I am taking 10mg daily maintenance dose of Prednisolone. Does anyone know what the long term side effects might be? Many thanks.
Steroid side effects: I am taking 10mg... - Lung Conditions C...
Steroid side effects

Hello saramic,
If you look at the information leaflet that comes with your steroids there is a list of possible side effects.
You should be given vitamin D and calcium alongside long term steroids as a common side effect is leaching your bones'
Weight gain is also common.
I'm unlucky that I suffered a lot of the great long list of possible side effects. However I'm one of the few who reacted so badly.
I suggest you read the list, try not to worry but if you start reacting go back to your doctor and see them.
If you do react and your doctor refuses to listen (as happened to me) see a different doctor pronto. I wish I had. I left it, thinking he knew best. He didn't.
I expect you will be fine. In most cases the good steroids do outweighs the bad.
I to have had such different responses by GPS to long term use of steroids- which I react badly to. I have found GPS that understand and convinced my Consultant to-- my compromise was to try high dose inhaled steroids-tho obviously not suitable for all!
Saramic, hello,
I have taken Prednislisone on and off now for about 10 years, tapering off of the steroids slowly each time.
Its a difficult journey once you get down to 4-3mg, and you should really take it very slowly.
As for the long term effects, I can only speak for myself as the Steroids can affect everyone differently.
You need to get your doctors/consultants to keep an eye on Calcium, Vitamin D and Inflammatory markers.
You can start with osteoporosis when you have taken the steroids for awhile. Your doctor or consultant ordering a Dexa Scan would let you know if the steroids were affecting your bones, along with the Calcium and Vitamin D blood tests.
I don't know if you suffer any side effects from the steroids, but you must discuss them with your doctors.
Mental health issues can be quite bad long term steroids, depression, anxiety, insomnia.
If your affected by these please see your GP because they can help you. If insomnia is causing a problem, you should take your steroid dose 1st thing in the morning, the later in the day you take them will cause the insomnia to be worse.
Weight gain, is a problem for me and having a mobility disability can cause me serious pain issues, so, once I get over a comfortable weight for me, I see my GP, discuss things and I go on a taper of the, steroids, trying to stay off of them long enough to lose the excess weight gained on them, unfortunately for me symptoms can return aggressively and I have to restart the steroids early.
Its also a really good idea to realise when you are REALLY HUNGRY or you are STEROID HUNGRY, there is a difference and you can learn to recognise the differences instead of going for a few biscuits with a coffee, ignore the false hunger, have a drink of water, and do smething, 9 times out of 10 you will find you really were not hungry.
Keep a diary of daily things, food eaten, drinks, any excercise, any THOUGHTS, how your feeling, when your feeling hungry but find your not, how much fluid you drink per day, things like that, sure you will have things to add to the daily diary, helps to see patterns for a few things and can be helpful for your doctors too.
Hope I have helped you a little, I know in my life that Steroids are a necessary evil, hate taking them for what they do to me, but, I know my body needs them.
Remember we are all different, react to medications differently and our bodies will react differently to the next person.
Caring hugs, Angie, xx
Hungry like a wolf!
I put on a lot of weight. Then I did something about it and lost it, diet and walking. I have kept it down since. No snacks namely sugar. Find something that will trick your head. Marmite on ravita works for me. Dry cream crackers. Its not so difficult just be aware.
I got emotional angry argumentative and upset. Now I dont get angry I am quite a calm person in anycase I still get a little emotional thinking of family and kids but that's not a bad thing its good to remember how much we care about people.
Let your Dr know.
I have been taking this steroid for 14 years in varying doses subject to need such as when I have infection or exacerbation. I wish to repeat everything said by
SarCisMe and add that I have suffered thinning and aging of the skin and easily bruise and cut. The slightest brush against even a chair and my skin can break and I bleed for England as I am on blood thinners as well. My dependence on steroids has increased and even a maintenance dose is rarely below 10 mg a day now. But they seem to be a very necessary evil that helps keeps me functioning.
Thank you, that's useful. I too have noticed the bruising.