I will be traveling to France in October, hopefully. I am on liquid O2 at home and need higher flow that provided by a POC. Any information on getting liquid or tanks in Paris?
Oxygen in France: I will be traveling... - Lung Conditions C...
Oxygen in France

Sorry can't help you as I don't use oxygen but wanted to say have a great holiday x
Hello lzb1948, It should be possible to find liquid oxygen in Paris. a company called SOS Oxygene has a website translatable, using Google Translate, into English. It has depots all over France who will almost certainly deliver liquid oxygen to your hotel, assuming health and safety regs permit it. I used a company similar to this for a holiday in Switzerland last year and they delivered to our hotel, together with a new flask and cannula. They probably won't be cheap - we paid £415 for two weeks supply but we had a great holiday, so it was worth it!
Hi Baz, that is good to know, thanks. Although, how did you manage travelling to Switzerland with oxygen ? There is no PIC which will deliver my prescription. My flasks, supposed to remain in the U K only last 8 hrs and it would take me 2-3 days to drive down to southern Spain.
Hi Pauline, I only need 4-6L/min - so my Inogenone 5 was sufficient with a couple of spare batteries). We went by coach with an overnight stop, used to recharge a battery. i have never used cannister's - could they be used for travel? I should have asked about mode of travel - I guess they may be a no-no on planes.
Another possibility is to have a word with Dolby Vivisol (my home supplier) on 0330 123 0305 or vivitravel@dolbyvivisol.com They are excellent and will provide good service.
Please let us know how you get on Liz.
Thanks for that Baz, my prescription is 4-5 lpm so that Inogen 5 might just do it for me.
I will take a further look at it and investigate further. Really miss being able to travel as easily as I used to do.
Go well.
Hi Liz, it is a puzzle isn’t it ? I used to spend 3 months in Spain during the winter before the pandemic and managed with my own Inogen One then.
I would love to still be able to do that and could probably arrange liquid oxygen via one of the companies whilst there. However the tricky bit is getting oxygen from here in U.K. to the south of Spain.
Really good to read bazcranleigh’s experience of holidaying in Switzerland though. Worth investigation ? Let us know how you get on won’t you ?
Hi Liz, I wonder if these folk can help you ?
Go well,
Hi Pauline. I have contacted them and they will only provide an eclipse POC. I need higher flows than that when I am walking (4 L/M continuous). I used tanks in a backpack when I traveled to England and was hoping to find those or liquid.
Hiya Liz,Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious but have you spoken to your UK provider? They may be able to recommend a firm or even have a reciprocal arrangement with a French business.
Holidays are now beyond me but when I last considered going abroad my supplier would have arranged it for me at no charge so give them a bell if you haven't. I hope you have a great trip and salute your courage and strength, it's very inspiring.
All the best,
No problem Liz, having checked it is I who failed to notice you are based in the US I hope you can sort it without paying an arm or a leg. This certainly makes your trip even more impressive, how's your French? Parisiens aren't too keen on speaking English, hopefully you will be forgiven if you don't having travelled so far. The French take a dim view of Brits visiting with no grasp of the language, probably deservedly as they are our nearest neighbours