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Pulmonary fibrosis

Currygirl profile image
27 Replies

Hi has anyone heard of MMS protocol treatment ? X

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Currygirl profile image
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27 Replies
Haggisgirl profile image

I have p.f. I'm take m.m.f and steroids ,I've not heard of m.m.s

MMaud profile image

Hi Currygirl, could you give us a bit more information on MMS. It isn't a term I am familiar with.

Izb1 profile image

If this is the miracle cure for multiple diseases it has been banned in alot of countries so please be careful and read reviews as its very damaging x

O2Trees profile image

I wouldn't touch this with a barge pole Currygirl. It is a form of bleach (remember when Trump was advocating taking bleach for curing Covid?) It's main proponent seems to be a scientologist named Humble who wrote a book about it.

Read about it here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirac... - please dont even think of taking it. People have died taking it.

Verbena_67 profile image
Verbena_67 in reply to O2Trees

Lol! I'm in the us and he never said ppl should take bleach... he asked if there was a type of disinfectant that ppl could take, which is actually a thing. They use it in certain cancers. The media is evil.

Currygirl profile image
Currygirl in reply to Verbena_67

Thanks Verbena yes I thought that was the case it's called MMS and stands for master mineral solution

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Verbena_67

He did suggest injecting disinfectant though, there’s a clip of the press conference on YouTube

Currygirl profile image
Currygirl in reply to eleanordigby

It's not the same the media do elaborate in their favour and look at all the lies that float around about everything else xx

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Currygirl

I’m not saying it’s the same, just clarifying what Trump said about covid. As for MMS, I’m with O2Trees

Daisychains01 profile image
Daisychains01 in reply to eleanordigby

Yes, he did. And there is such a thing as disinfectant being injected into veins. They use it for certain cancers. They completely mangled his words and ran with it. Most people don't realize that there is such a disinfectant. BUT, even still, he NEVER told ppl to drink bleach. He was asking questions. He didn't say anything wrong. He also brought HCQ to the table which NUMEROUS doctors globally used successfully during COVID. But again the media, ridiculed him. It's a disgrace what happened. So many people died unneccessarily all because they were not given proper treatments. And the docs who came forward were fired, or censored. What a world.

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Daisychains01

You’ve made a great many assertions there, with no links and not a shred of evidence. Therefore I prefer not to engage with you.

Daisychains01 profile image
Daisychains01 in reply to eleanordigby

Only truths. You don't need to :)

Daisychains01 profile image
Daisychains01 in reply to eleanordigby

I didn't say anything mean towards you. I'm not sure why you would say that you no longer want to engage with me. But, I have seen your anger towards some others too, here in the past, we all have crosses to bear, and life gets tough. We should still watch out words.

Verbena_67 profile image

Look up Dr. Burzynski. He's had a cure for cancer. They want to stop him. Watch this when you have time. It's enlightening. youtu.be/qQKaCTdrmJc

Verbena_67 profile image
Verbena_67 in reply to Verbena_67

This should be a place where ppl can come to share experiences and treatments of all kind. Not just the same ones we are hearing from our mainstream doctors.

Verbena_67 profile image

Never heard of it. I will research it.

eleanordigby profile image

About Dr Burzynski:



“In lieu of scientific evidence, his clinic relies on gushing testimonials to lure new customers, though in some cases, these come from patients already deceased – a fact absent from the promotional material.”

Daisychains01 profile image
Daisychains01 in reply to eleanordigby

Eleanor, from all your comments, it seems to me you are a contrarian. Have you read about all the people's lives he has saved, or did you just go directly to the google fact check? Willful ignorance is dangerous.

Daisychains01 profile image
Daisychains01 in reply to eleanordigby

You don't realize that we have a government that doesn't want to cure. They make too much on pharmaceuticals. Do a little research and read about Rockefeller, and what he did to our universities... I know of three people who had cancer and were cured by going to Mexico and getting their unconventional treatments. It seems to me that you want to steamroll over anyone with a differing view. You believe only yours counts. You have reported so many ppl, that I'm surprised the moderator hasn't shut you down. This is supposed to be a place where ppl can come to SHARE ideas and not be reprimanded because someone else has a differing opinion, or worse yet, never did any research beyond a fact check google search. You are naive, and angry.

