difficult? I need a break, as I’m sure do you! X
Hi Tykelady. I have just finished a course of Doxycycline 100 mg for a chest infection, and have been fine taking them. However, l was only given 6 capsules...2 to be taken on the first day and 1 for the remaining 4 days. They haven't made a bit of difference to my condition and l was just wondering if this is a usual dose? Hope you're feeling better soon....Carol x
Hi. Just to add that doxy has made me very sick before and a pharmacist recommended asking GP to prescribe the dispersible version. Apparently nausea and sickness is mainly caused by the coating. The dispersible ones aren’t fully licensed but I’ve never had a problem getting them nor taking them.
It’s strange as when I contracted psitticosis many years ago doxy was the only antibiotic that could kill the infection. After many rounds of different antibiotics over a 5 mth period of ongoing chest infections and then being diagnosed with pneumonia, tests were finally done that indicated psitticosis! I didn’t have any problem taking them then as I recall. (But I had no idea how I contracted that bird disease!!)
I hope that it improves for you.
friend of mine had the same traced to her walk home under a railway bridge where pigeons nesting . pigeons seem to lose a lot of feathers and dust and are large birds. so lots of infectious material.?
took ages to find out despite the fact we worked with the health organisation who dealt with those infections, and even our doctors in charge there didnt think of it, so not surprising it took so long to diagnose .
I had to take Doxycycline double dose for 2 weeks last December. You shouldn’t have any dairy products at the same time. Because of having a duodenal ulcer years ago, I always take medicines with food and use a little milk in tea. I can’t say the 2 weeks were easy but I persevered and avoided a hospital stay. Hope this helps,
I am put down as allergic it caused spots all in my mouth down my osothogis throat. It caused all my veins to throb and face itched.
I threw up straight after the first double dose too. Then I read the side effects and decided to not to take them any more.
Hi, I have always been given doxyciline as I am allergic to the other one. Always taken with milk as I have trouble swallowing. Works for me and its worth a trying 👍
I have read that you should not take antibiotics with milk (or fruit juice). I had Doxy once for a chest infection & didn't notice any side-effects.
do not take doxycycline i refuse it as i have sickness after taking it jean barker
I am usually prescribed Doxy which work fine for me but as my gp has been on maternity leave the other doctors insisted I have Amoxycillin which are a complete waste of time for me and only one week, needless to say the infection has been with my on and off for nearly 6 months. My doctor is now back and I finally got Doxy for the two weeks and I have been alot better. I never take any tablets on an empty tummy and its perhaps why you were sick. I hope you are now ok and they work for you x
It's a very harsh drug and it always affects my stomach every time even after food .
So many helpful replies and mostly saying similar things. Thank you all. Only two more doses to go now. Dorothy xx
I’m very limited on what antibiotics I can take so I’m on doxy a lot. I have learned some tips!
I take it with water but flavoured with something like cordial or juice or Ribena. Don’t gulp a glass, just a very small drink. Sometimes I take an anti sickness tablet around 30 mins before. I always take my dose in the evening so I can sleep off any nausea.
Hope this helps. 🙂
I have doxycycline occasionally and having always had that sickness and dizziness on day 1 despite following the advice I now just take 1 on day 1 instead of 2 and it’s solved the issue. Used to be given 8 tablets for 7 days but now the standard for a rescue pack is 6 tablets over 5 days then talk to my GP if they haven’t done the trick. Hope you’re better equipped now for the future.
Horrible drug, I had such dreadful side effects last time I ended up in A&E. My sight was affected, I went from overheating to hypothermic. Felt faint, dizzy, sick etc. I'm always given 500mg amoxicillin now
Hi. I take doxycycline with a meal that does not contain any dairy or iron as they may affect its effectiveness. I went to the Caribbean when taking doxycycline. I had factor 50 sunscreen. Only the soles of my feet felt like they were burning so the cream went on there too. Currently on doxycycline for a tooth /gum / sinus infection Also remember to be in an upright position for around half an hour afterwards. Hope you’ve stopped feeling nauseous now x
I reacted really badly to doxycycline , a few minutes after taking it I felt shaky , dizzy , it made me sick . I called my gp and while I was waiting for a call back as I felt really unwell , being sick with palpitations and was so shaky and dizzy I called 111 for advice , they sent a rapid responder to check me over . Everything settled down but it’s on my notes not to give me doxycycline due to how I reacted . One gp I saw recently when I had a respiratory infection wanted to put me on doxy but had to prescribe and alternative , he said it is a nasty medication for side effects .
I think it was Doxy that gave me Oesophigitis. Had to take Gaviscon to make it bearable.
Hi Tykelady,
I have taken Doxy quite a bit. It is better taken with food, but no dairy products for an hour before or after. Also, to avoid nausea, you should remain in an upright position for at least an hour after taking it. Avoid bending down for any reason - a walk helps, if you can manage it. Drink plenty of water, whilst on Doxy., but only sips, not gulps. Hope this helps - medication can be so awkward - I, quite recently, had a bad reaction to some medication for my bones - so very sympathetic.
I've learnt a lot from these posts. I 've always gulped Doxy straight down, but I'll be more cautious in future.
I take Doxycycline with my breakfast.it shouldn’t e taken on an empty stomach.hope you are feeling better.
I have taken Doxycycline in my rescue pack for approximately the last 3 years and have never had any problem UNTIL a few weeks back.
I was prescribed a 6 day Doxycycline plan for an "airways infection" (not as part of a rescue plan). I took this for 5 days but had been feeling "queasy" whilst taking it (never felt like it before ) so I decided not to take any more. The next day I felt better and the day after felt even better.
I thought I would finish the last tablet that was left even though I shouldn't. Big mistake big time .... have never felt so ill in all my life with nausea, vomiting, tummy ache, mild itchiness and headache ... so deduced that this was a reaction problem. Rang GP who immediately prescribed another 6 days of a different antibiotic which did the trick in no time.
Sooooooooooooooooo Doxycycline for me for whatever reason will now be a "no, no" in future for me.
I hope your symptoms ease for you but please be aware of possible other symptoms as well.