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Daisychains01

Please back off & leave me alone. As I’ve said, I’ve no intention of entering into a discussion with you, and anyway this is Currygirl’s thread. But I must correct you and say I’ve only ever reported one person, and that was for promoting antivax conspiracy theories, which is against this forum’s rules.

Currygirl profile image

Oh dear I'm so sorry I mentioned about MMS seems to have caused a bit of a scuffle love to all x

Verbena_67 profile image
Verbena_67 in reply to Currygirl

No, you did the right thing...you brought another idea to the table. It's unfortunate that some ppl were nvr taught if they have nothing nice to say, they should say nothing. Every community has its bully.

eleanordigby profile image

Don’t be sorry, dear Currygirl. You haven’t caused any scuffle at all. You’re very welcome here and you’ll find us to be a very supportive group. But most of us are sceptical about unproven treatments which can be dangerous, and worry when we see someone who might be sucked into trying them. Unfortunately there are a few who insist on promoting these (which is actually against the forum guidelines.) You weren’t doing that though, you just asked the question. I think it’s natural, when first diagnosed with something horrible, to want to explore all avenues. You keep posting! You’ll find us a very friendly bunch 😘

Currygirl profile image

Hi just wondering what meds has anyone been given fo pulmonary fibrosis, I haven't yet been given any only ambulatory oxegyn which I'm reluctant to use xx

Yes MMS = Chlorine Dioxide misunderstood by the majority that doesn't know the chemistry or that everyone on here reading this has benefited and/or ingested it hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of times in their lifetime. If you ever shopped at a supermarket all meats beef, poultry and seafood as well as all fruits and vegetables are sprayed with it and doesn't need to be rinsed and that's ok with the FDA. It's used for canned goods, some mouthwashes and toothpastes. They spray it in hospitals, schools and some businesses as it kills all viruses like MRSA and SARS. They use it to disinfect and sterilize colonoscopy cameras, breathing tubes and liquid tubes to remove bio sludge. It's been put into blood bags since 1994 to kill HIV and other pathogens. Starting to see a pattern? I personally drank hundreds of gallons of the stuff. It works. It's NOT BLEACH!! Bleach is Sodium HYPOchlorite. Emphasis added. A lot of things "bleach" (verb) lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, vodka, ozone etc. Really read up on it. I've taken it for years. NOT dangerous in fact it's laughable if not very tiring to see comments from people that just don't know. They may mean well but this is the most suppressed - do not talk about substance in the USA! It would sink the medical profession fast. No one has died from it. It's used in 50% of the water treatment plants mostly in the south and southeast mainly. Ever drink bottled water? They purify it with Chlorine Dioxide. I could go on forever. Visit g2church on Brighteon and you'll find a plethora of info. It's also been named the Universal Antidote by NASA back in the 80's.

Currygirl profile image
Currygirl in reply to RELEASETHEGRENONS

I'm glad someone else has heard of MMS nobody in Cornwall UK has not even the doctors I'm still learning about it myself. Hope everyone is keeping well and happy New year to all xx

Yes I know, even here in the USA Dr's. may have heard of it but don't have a clue what it is and it's all around them. There's a lot to this simple molecule that does so much. The Dr's. have been robbed of a lot of information not just concerning something like this but many other treatments. They are only to play in the field that their profession is set up to do and not to wander off the overseer's path. Another thing never bother to ask them about exercise or nutrition. They just don't spend any time on it in med. school, unfortunately. Plus their hands are tied on alternative treatments unless you can find someone that's really been around for a while and will help. Pulmonary fibrosis, I believe this is something an old friend of mine has as I've told him of this and he's wearing the oxygen tube and had to recently give up his business as he could no longer function up to par. I told him MMS will help get the oxygen to the blood stream and tissues that needed it along with a bunch of other corrections it will make. It's all new to him as well. Not even sure if he's started any treatments but I gave him the info and sent him ebooks and links. You can start here mmstestimonials.co/ and you'll see a bunch of things that people have given their testimonies to and it's not the only place to look but do check out the Brighteon.com video channel and specifically search G2Church and click videos as that will open up a large library of videos. Google and YouTube are owned by Alphabet and they made a decision to censor anything positive about this stuff roughly 5 to 6 years ago. If you search on the internet it's better to use duckduckgo or some search engine that won't filter. You'll get more results and a better look at things. BTW I like chicken curry LOL Happy New Year! Keep up the fight!

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